You know what. This entire case is neither liberal or conservative. Why? Because it has nothing to do with either liberalism or Conservatism.
Liberal basically means change or modification with Reason and conservative tends to mean resistance to change with reason. Depending on the issue, anyone could be either. Context defines these terms.
In this case we have SEVERAL different blogs, news stations, commentators, etc. talking about this case. MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CNN have all talked about this case to the point that most of us are sick of it.
Now to the point. Playing up the race angle is not Liberal, no its just a tactic used by blogs, news stations, etc. used to grab our attention. It has nothing to do with either liberalism or conservatism. Its about ratings. People are confusing that a commentator's or blogger's political stances with an entire group.
The truth is that its not about conservative or Liberal, its about the tactics of the News stations, Commentators, and Blog sites.
That is it.
That's quite similar to my understanding of the concepts. I'm baffled by people trying to use the terms as some kind of insult. And also wary of people being able to assign someone a label and then ascribe all sorts of political opinions to them, complete with judgement.
The media loves to feed off itself. You're right, it's heavy on sensationalism. I'd be more worried if I knew anyone who takes the news at face value.
In it's basic form, liberal means: Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. Conservative suggest the status quo.
It's typically used as a slander against the idea of pushing against traditional values, or the status quo. However, it's also used to hide behind, and charge institutions, or individuals as progressively dangerous.
The old liberalism is the new status quo to some respects, and yesterdays conservative could very well be today's new liberal. So, these are not labels people are wearing very well.
In the late 80's and early 90's, Rush Limbaugh was well known in pushing the idea that the media is liberal, bias, and is pushing an agenda that is hidden. Hidden how? The thought is that people are often molded to absorb the pop-culture and opinions of the day. Either they don't think for themselves or they simply accept it.
Rush was blatant in his charge then, but today we see more conservative cometary that tens to hid it's agenda as well. However, all commentary is bias, and seeks to promote an agenda; it's when the agenda is hidden or presented as the norm when perhaps it's not, or does not fit the true conscious of the population that it is seen as dangerous, or threatening.
The question is, how much does media shape our views and opinions? Conservatives tend to say that it largely does because people can't think for themselves, or they are so totally lost they will fall for anything if we allow the media to shape the culture. Ironic? sure, but it does hold an element of truth, and the argument is over who get's to shape the culture with the media.
The irony is that conservatives don't like the idea of liberal bias-ness shaping the culture with their Ideas. How dare they! When it's conservative ideas that should be shaping the culture.