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Protecting Church Abusers

As a man he should have done what ever it took to protect the kids... He chose a pay check. He pimped those boys. As did everyone one else who knew what was going.

Maybe legally he did enough morally he was/is a coward.
paterno could have resigned then went to the victims and all went to the state of pa and then got the issue resolved.

is it that hard?
For the record:

Penn State University has its own police department, which is controlled by the university. When McQuery saw Sandusky in the shower with a boy, McQuery obeyed the law and reported it to his superior, Joe Paterno. Paterno obeyed the law and reported it to his superior, who will be going on trial in a few months for perjury. This man, the athletic director, obeyed the law by going to the PSU police, which was then ordered to cover it up. None of this was illegal, but Paterno and the university president were fired for not doing more. All of then testified to a grand jury investigation that they were telling everything they knew.

But THEN, an investigation led by the former FBI director discovered that in 1998, Penn State had done an internal investigation and found that the rumors about Sandusky were true. The decision was made to cover it up, and since the PSU police director was informed, it was not illegal. But the report shows that Paterno knew, had agreed to the cover-up, and he had committed perjury by not telling the grand jury.

Penn State University had found a loop hole. They are required to report suspected child abuse to the police, but they controlled the police. Everyone knew that this was morally wrong, but nobody went to the Pennsylvania State Police.
Returning to the original theme, the people who believe in protecting the abusers against their victims are starting to make their case. While protecting the abusers has always taken place, the protectors are now going pubic.

Decades ago, the son of pastor of the World's Largest Sunday School began aggressively molesting teen-age girls, progressing to affairs and adultery. His skilled ability to work the system enabled him to destroy over a dozen marriages, wreck about four churches, and escape justice.

Currently he is trying to work his way back into paid speaking engagements by writing about how God has called him to be the voice of restoration. He writes frequently about how his accusers are hurting his mother (a Godly woman in her eighties) and how they had hurt his dad (who had covered up his son's sins while he tried to get his son to repent). The son has made no attempt to obey the Biblical commands to get things right, insisting instead that his accusers are hypocrites, hateful, etc.

Since the victims actually are inflicting suffering on the families of their abusers, what should be done. THE ABUSERS SHOULD OBEY THE BIBLICAL COMMANDS TO GET THINGS RIGHT WITH THEIR VICTIMS. But the pastor's son opposes those commands.
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Returning to the original theme, the people who believe in protecting the abusers against their victims are starting to make their case. While protecting the abusers has always taken place, the protectors are now going pubic.

Decades ago, the son of pastor of the World's Largest Sunday School began aggressively molesting teen-age girls, progressing to affairs and adultery. His skilled ability to work the system enabled him to destroy over a dozen marriages, wreck about four churches, and escape justice.

Currently he is trying to work his way back into paid speaking engagements by writing about how God has called him to be the voice of restoration. He writes frequently about how his accusers are hurting his mother (a Godly woman in her eighties) and how they had hurt his dad (who had covered up his son's sins while he tried to get his son to repent). The son has made no attempt to obey the Biblical commands to get things right, insisting instead that his accusers are hypocrites, hateful, etc.

Since the victims actually are inflicting suffering n the families of their abusers, what should be done. THE ABUSERS SHOULD OBEY THE BIBLICAL COMMANDS TO GET THINGS RIGHT WITH THEIR VICTIMS. But the pastor's son opposes those commands.

These pastors have not learnt anything from the incident with Eli. Eli knew what his sons were doing.
How many Catholic priests have been charged in sexual abuse cases in the last 20 years or so? A hundred or more?

So sad that so many priests were just moved around rather than face the law.
How many Catholic priests have been charged in sexual abuse cases in the last 20 years or so? A hundred or more?

So sad that so many priests were just moved around rather than face the law.

I agree with you that they just move them around. But, it happens in other denominations as well...they just aren't as public as the catholic denomination is the largest run church in the world.
I agree with you that they just move them around. But, it happens in other denominations as well...they just aren't as public as the catholic denomination is the largest run church in the world.

Oh, of course. But the Catholic church has much more power to cover up such cases.
Oh, of course. But the Catholic church has much more power to cover up such cases.

The Catholic church DELIBERATELY covered up these incidences. Despite this many still have faith in the Catholic church. Christ said, you will know a tree by its fruits. A CORRUPT TREE CANNOT BRING FORTH GOOD FRUITS. I am not against the catholic church, they do a lot of good, but there are people who are not christians who do the same thing. The facts speak for themselves. If the CC was civil group doing these things, there would be a hue and a cry. Religious organisations shame the demons in hell.

Why do priest take advantage of young vulnerable children. The whole system needs dismantling.
As an aside...the countries that have a large catholic populations seems to be the poorest..something to think about.
Making the argument that other churches are involved in this behaviour is so silly. Why compare evil with evil. This behaviour in the catholic church is inexcusable.
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The Catholic church DELIBERATELY covered up these incidences. Despite this many still have faith in the Catholic church. Christ said, you will know a tree by its fruits. A CORRUPT TREE CANNOT BRING FORTH GOOD FRUITS. I am not against the catholic church, they do a lot of good, but there are people who are not christians who do the same thing. The facts speak for themselves. If the CC was civil group doing these things, there would be a hue and a cry. Religious organisations shame the demons in hell.

When a religious organisation is so powerful that it had it's own country...well, i'm not surprised they felt justified in justifying the actions of those priests.

If God does exist then hopefully there's a special circle of Hell reserved for those who abused all those kids.
When a religious organisation is so powerful that it had it's own country...well, i'm not surprised they felt justified in justifying the actions of those priests.

If God does exist then hopefully there's a special circle of Hell reserved for those who abused all those kids.

Please remember that religion and Christianity is not the same, by the same token a religious organisation is not necessarily a Christian organsisation.
I am not sure if that comment was directed at my post as comparing evil to evil is silly? I was trying to make a point that it happens everywhere, not making the catholic church the only organization that this happens to.

I guess I am bias on this topic if you read my post earlier in this thread.
If God does exist then hopefully there's a special circle of Hell reserved for those who abused all those kids.
I don't know why false teachers who abuse the flock think they will somehow live forever and not have to face the music someday, but if Vince was talking about Jack Hyles he (Hyles) now knows all too well about the punishment of the wicked. He died in 2001.

"24 The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them." (1 Timothy 5:24 NIV1984)
Please remember that religion and Christianity is not the same, by the same token a religious organisation is not necessarily a Christian organsisation.
And the more that pastors think they have to build their churches by the standards of the world in the interest of worldly achievement, as the world measures that, the more we will continue to have godless mega ministries and denominations led by men thoroughly seduced by the evils of the world, bringing the true church into disrepute.

I see this great divide between the church of the world and the true church of Christ. I didn't see it until I got born again. And it seems the bigger and more influential and accepted they are the more likely they are of the world. But should that be a surprise? When you play by the world's rules (size, influence, popularity, etc.) how is it that it's impossible that you can't be of the world? I think that's reason to take a closer look.
And the more that pastors think they have to build their churches by the standards of the world in the interest of worldly achievement, as the world measures that, the more we will continue to have godless mega ministries and denominations led by men thoroughly seduced by the evils of the world, bringing the true church into disrepute.

I see this great divide between the church of the world and the true church of Christ. I didn't see it until I got born again. And it seems the bigger and more influential and accepted they are the more likely they are of the world. But should that be a surprise? When you play by the world's rules (size, influence, popularity, etc.) how is it that it's impossible that you can't be of the world? I think that's reason to take a closer look.

Words of wisdom.:wave
Abide, I've noticed that you're also making some very good points.

Thank you.:) I am glad that I came to this site. I have been on Christian sites, and I am still a member of one, but I believe the people are sincere in what they believe. I am enjoying myself here.
Elsewhere on the web, there is a Christian hate site that rips into a lot of people, including the people who heard about abuse in their church and didn't do anything. A fellow who had been expelled from a Bible college for gang violence wrote in, describing how they had been picking on anther student. They finally dragged him into a car, told him repeatedly that they were gong to kill him, and then dropped him off several miles from the college. The writer complained about how unfair the college was to expel him. Not one person on the forum objected.
Continuing from my last post, a few years ago, a fellow wrote onto the Christian hate site, ridiculing the college president for preaching against gang violence. Nobody wrote in to object.

When faced with church abuse, most people are unsure of themselves, afraid, uncertain, and confused. Their failure to stop the abuse is, unfortunately, normal behavior. If you observe church abuse, you have to take a courageous stand. And if you're the victim of church abuse, don't feel that everyone abandoned you.
The counsel of scripture is very plain. When the leadership sins, they are to be rebuked publicly.

19 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. 20 Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning." (1 Timothy 5:19-20 NIV1984)

Ok first of all, where do you get off to get the audacity to insinuate that these men who were sodomizing young boys are elders or so called men of God?

These men are nothing more than wolves in sheeps clothing. These child abusing men who are in a spiritual position of authority are nothing more than evil men with a religious antichrist spirit.

It's sad because of the corrupt doctrines of the Roman catholic church prevent priests from having wives and having sex and because of it they have sex with little boys and each other.

Those false doctrines are heretic. We need to look at the root of the problem and not at the men. The root is the false man made doctrines that have crept into the church. Let priests have wives instead of telling them they cant.