I once had a great opportunity. I put in a proposal, prayed hard and waited for the response. I kept praying and praying but there was no response. The opportunity was lost. It was hard not to get frustrated at God! I asked myself, did God reject me?
In Gen 4 we read the story of Cain and Abel. It is a story of the effects of sin upon Cain, who was the first person born under sin. Cain gives an offering, but it is just ‘some’ of what he can give. We find in 4:5 that God had no regard for Cain’s offering and so Cain got angry.
It is hard to strike out against God. So where did Cain strike? He struck out against his brother. Sin wants to bring in division between people and the easiest target is the person with whom Cain is closest – his brother. The result is that the relationship is destroyed. Sin used Cain’s feeling of rejection from God left him isolated.
It makes me wonder if I ever feel rejected by God. Perhaps it is when I pray for something and God doesn’t answer me in the way I want, in the time frame I want. Perhaps it is when I feel rejected by others who are part of God’s people.
It also makes me wonder what I do with that rejection. Do I hit out at those who are close to me? Do I realise what is going on? Or do I resolve it and return to an inner state of peace?
Taken by http://ontoxenos.wordpress.com/2014/04/16/rejected/ used with permission.
In Gen 4 we read the story of Cain and Abel. It is a story of the effects of sin upon Cain, who was the first person born under sin. Cain gives an offering, but it is just ‘some’ of what he can give. We find in 4:5 that God had no regard for Cain’s offering and so Cain got angry.
It is hard to strike out against God. So where did Cain strike? He struck out against his brother. Sin wants to bring in division between people and the easiest target is the person with whom Cain is closest – his brother. The result is that the relationship is destroyed. Sin used Cain’s feeling of rejection from God left him isolated.
It makes me wonder if I ever feel rejected by God. Perhaps it is when I pray for something and God doesn’t answer me in the way I want, in the time frame I want. Perhaps it is when I feel rejected by others who are part of God’s people.
It also makes me wonder what I do with that rejection. Do I hit out at those who are close to me? Do I realise what is going on? Or do I resolve it and return to an inner state of peace?
Taken by http://ontoxenos.wordpress.com/2014/04/16/rejected/ used with permission.