VaultZero4Me said:
But that’s just it. Microevolution just means viewing evolution on a smaller time scale. Macroevolution shows the changes that take place over a long long long time. There is no Micro or Macro as separate entities. You need to read up on the theory a bit.
Thanks for the condescension, but I have, and the problem is the PRESUMPTION that a change in color of a bird's wings necessarily leads to a similar observation of a MAJOR change from one species into another - a reptile into a bird... It does NOT follow that a change WITHIN a species means that a species ITSELF "evolves" into something no longer recognizable. Science has not actually observed ANY of that. They PRESUME it happened.
This is not observed in nature. It is an attempt to explain what exists NOW, rather than a scientific explanation of an observed change. It is based on preconceived notions of what "must" have happened... Darwin observed changes in colors, not a lizard growing wings. And what makes you think that this "macro-evolution" SHOULD have stopped? If it is true, we would NOW observe less complex creatures changing into more complex or "mature" creatures. We don't observe the process now. We don't see monkeys NOW evolving into "pre-men". If the idea was true, we should be able to notice and observe the continuation of the "survival of the fittest" invention. Nor do we observe the paleontology that "proves" it EVER happened that way.
VaultZero4Me said:
I suggest that you move away from the Behe books and look at some real science. You are referring to “irreducible complexâ€Â. Behe was sorely embarrassed in court over this issue and has yet to ever find one such instance of an organ or attribute that hits a road block. Not a single one.
I haven't read Behe's books, although I am aware of his "irreducible complex" idea. Again, just as in the last posts, you feel the need to be condescending?
Unfortunately, you find it necessary to use the same tactics as an atheist. Why? Because they are
all condescending in their views towards anyone who holds to intelligent design, or anything that questions the sacred cow of "materialistic evolution"... That is the typical strategy they use. Attack, attack, and attack. Naturally, "real" science is only shown in evolution, which has not been observed on the macro scale... Belittle anyone who holds a contrary view. I'm sure Copernicus faced the same ridicule... Because "real" scientists "knew" that he was wrong, he must have been.
Whether Behe was "embarrassed" in court does not prove a thing. Many lawyers have found ways of embarrassing or twisting the truth, both in crinimal and civil law. It doesn't make them true. No doubt you have heard of robbers breaking into a house, falling down, and sueing the owner of the house, and winning. According to your logic, the crook was right...
He hadn't read every single critique of his ideas?! Is he expected to read everything ever written that contradicts his idea? Behe has written and backed up his claims, in my opinion. Now, whether he has refuted every person who comes along trying to knock down HIS theory, that may be so. But that doesn't prove he is not a "scientist". If NO ONE questioned the status quo - which is now "materialistic evolution", we would still think the earth is flat... A scientist does not lose his "designation" because he is not able to convince people who do not want to be convinced.
VaultZero4Me said:
You are using the same coined words as the defunct ID group. “Provedâ€Â.
You very well know nothing can actually be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for 100%. Therefore, no one uses the word proved. But you do realize evolution is one of the most well backed theories in science? Probably better backed than relativity.
I have no problems distinguishing between "practical proof" and "theoretical and absolute proof". Evidence can be convincing enough that makes it proof. Now, no doubt, you might be in the "Matrix" and its all a dream, but I don't worry about such philosophical mind-games that lead nowhere.
Materialistic evolution is NOT the "most well backed theory in science"! If it was, it would be a "Law". It yet is a theory. Accepted by the status quo scientists - but with little observable evidence to back it up. Going from Darwin's micro-evolution to macro evolution is more a leap of faith than the preponderance of evidence that points to a higher intelligence. Have you seen a lizard that sprouted wings? How about a Neanderthal from an ape? Really, there are so many holes in the theory, that it's not even funny. And the idea that evolution is one of the most well backed theories in science says very little - a lot of people were saying that the earth was flat was a pretty solidly backed idea. Even scientific LAWS are subject to re-working. You are really reaching to say that Evolution is so scientifically
Sorry, it is philosophy, not science, that has entrenched scientists into this "theory". The problem is that there is currently nothing to replace evolution (without considering a higher intelligence). Thus, scientists, who can be just as fundamental as any religious fanatic, desperately will shoot down anything they don't
want to accept to maintain status quo. You think that is a new thing in science? Science has ALWAYS resisted change to the status quo. Thus, it is not surprising that materialistic evolutionists must resort to ad hominem attacks, rather than letting their "science" stand on its own merit.
VaultZero4Me said:
1. I never said you can’t believe in science and believe in God. In fact I stated the opposite.
VaultZero4Me said:
2. There are many more that converted the other way around. Neither conversion backs up either side.
I doubt that there are many actual "atheists" out there. The more likely term to use is "agnostic". Atheism is the idea that there is NO God. Really, where is the evidence to verify or "prove" that legitimately? Atheism is an absolute denial of something that cannot be emperically measured. It is based on philosophical bent, rather than science. However, there are a number of scientists who have not found it necessary to convince themselves that God doesn't exist for philosophical reasons -
since EVEN IF macro evolution was true, it proves absolutely NOTHING about God's EXISTENCE. The most it can do is describe HOW God did it. It can never rule out the possibility that God exists. Thus, the whole argument, as I said, is pointless IF the will is not open to hear another opinion.
VaultZero4Me said:
3. Its not a straw man argument when I didn’t use it to argue anything. I was clarifying that for the original poster. Was not directed towards you.
Oh, so you write an entire post to me, and one sentence, without preface, you address to someone else... I hadn't realized that this paragraph suddenly addresses someone else in the last sentence...
It’s just once you get that spark that evolution comes into play. And besides, there are numerous evolution believing theists. Atheists do not do the reverse and try to argue against God with evolution. Its just some ill-informed theists that assume evolution = No God, which of course is not true. Evolution just means that Genesis is not as literal as some would believe.
While some theists may believe that evolution = No God, I don't believe it because it makes no scientific sense, nor is it necessary to convulute such a theory when another already exists. Perhaps, if there was some actual evidence, I could accept it. But even before I became Christian, I didn't accept the idea that we are here today because of monkies. It certainly may be true, but where's the evidence? Piltman man?
VaultZero4Me said:
All I have tried to argue is that it is not wise to use Hoyle’s fallacy when debating with an informed non-theist. It will just make you look uninformed. I am giving advice to the poster as per his request. Use abiogenesis if he wants to use science, though again, it proves nothing. It just sounds a lot more informed than stating the “tornoadoe makes a 747†aka irreducibility complex. An idea that has been completely debunked. In fact most theists stray away from reducing God to the “God of the Gapsâ€Â. It makes for weak theology as well.
First of all, "Hoyle's fallacy" is not very convincing. A tornado will not produce even the smallest of parts for an airplane. NONE. Even if all of the parts were spread out in the junkyard with other junk, a random tornado is not going to bring pieces together in a repeatable manner, (as evolution claims) at ANY level. Thus, the dismissal of the analogy is false. We don't need to argue that an entire airplance cannot be built. Even the parts will not be built. Furthermore, the even if the various smaller sections were put together, it doesn't follow that the airplane could be built by random events in such a way that the tornado wouldn't just destroy the one lucky time it happened, if ever... But that's what macro evolution claims. A random event occurs that will NOT be destroyed and will be repeatable over and over as some sort of inexorable march towards higher existence - based on "survival of the fittest"
Continuing on. As I have said before, and you appear to agree, there is very little "proof" that is acceptable to a person who will refuse to believe - whether for or against God. It is a waste of time to argue with an atheist on this matter because, by faith, they believe something opposite. No logical argument will pry them away from that belief. It will only change when the person HIMSELF experiences something beyond himself, or realizes he is not in control of his destiny.
In the end, what I have offered will only be effective for someone open to the question - in other words, an agnostic who is truly searching. The will plays a large role in what a person believes - whether they believe in God or not (since atheism is not based on scientific evidence).