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Is it true that Pagan religious out date Christianity? Being in this before that's what I've always been told to believe. Also if Christianity is the only true religion why were there religions WAY before it was even known? No historical records ever site Christianity past 2,000-4,000 B.C.
Doesn't Christianity refer to followers of Jesus Christ? How can one be a follower of Jesus before Jesus? This is why Christianity only dates back 2,000 years. Prior to Jesus, Israel followed God...well....most of the time....or....sometimes.
If you'll notice, a number of pagan cultures had the idea of a savior who overcame death and/or a son of a god lighting the way for humanity. C.S. Lewis called these "good dreams," given to pagan cultures. Christ is the fulfillment of humanity's longing for a way to be right with God. He came out of the Jewish tradition, which is ancient, but He has universal appeal because His purpose was to save all of humanity.

Besides, paganism is really just the spiritual side of man's natural inclinations. Making gods of nature, of other humans, of themselves; calling all sorts of deviant behavior (such as homosexual temple prostitution) "sacred"; sacrificing humans to their idols--this is what humanity is like without God. Just because it may pre-date Christianity doesn't mean it has any validity.
If you'll notice, a number of pagan cultures had the idea of a savior who overcame death and/or a son of a god lighting the way for humanity. C.S. Lewis called these "good dreams," given to pagan cultures. Christ is the fulfillment of humanity's longing for a way to be right with God. He came out of the Jewish tradition, which is ancient, but He has universal appeal because His purpose was to save all of humanity.

Besides, paganism is really just the spiritual side of man's natural inclinations. Making gods of nature, of other humans, of themselves; calling all sorts of deviant behavior (such as homosexual temple prostitution) "sacred"; sacrificing humans to their idols--this is what humanity is like without God. Just because it may pre-date Christianity doesn't mean it has any validity.

Kudo. Good shot
I agree, CE, that was a good answer.

Also, certain of God's truths as well as certain events have impacted the world and the world has developed it's own "myths" regarding these truths...

Good case in point here would be the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and other global flood stories from cultures all around the world. The "Gilgamesh" story certainly predates Moses...but both Moses and the writers of the "Epic" are referring to a common event that took place in prehistoric times.

Another case in point would be the fact that Confucius cited the "Golden Rule" long before Christ walked this earth. But, Confucius simply was stating something that is true in this world...that one shouldn't do to someone else, what one wouldn't want done to them. Christ one-upped it by stating that not only should we not do things to others that we don't want done to ourselves...but we should actively treat others in the way we want to be treated. Since God's principles are true, they are going to be true for all time throughout all places...and man applies some interesting spins to the truth.
Is it true that Pagan religious out date Christianity? Being in this before that's what I've always been told to believe. Also if Christianity is the only true religion why were there religions WAY before it was even known? No historical records ever site Christianity past 2,000-4,000 B.C.

Well considering Christainity is the full revelation of faith in the one true God, and we see the beginning of that revelation in God's dealings with the first man, I wonder where the question is coming from? Lnowledge of the one true God, and the way of salvation is as old as the world is.
Is it true that Pagan religious out date Christianity? Being in this before that's what I've always been told to believe. Also if Christianity is the only true religion why were there religions WAY before it was even known? No historical records ever site Christianity past 2,000-4,000 B.C.

Considering we all descended from Noah, I believe his sons were taught the things of the Lord, and then as they dispersed and became other families and nations contorted the truth which is why you have similar themes in religions.

Christianity is not a new religion or afterthought of God. It's all in Genesis (the first few chapters) BEFORE Noah and the other religions came about. We have to realize that Christ is just the revelation of that which was foreordained and foreshadowed. Christ is just the end result, just like a completed house is the end result of planning previously, so that house is not new at the time of completion, except in manifestation, but was conceived in thought way before it was done.


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