Kid, I believe I've understood you throughout this thread. You aren't using this verse to say it truly calls Christians to violence. You are saying Christians can misuse this verse to justify violence toward another set of believers, right?
I believe this is very true, however I don't believe that the Bible is even remotely close to the Koran in its condoning of violence. In the Koran, there are many versus that are straight to the point, and I see the impact of it throughout the world. In Christianity, you have lunatics who bomb abortion clinics and defend it with scripture. These are isolated cases, usually carried out by singular people. In Islam, you have wide-spread violence in the name of Allah. You can't compare the actions of the U.S. government, which acts in defense of its country, to the actions of Muslims, who act in defense of their faith. These are vastly different.
You must first qualify what you mean by "condoning violence". The Quran does not have a single verse in which Allah instructs Muslims to be the agressor, or attack anybody. The OT has verses in which God instructs his chosen people to be the aggressor, attack, and kill.
You stated that the Bible is not even remotely close to the Quran in condoning violence. Well I think it is common knowledge that the OT condones a ton of violent acts. The Quran, on the other hand does not have a single verse in which the Muslim is instructed to be the agressor.
You stated that you have isolated cases of violence in Christianity. And Muslims have been attacking in mass.
I'm sorry but you have that completely backwards.
You will find Muslims responding to injustices by committing extreme attacks here and there.
But you tell me Mike. When was the last time a Muslim nation "attacked" a non-Muslim nation? I know you have to look it up.
According to news reports Bush stated that his invasion of Iraq was "a mission from God". That's not an isolated case. That is hundreds of thousands of soldiers attacking; on a mission from the God of the Bible.
What about Israel? Do you think it was atheist that decided to create a nation for Jews in the middle of an existing nation?
No. It was a decision inspired by the Bible.
Jewish and Christian senators and congressmen continue to support an aggressive handling to the situation in Palestine. There are some that are pushing for us to attack Iran.
Just because we have a "secular" constitution does not mean that what we do is not inspired by religion.
You can't compare the actions of the U.S. government, which acts in defense of its country, to the actions of Muslims, who act in defense of their faith.
Does it matter if you are defending your faith or your country as long as your are defending?
Your quote is almost correct. But it should read: "you cannot compare the acts of Muslims who act in defense of their faith, to the actions of the U.S. government (Under Bush) which attacked their country and their faith.