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Question about Prayer

I knew a woman who had a relationship with God and she said she was in constant communication with him and would talk to him about everything. It didn't matter how minor the issue, she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear. Now switch to football and the rival teams would huddle in prayer before the game. I always assumed each team was praying for a win and thought it odd that God might prefer one team over another. But later, I was told that praying for a win was wrong, and they were praying for the team to not get injured stuff like that. My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don't care for football and don't mind a long walk both seem pretty petty).
I knew a woman who had a relationship with God and she said she was in constant communication with him and would talk to him about everything. It didn't matter how minor the issue, she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear. Now switch to football and the rival teams would huddle in prayer before the game. I always assumed each team was praying for a win and thought it odd that God might prefer one team over another. But later, I was told that praying for a win was wrong, and they were praying for the team to not get injured stuff like that. My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don't care for football and don't mind a long walk both seem pretty petty).

Hey, whatever's really important to a person : )

Although I think my first response would be there are more important things to be praying about in either case.

Blessings in Christ, and welcome to Christian forums.
Prayer is basically talking to God about our wants and our needs or just having a conversation with Him like a best friend, in which He is. God already knows what we need before we even speak it. There is nothing that is silly or so stupid we can not pray for. Even I pray for a handicap parking spot when I go somewhere as it is very hard for me to walk distance and God has always brought me to the right spot and very grateful for that. I'm not into sports so no need to pray for my favorite team, but there is nothing wrong with praying for their safety, but we can only hope for a win.

[My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don’t care for football and don’t mind a long walk both seem pretty petty.]

While “may the best team win”, or “please help me and my mates to play well and be safe”, would generally be a healthier desire, a desire for the worse team to win might at times be justified, eg a madman might be going to release COVID25 unless an unseeded team miraculously beats the number 1 team. My needs might out way my neighbour’s needs for the last remaining parking slot in a busy city. But often such things are as you say, petty, but children often ask and get petty things.

Yet prayer is not magic, and prayer doesn’t work though it can influence. God can work, and our requests can influence how he works. As C S Lewis put it, God considers our requests.

Some requests will definitely be in line with our God-given mission, even as Jesus’ requests were (and always answered—“if it be your will” is no exception). Hence the promise that praying in line with Jesus’ will (in his name) would get the same results as if Jesus prayed them. But a mere tacking on of “in Jesus’ name” won’t work any magic (Ac.19:13), and mere selfishness doesn’t get far (Jas.4:3).

Above and beyond, our father is open to hearing from us, so we’re encouraged to put into words what we’d like from him (Php.4:6). These will be considered but not always seconded by God.

And while for simple I’ve used the term prayer, as request, there are many types of prayer, such as chat, complaint, praise, adoration, etc. You might enjoy
Prayer is literally talking to God. Immature Christians will always pray for things that may be naive, or short-sighted. During our sanctification, one of the things that God is working on in us is praying for the right things. The best example of how to pray is the Lord's Prayer, and a good model to use is to start each prayer with praise and thanksgiving in response to what God has already done, then we move into the petition portion where we are asking God for something, but we should always ask God to reveal His will for us, which will ultimately help shape our prayers to be more effective and meaningful.

There are plenty of people who will pray nonsense, which can include prayers before a game or the like. Honestly, when we pray before that kind of event we should always simply ask that God be glorified by the outcome and that no one gets injured during the game if it be His will.

Something else to point out. God is not our buddy or friend. He is the creator of the universe, however, He does delight in His creation, and when we seek His will and thank Him for the gifts and trials He is glorified.
The woman might claim God provided her with a good parking spot....but I don't believe it works that way. God does not stand in every parking lot, directing traffic.

To Pray for something selfish or self-serving is generally not a good idea in my opinion....God does not want us to be selfish if I recall.
I knew a woman who had a relationship with God and she said she was in constant communication with him and would talk to him about everything. It didn't matter how minor the issue, she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear. Now switch to football and the rival teams would huddle in prayer before the game. I always assumed each team was praying for a win and thought it odd that God might prefer one team over another. But later, I was told that praying for a win was wrong, and they were praying for the team to not get injured stuff like that. My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don't care for football and don't mind a long walk both seem pretty petty).
Historically, we've seen how different cultures and religions have grappled with the question of what is appropriate to pray for. The ancient Romans had gods for every aspect of life, while other traditions emphasize detachment from worldly desires.

In our modern context, I would suggest that the issue isn't so much about what we pray for, but rather our attitude in prayer. Are we seeking to align ourselves with God's will, or are we treating the divine as a cosmic vending machine? Both the parking space and the football victory can be approached with humility and gratitude.

Perhaps instead of judging the content of our prayers, we should focus on cultivating a spirit of openness, love, and trust in our conversations with God. Whether we're facing a packed parking lot or a challenging game, let our prayers be an opportunity to grow in faith and deepen our relationship with the divine.
I knew a woman who had a relationship with God and she said she was in constant communication with him and would talk to him about everything. It didn't matter how minor the issue, she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear. Now switch to football and the rival teams would huddle in prayer before the game. I always assumed each team was praying for a win and thought it odd that God might prefer one team over another. But later, I was told that praying for a win was wrong, and they were praying for the team to not get injured stuff like that. My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don't care for football and don't mind a long walk both seem pretty petty).

About prayer:

Psalms 66:18 - God will not hear me if I regard iniquity in my heart.
1 Peter 3:12
- God's face is against the sinful believer.
James 4:3 - Prayer is not answered when it is in pursuit of fleshly lusts.
James 5:16b - It is the prayer of a righteous man that is effectual.
1 John 5:14-15 - God answers prayers made in accord with His will.
John 14:13-14 - God answers prayers made in Christ's name that desire his glory.
Matthew 6:7 - Don't "heap up empty words" in prayer, thinking that repetition of prayers moves God.
Ecclesiastes 5:2 - Be few in your words to God, not being hasty to utter careless, disrespectful prayers to Him.

We may come "boldly unto to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need," but it is always to a THRONE, not a sofa, or a table in a coffee shop, we come when we pray. And it is to a God "high and lifted up" to whom we pray:

Isaiah 6:1-4
1 ...I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.
2 Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.
3 And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."
4 And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke.

Revelation 1:12-18
12 Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands;
13 and in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like a son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to the feet, and girded across His chest with a golden sash.
14 His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire.
15 His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters.
16 In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.
17 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last,
18 and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win
It's O.K. to prayer for both.
The next question might be: Can I affect the outcome of the game by praying? Can I control God such that He responds to my prayer?

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words. 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear.
🤔🤔🤔 maybe I should get to know her and get her to help me with a lottery number 🤔
I dunno 🤷‍♀️ I live in a small but rapidly growing city 🌆 and sometimes getting decent parking requires divine intervention.

In general I’m becoming an outlier in that I try to pray in the way Jesus Christ outlines…enemies nations leaders forgiveness for sins petitioning for what I want…

But I’m not one lately to pray for a long time or get emotional (usually) and I think I’d probably pray silently if my mind didn’t jump around so much.

I don’t think any one way of praying is necessarily better or anything. My own problem is that I got kind of…concerned…about the lack of morality and Christian worldview in some groups and types of people whose faith I had once found inspiring and worth emulating.

I guess my rambling…sorry for hijacking!…leads to this: I kind of think that some people enjoy praying church and even devotionals but they seem to lack a fundamental understanding of Jesus Christ Christian morality etc, so more therapeutic exercises than anything else…
I knew a woman who had a relationship with God and she said she was in constant communication with him and would talk to him about everything. It didn't matter how minor the issue, she would ask him to find a parking space at a busy mall and inevitably a spot near the entrance would appear. Now switch to football and the rival teams would huddle in prayer before the game. I always assumed each team was praying for a win and thought it odd that God might prefer one team over another. But later, I was told that praying for a win was wrong, and they were praying for the team to not get injured stuff like that. My question is, why is it okay to pray for a parking space and not okay to pray for a win (since I don't care for football and don't mind a long walk both seem pretty petty).
Praying for any sports team is idolatry imo. God knows our needs and provides for them. Not our wants. Praying for a sports team is imo a want, not a need.
But you are praying to God. By that logic it's bad to pray for anyone.
Praying for some one/thing implies that indeed they need their Creator.

How much further away from idolatry can that get?

Ahh, cheers,