Jim Marion wrote a book called "Putting on the Mind of Christ." In it he explains spiritual stages.
There are spiritual levels of thinking & sensing that one generally transcends in somewhat of an order, although they can also be integral... (I'm most familiar with 1 - 7).
1. The Archaic Consciousness of Infants (extreme codependency)
2. The Magical Consciousness of Children (Egocentric/self-centered)
3. Mythic Consciousness - Pre-Adolescence (Conformist, rule abider, parents are considered perfect/godlike... religious wars are based on this thinking)
4. Rational Consciousness (most adults are at this level - reason things out, but is often only considering one possible line of reason)
5. Vision-Logic Consciousness (Considers multiple possible lines of reason)
6. Psychic Consciousness (Sensing a spiritual energy of self and others, & at times a deeper understanding of past, present & future, by reading energy)
7. Dark Night of the Senses (5 senses no longer are enough, a higher sense is more the focus)<O:p
8. Subtle Consciousness (Discovering more spiritual guidance)
9. The Dark Night of the Soul (realizing the hidden/dark parts - bringing subconscious to awareness in a loving way)
10. Resurrection from the Dark Night (Realizing we are more than the fears/shame we had previously tried to keep dark, now that it all is brought to light, we feel light)
11. Christ Consciousness - The Causal Level (True Christian love, having confronted the humanity in self, one finds compassion for the humanity in all)
12. Nondual Consciousness - Ascension into the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
</st1:PlaceType>Kingdom of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Heaven (</st1:PlaceName>one with God - so that thoughts, feelings & actions are one with God & better flow with higher/spiritual purpose)<O:p</O:p
Which stage do you think most applies to you in your life currently?
What do you think about these spiritual stages of development?
There are spiritual levels of thinking & sensing that one generally transcends in somewhat of an order, although they can also be integral... (I'm most familiar with 1 - 7).
1. The Archaic Consciousness of Infants (extreme codependency)
2. The Magical Consciousness of Children (Egocentric/self-centered)
3. Mythic Consciousness - Pre-Adolescence (Conformist, rule abider, parents are considered perfect/godlike... religious wars are based on this thinking)
4. Rational Consciousness (most adults are at this level - reason things out, but is often only considering one possible line of reason)
5. Vision-Logic Consciousness (Considers multiple possible lines of reason)
6. Psychic Consciousness (Sensing a spiritual energy of self and others, & at times a deeper understanding of past, present & future, by reading energy)
7. Dark Night of the Senses (5 senses no longer are enough, a higher sense is more the focus)<O:p
8. Subtle Consciousness (Discovering more spiritual guidance)
9. The Dark Night of the Soul (realizing the hidden/dark parts - bringing subconscious to awareness in a loving way)
10. Resurrection from the Dark Night (Realizing we are more than the fears/shame we had previously tried to keep dark, now that it all is brought to light, we feel light)
11. Christ Consciousness - The Causal Level (True Christian love, having confronted the humanity in self, one finds compassion for the humanity in all)
12. Nondual Consciousness - Ascension into the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
Which stage do you think most applies to you in your life currently?
What do you think about these spiritual stages of development?