lordkalvan said:By the way, it was my impression that the Dover case ended with the conclusion of the court that the subtext beneath the muddy waters of ID propaganda was that indeed God was the designer concealed in a maze of rhetoric.
Dover is a good example of Darwinist dark-ages mentality as they argue that Students should not be told that THERE EXISTS A BOOK IN THE LIBRARY called ...
As Darwinists "supposed it was a good thing" for OSBORN to HIDE the uncertainty and doubt about his dubious pigs-tooth claim so as not to INFORM the public about the truth that casts doubt on atheist darwinist doctrine -- So ALSO a judge in Dover unwittingly argues that students NOT be ALLOWED to know that OTHER solutions are available beyond the junk-science religious arguments of darwinism.
It is a good example of a non-science judge being unwittingly manipulated into supposing that he was in a position to know something -- anything -- about science at all!!
It is a good example of propaganda and dark-ages pogrom and rank censorship. It is not an example of "Science anything" just more "Nebraska man antics" to influence a contrived "monkey trial".
The enlightened people of America still reject that dark-ages censorship according to a 2005 survey and Patterson himself admits that the only thing we can be SURE of about darwinISM is that "it should NOT be taught in highschool".
Evaluating the pure-propaganda tactic of spinning a non-science judge around a few times and using him as rebuttal to Colin Patterson -- is left for as an exercise for the reader.
The fact that you imagine this to be a "good thing" in the light of the fact we have all LEFT the dark ages except for Darwinists -- speaks for itself!
Clearly - given a choice between SCIENCE and the fumblings of a non-SCIENCe judge -- the Darwinists chooses NON-SCIENCE every time!!