I think it's not so much about there being no time to God, but rather since he moves so much quicker than things on earth, time to Him passes by much quicker. That's what Einstein's theory of relativity is all about. He discovered that time is relative, not constant. Scientists up to that time had held time to be the constant of the universe (the one thing that never changes no matter where you're at and the thing which any and all things can be measured against). But he found out that the passage of time speeds up relative to something else that is traveling slower. Time is not the constant of the universe.
So, when the earth was being created the passage of time for God was relative to the speed by which he moves, while the passage of time for earth was relative to the slower speed by which we move. That means while time was ticking away for God in days during creation, time for earth was ticking away simultaneously in thousands of years. Time is not a universal constant. It passes by relative to how fast you are moving in relation to something else.
"8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (2 Peter 3:8 NIV)