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you don't know that for sure

good people probably want in for those good reasons you mentioned but good people come in legally

people who break laws to enter a country illegally are probably criminals who want to sneak in

i know many LEGAL immigrants - they did the right thing because they don't believe in breaking the law - those are the kinds of immigrants we want

And how many illegal immigrants do you know?

You are making a massive assumption that because an illegal act is committed to enter a country and because they cannot work legally they will be criminals.

In europe many illegal immigrants hav e no choice where or what work they do.
Criminal gangs have got them into the country and use them as labour in various schemes. Sometimes employing them in legal buisness,. but paying them substandard wages, others use them in illegal buisness whether growinhg cannabis or in prositution.
Then there are the legal firms who knowingly employ illegals because they are cheaper than legal employees.

Who did jesus associate with?

How should Christians react towards those inthere mids.

What policies should Christians be pressing for towards the countries they are coming from?
You are making a massive assumption that because an illegal act is committed to enter a country and because they cannot work legally they will be criminals.

I thought if someone commits an illegal act that according to the law it is classed as a criminal offense.?. Or does the law have double standards?. You break the law your a criminal and you break the law your not a criminal?
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I thought if someone commits an illegal act that according to the law it is classed as a criminal offense.?. Or does the law have double standards?. You break the law your a criminal and you break the law your not a criminal?

So the next time you break the speed limit are you self identifing as a criminal?
Yes legal to break the law is a criminal act.
Does that mean you are a criminal because you went to fast?
So the next time you break the speed limit are you self identifing as a criminal?
Yes legal to break the law is a criminal act.
Does that mean you are a criminal because you went to fast?

Not everyone agrees with who is and who is not a criminal.

The definition of criminal is offender, unlawful, illegal.
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I think that the USA should welcome all peaceful and honest Christians as legal immigrants with open arms. We could use the reinforcements.

Keep out anyone who is dishonest, violent, or wants to persecute Christians.


Does that mean you don't want to welcome peaceful and honest Buddhists, Hindus, humanists and agnostics?

Do you want the USA eventually to be exclusively for Christians?

Michael, Does that mean you don't want to welcome peaceful and honest Buddhists, Hindus, humanists and agnostics? Do you want the USA eventually to be exclusively for Christians? Oz

I am not against allowing in a reasonable number of honest and peaceful non Christians who have special skills that can help our country. However, we should go the extra mile to help anyone who belongs to Lord Jesus.

Those who give one of these little ones a cup of cold water because they are my followers will truly get their reward.” Matthew 10:42 NCV

“Then the King will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, anything you did for even the least of my people here, you also did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NCV

If you want to be rewarded, help those who belongs to Lord Jesus. The Bible says ominous things about those who refuse to help Lord Jesus's sheep:

“Then the King will say to those on his left, ‘Go away from me. You will be punished. Go into the fire that burns forever that was prepared for the devil and his angels. I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. I was alone and away from home, and you did not invite me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me nothing to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you did not care for me.’

“Then those people will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or alone and away from home or without clothes or sick or in prison? When did we see these things and not help you?’

“Then the King will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, anything you refused to do for even the least of my people here, you refused to do for me.’

“These people will go off to be punished forever, but the good people will go to live forever.”
Matthew 25:41-46 NCV

So I say again, we should welcome those who belong to Lord Jesus with open arms. Invite Christians to legally immigrate here if they need help. Christians are our family, and we are commanded to love them. Whatever way you treat a Christian, you are treating the Lord the same way.
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And when massive waves of illegals attempt to breach a border, it is an act of war (minus the bullets). It is an invasion. If Chinese soldiers -- for example -- violated the southern border, everyone would suddenly wake up. But it is the very same thing through "asymmetrical warfare" when hordes invade a country to take advantage of its weakness.

This issue was never addressed by previous administrations (and it goes back for decades). The hope was that Mr. Trump would do what he said he would. But he too failed to keep his promise.
well said - and speaking of bullets - many border guards have been seriously hurt by rocks - trump told border patrol to consider rock throwing an "intent to kill" form of attack and use appropriate force in response
What policies should Christians be pressing for towards the countries they are coming from?
1. With respect to Mexico and Central America, they are controlled by vicious drug cartels, who not only kill innocents and police and border patrol officers daily, but deprive their countrymen of a decent standard of living by sucking out all the wealth, while encouraging them to invade America. No one can fix that from outside.

On the other hand, their illicit drugs massively pour into America daily and destroy lives, while adding nothing to tax revenues, while their criminal associates and employees take advantage of the porous southern border, along with vicious gangsters and terrorists and diseased people. So the only way to protect America from migrant invasion (as well as additional criminality) is to have a proper wall right across the border. And this should have happened over 100 years ago. At the very least since Mr. Trump took office.

2. With respect to the Muslim Migrant Invasion of Europe, that is the other aspect of Jihad (Holy War) against the infidels (and is taught in the Quran). Radical Islam (including Turkey, Iran, etc.) has already declared that they wish to establish their Caliphate in Europe, and it is happening right now. The British and Western Europeans have already capitulated. And North America is next. On the other hand Eastern Europe is resisting this kind of asymmetrical war.

If it was a matter of simply giving their people a better life, there are multiple billions of dollars in the Middle East for that purpose. But knowing the weakness of Western politicians, the Islamists have chosen to destroy the West by this means (of sending hordes of their people to literally invade Europe). Now they are telling the Europeans that Europe belongs to them, not to the actual citizens. Sharia Law is next on the agenda.

Those who attempt to become legal immigrants have to jump through all kinds of hoops, and every country has immigration laws. Migrant invaders think that the West owes them a luxurious lifestyle without them becoming tax paying citizens, while sponging off the genuine citizens. And of course the evil Democrats want illegals in America so that through voter fraud they can garner enough support in order to take control of the USA and convert it into another failed Venezuela or failed USSR.

Christians CANNOT support lawlessness, and that is the bottom line.
well said - and speaking of bullets - many border guards have been seriously hurt by rocks - trump told border patrol to consider rock throwing an "intent to kill" form of attack and use appropriate force in response

It's a bit obvious that people who throw rocks at boarder authorites should not be allowed in the country as they are showing evidence they are violent people.

Throwing rocks at a countrys boarder security is the same as thowing rocks at the country. In my opinion that is a form of terrorism.
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How many people who want open boarder would leave there house open and welcome anyone and everyone 24/7 . I guarantee they lock there house, lock there car, and have a fence between there neighbour they don't want to break down.
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1. With respect to Mexico and Central America, they are controlled by vicious drug cartels, who not only kill innocents and police and border patrol officers daily, but deprive their countrymen of a decent standard of living by sucking out all the wealth, while encouraging them to invade America. No one can fix that from outside.

On the other hand, their illicit drugs massively pour into America daily and destroy lives, while adding nothing to tax revenues, while their criminal associates and employees take advantage of the porous southern border, along with vicious gangsters and terrorists and diseased people. So the only way to protect America from migrant invasion (as well as additional criminality) is to have a proper wall right across the border. And this should have happened over 100 years ago. At the very least since Mr. Trump took office.

2. With respect to the Muslim Migrant Invasion of Europe, that is the other aspect of Jihad (Holy War) against the infidels (and is taught in the Quran). Radical Islam (including Turkey, Iran, etc.) has already declared that they wish to establish their Caliphate in Europe, and it is happening right now. The British and Western Europeans have already capitulated. And North America is next. On the other hand Eastern Europe is resisting this kind of asymmetrical war.

If it was a matter of simply giving their people a better life, there are multiple billions of dollars in the Middle East for that purpose. But knowing the weakness of Western politicians, the Islamists have chosen to destroy the West by this means (of sending hordes of their people to literally invade Europe). Now they are telling the Europeans that Europe belongs to them, not to the actual citizens. Sharia Law is next on the agenda.

Those who attempt to become legal immigrants have to jump through all kinds of hoops, and every country has immigration laws. Migrant invaders think that the West owes them a luxurious lifestyle without them becoming tax paying citizens, while sponging off the genuine citizens. And of course the evil Democrats want illegals in America so that through voter fraud they can garner enough support in order to take control of the USA and convert it into another failed Venezuela or failed USSR.

Christians CANNOT support lawlessness, and that is the bottom line.

So the responce is for Christians to turn their backs on the poor and abused of society?

Don't get me wrong, I have no major objections to your post.
I'm interested in how you and your church would respond to a truck load of 'illegal' immigrants dropped in your town.

What would your church/you do?

Take them to the police station?
That would have to be done, I've no problem with that.
Then what, drive away job done, or see that they are clothed feed provide support, funds etc.

You talked opf drug cartels yes they run one side of the problem, but what of drug use among your church members, the people you live and work with.
They are as much criminals as that truck load of illegals.

Does it happen?
So the responce is for Christians to turn their backs on the poor and abused of society?

Don't get me wrong, I have no major objections to your post.
I'm interested in how you and your church would respond to a truck load of 'illegal' immigrants dropped in your town.

What would your church/you do?

Take them to the police station?
That would have to be done, I've no problem with that.
Then what, drive away job done, or see that they are clothed feed provide support, funds etc.

You talked opf drug cartels yes they run one side of the problem, but what of drug use among your church members, the people you live and work with.
They are as much criminals as that truck load of illegals.

Does it happen?
Obey the Laws and notify the Feds!
So the responce is for Christians to turn their backs on the poor and abused of society?
NO. Their first priority is Christian poor and abused within their own communities. Their second priority is American citizens (generally) who are poor and abused.

The governments of all other countries are responsible for their own citizens. It is absurd to imagine that America owes the world a living. Especially when countless billions of dollars are fattening the drug cartels and the Muslim jihadists.
Are we scared or just stupid?

I live in one of the inundated Border States but this issue of Illegal Immigration is not exclusive to the Southwest. No, MS 13 and other criminals from the Middle East, Asia, South and primarily Central America have run away and hidden all over these United States of America, making this flood of unskilled people undesirable.

Do you continue to sit there and drink from the Poison Tea served with force by the Socialist Democrat Party or will you join or begin the Local Republican Quest for the salvation of the Democratic Republic Government Style established by the Founding Fathers and nourished by the Citizen Army that preceded us in our efforts

No I do not. The Lord told me to stop watching the news. hat He will tell me what I need to know. He is in control, I should not fear anything but trust Him...and my spiritual growth progress will be increased by not having those distractions on my mind taking my time away from Him...

That sure makes sense.
law abiding as per Jesus' Words - Matthew 5:17-19 - Matthew 22:21 - Mark 12:17

Romans 1:13 - respecting authority as paul said


I think you mean Romans 13:1 (NLT), 'Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God'.

NO. Their first priority is Christian poor and abused within their own communities. Their second priority is American citizens (generally) who are poor and abused.

The governments of all other countries are responsible for their own citizens. It is absurd to imagine that America owes the world a living. Especially when countless billions of dollars are fattening the drug cartels and the Muslim jihadists.

Should these countries take care of themselves? See Poorest Countries in the World 2019.


Mumbai, India's Dharavi slums.
Should these countries take care of themselves?

1. A small handful of evil people in each of these countries have taken control and grabbed all the wealth and/or squandered it on arms, ammunition, and armies, rather than the welfare of their people. There is enough hidden wealth and natural resources in Africa to give every African a decent home, decent wages, and a decent infrastructure and health care. But it won't happen.

2. All the billions of dollars of foreign aid which has poured from the West into the Third World for at least 100 years had done little or nothing to alleviate poverty. The poorest never get to see anything since the corrupt officials divert the aid and food for their own benefit.

"...In response to Third World poverty, the U.S. government has provided over $321 billion in assistance since World War II. As this figure indicates, foreign aid is politically popular. Be sides its humanitarian supporters, many special interest groups lobby for foreign aid. For example, American farmers back food assistance because such programs help eliminate politically embarrassing food surpluses caused by agricultural subsidies.

While foreign aid is a political success, it is an economic and social failure. By increasing government power, destroying economic incentives, promoting unprofitable enterprises, and subsidizing misguided policies, foreign aid increases Third World poverty. In this essay we will examine two types of foreign aid: humanitarian and development assistance. We will then discuss alternatives to aid in helping the Third World, especially the policy of free trade..."
