lordkalvan said:
BobRyan said:
Or maybe you will find a way to exegete Exodus 20:8-11 such that it shows Moses preaching Darwinism. (So far your most thorough treatment of it has been in the form <snip Ex 20:8-11> in a true "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" solution)
We will see.....
You seem determined to ignore every argument I have made to show that your interpretation of Exodus and its relationship to Genesis is disputed, not just by agnostics, atheists and 'Darwinist-Christians', but also by biblical scholars with no evolutionary axe to grind - unless you believe that Talmudic Rabbis and Moses Maimonides had a 'Darwinist' agenda underlying their understanding of OT text.
1. I have already conceded that even the ORTHODOX (i.e most strict of the Jewish sects) have caved in to Darwinian doctrine.
2. I have asked that you show "actual exegesis" of the Exodus 20:8-11 takes so IT can be "seen" to make your case... you steadfastly refuse to do that -- preferring to "talk around that point" instead.
3. You also provide no example of anyone ELSE exegeting Exodus 20:8-11 showing THE TEXT to conform to the usage you need to make of it. All you show is that there are those who agree with your need to spin it -- but so far nothing showing IN EXODUS 20 (from either you or any of your sources showing that the TEXT was intented to be bent in such a darwinist fashion).
4. Most innexplicable of ALL - when we compare your approach here to the one you used on the "Food for Noah" thread where you argued that the TEXT is faulty and can not be relied upon as a source of truth -- you have no problem admitting that the text does not support your bias... why not simply admit the same thing here as well? Use the same solution??
Having said that -- I still have THIS question for you -- why do you struggle so much trying to get the text to agree with you when ALSO claim the word of God is corrupt? (see your quotes below)
lordkalvan said:
5. The OT was compiled several thousand years after the events it purports to recount in a language almost certainly different from that in which it was originally conceived and subsequently requiring translation into English for us to understand. That errors, ambiguities and downright absurdities might be incorporated over the centuries as a result of mis-rememberings, mistranslations, innocent copying errors and the desire to tell a better story seems inevitable to anyone with even a passing understanding of the vagaries of the oral record
lordkalvan said:
I am not proposing an either/or solution; I am pointing to textual inadequacies that support the conclusion that the OT is not an inerrant text.
Given that you are already arguing FOR the untrustworthy unreliable nature of the Bible -- why do you spend so much time running away from exegesis of the text? Go ahead and admit that text is not preaching Darwinism and is promoting a 7 day week for humans - based on the 7 day week of Genesis -- where GOD MADE everything (you know... just like the text says)-- AFTER all you claim the text of scripture is pretty much worthless -- what harm then does it do your argument to admit the obvious about Exodus 20:98-11 is not preaching Darwinism -- no not even remotely?
What is stopping you -- given that you claim the text itself is so glaringly obvious and you provide no exegesis of it - AND you give no source SHOWN to exegete Exodus 20:8-11.
Your remark is a disservice to the effort I have put in to showing you that 'exegeting' Exodus does not give you the cut and dried solution to biblical meaning that you appear to think it does.
That is because you can not '"show me the probem with exegesis" without actually doing it -- or pointing to someone who did it in the case of Exodus 20.
However you want to cut it, it is clear to me that you are bringing a certain baggage of pre-existing assumptions and ideas to your interpretation of Exodus 20 and are therefore refusing to exegete it since the actual text itself does not support your ideas for it.
the supposedly disinterested analysis that exegesis allows you to conduct merely results in an interpretation of the text that reinforces those pre-existing assumptions and ideas.
If you are claiming to be more skilled at exegeting the text than I -- please actually "do it" at least "once".
By the way, I am still awaiting further information on the evolutionary-accepting Orthodox Rabbis who supposedly support your 'exegesis' of Exodus and whose authority you used to upbraid me for my disagreement with your conclusions.
I have not provided Exegesis of Exodus 20 yet -- nor did I claim that they did that. I merely point to the linguistic argument from "Hebrew" that they are not claiming that there is anything in the Hebrew language that would argue in favor of "Changing the meaning of the word YOM in the middle of that text" just to please Darwinist doctrine.
So tyring to bend the word as it pleases you - in the case of Exodus 20 is out of the question. And besides - that method is eisgesis not exegesis.
Insofar as you have never really addressed them, you also seem with no very good reason to dismiss as insignificant the opinions of those biblical scholars I have referred you to whose conclusions are different from yours.
I did not find a single one of them even attempting to exegete Exodus 20 -- did I miss something??