He was encouraged by his FRIENDS TO PRODUCE SOME FACTS IN SUPPORT OF HIS THEORY. He couldn't, and the mish mash of fantasy and optimism he did produce was worthy of the scorn many of the premier palaeontologists and senior biologists of the day heaped on it.
I'm guessing you have never read the origin of species then. The book is a massive tone and really dry because most of the book is Darwin referencing what he is talking about. Calling his theory a mishmash is just obvious hand waving.
Somehow it survived. Pity that.
It works and no model has been able to replace it. Come up with a model that fills in the gaps that Evolutionary Biology has filled and you'll get a lot of recognition.
Correction. Practically the whole thing has been replaced.
I'm wondering if you can name anything specific? I have a massive hunch that you are vastly unaware of what is even in the Origin of Species.
Ever heard of 'neo-Darwinism'? It was an effort to patch up the great holes everybody could see in it.
Vague creationist terms don't phase me. Unless you can name these holes, I'm not intimidated.
The only people today who can't see that it is still rubbish are people like you who haven't bothered to examine it critically Note that word.
Yeah, about that. I've been in labs, been part of studies on a college level. Had several hours long lecture classes and reading biology books since I was 10. Telling me I haven't critically thought about this subject is hilarious. I have to ask, What is the highest level of education you have had where you have studied evolution or even basic biology? You seem to be talking a big game, but not able to really play it. Hence the lack of sources and how you've misrepresented some very basic ideas.
If you go on to the threads I have started, you will become acquainted with some of the enormous holes which exist, and which can only be patched with pure bluff and optimism.
I've seen you post a lot of random topics where the information you give is poorly collected, and when LordKalvin and Barbarian challenge you on it, the thread becomes abandoned or the thread shoots off into several tangents. Most of the stuff I've seen you post can be answered by an undergrad. Like your chimp foot thread. Several people tried to point out what is wrong with your op, but you ignored it and kept trying to force through with the same argument, when other tried to correct some of your basic misunderstandings. Thing is, talk is cheap. Demonstrating you know what you know is what will convince me, and so far your demonstration has been really weak.
Yep, and I understand it. Are you going to post the source like asked? The quote isn't saying what you want it to say.
So get those silly stars out of your eyes and wake up to reality.
Did ages ago when I decided to actually study the subject instead of letting laymen on the internet tell me what they "think" the theory of Evolution is. How about you do the same?
Just suppose an experiment took 5 years to complete. Do you really think any reviewer is going to spend another 5 years repeating the experiment? Especially if it was done in the Arctic, or somewhere lile it? Wake up man!
Hey, think you can reference a real experiment instead of made up hypothetical statements? Maybe it will convince me that you know what you are talking about and not just making stuff up and using your own ignorance of the subject mixed with a snooty attitude. ;)
I have done so extensively on this site, and the responses have invariably been totally inadequate, and full of guesswork and hopeful hypotheses. Go see for yourself.
I've already looked around. How about you skip the parade and just source what I asked you to source please.
In case you fancy yourself as a serious evolutionist. try accounting for the origin of the echolocation system in bats, or the ability of the godwit to fly without parents to guide it, from Alaska, across 7000 miles of ocean non-stop to New Zealand.
I'm not a specialist in either category. I also don't have to account for those to show how the theory of evolution is pretty strong. Your challenges don't affect the validity of evolution but do show that there are interesting things to study and figure out.
When you can do that then perhaps we can talk sensibly to one another.
I doubt it. Most of this reply of yours has just been you claiming to have information and status, but unable to demonstrate either. I'm working towards a degree that shows that I've done the work and I am authoring papers that reference what I've been studying and hope to study.