That is quite a list of articles you put together. I find when talking with Muslims, they have to be interested in what you have to say. You have to have a two way conversation rather than two one way conversations which is what I see here. Those who are hardened into their religion are normally closed. Doesn't mean we don't try to reason with them, or pray for them, but we have to respect their choice, as I'm sure God respects it also. For all I know, God has given them over to their reprobate ways in His anger, Romans 1. After we have pleaded with them, and if possible, plead with tears, then Revelation 22:11 will sum it up best.
- Davies
Revelation 22:11
New King James Version (NKJV)
11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous
[a] still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.â€
Thanks, Davies.
I don't begrudge anyone the right to believe anything they wish, so long as what they believe is just that: a belief. The problem with Islam is that its adherents are not simply interested in believing what they believe, but that everyone has to believe as they do or - as noted in the last link in my post above - suffer slavery or death as infidels.
This is how Mohammed behaved, it's written in the Koran and - as we can see by the fruit Islam produces today - it's what they practice.
Not all Muslims behave as badly as others, but still, each sect of Islam - violent and non-violent - argues that it is justified by the Koran!
A Christian fundamentalist will follow the fundamentals of the Christian faith: believe in Christ, share His faith as a witness to Christ's love, attend church, and try to live a life guided by the precepts Christ set forth.
A Muslim fundamentalist - on the other hand -
following the fundamentals of the Koran - is likely to engage in violent attacks against infidels, suicide bombings, terrorism while shouting "Allahu Akbar", car bombings, and - of course - flying passenger jets into buildings.
It's interesting to note that in the PM I received (noted earlier), the sender also wrote this:
[FONT="]Please don't hurt our feelings and please never say what you've said about my prophet.[/FONT]
Which begs the question, "or what?" Is this what we can attribute all of Islam's murderous barbarity to: "hurt feelings?"
How many of those Christians (and westerners) in Nigeria, Somalia, Afghanistan and Pakistan suffered or died over a Muslim's "hurt feelings?"
Is Islam nothing more than a bunch of scared, brooding children who are so insecure in their own beliefs that they cannot tolerate reading what others write about their "religion of peace?" How many innocents died in the Middle East today because someone in America wrote that Mohammed was a pedophile?
Would silencing the truth about him change the facts of history??? Of course not. Muslims just don't want their precious feelings hurt.
I would pity them if many didn't carry guns, bombs, or clubs and beat innocent men, women, and children to death in the name of "Allah."
Time for "infidels" to stop being silent about the barbarity of Islam. Maybe, just maybe, our collective voices can shame it into the 21st century.