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Revelation 1: an alternate study.


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Storm Crow and Reba I have tried to alert you to the nearness of these end time events, prophets such as Joel Richardson, John Paul Jackson, Dr Owour are all saying simlar things but you stay resolute in your own perspective. God from the beginning has always had a community centred guidance system for his people, whether it's Samuel in the Old testament to John in the new. What you neglect is the fact that all members of the body don't have the same function, some are Apostles, some prophets some teacher, Ephesians 4:11.
If you are a teacher for example you rely on the prophet and Apostle to tell you what's up ahead, it's not that these gifted people are any more valuable than the teacher but rather just a function of the body of Christ.
Are you a prophet?

My faith and trust is in the Lord Jesus the Christ..... What ever comes down the pike comes....

He bought our salvation with His blood. I will glory in His Cross.

We have been warned:
Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine.....

I do thank you for caring....
Storm Crow and Reba I have tried to alert you to the nearness of these end time events, prophets such as Joel Richardson, John Paul Jackson, Dr Owour are all saying simlar things but you stay resolute in your own perspective. God from the beginning has always had a community centred guidance system for his people, whether it's Samuel in the Old testament to John in the new. What you neglect is the fact that all members of the body don't have the same function, some are Apostles, some prophets some teacher, Ephesians 4:11.
If you are a teacher for example you rely on the prophet and Apostle to tell you what's up ahead, it's not that these gifted people are any more valuable than the teacher but rather just a function of the body of Christ.
Are you a prophet?
Joel Richarson compares to Samuel the way Balaam's ass compares to the Bard of Avon
What you neglect is the fact that all members of the body don't have the same function...

I haven't neglected it. I haven't discussed it because it is not the topic of this discussion.
Im goin to

Kansas City Kansas City

here I come

I cant get this tune out of my head thank you! , reba
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Storm Crow and Reba I have tried to alert you to the nearness of these end time events, prophets such as Joel Richardson, John Paul Jackson, Dr Owour are all saying simlar things but you stay resolute in your own perspective. God from the beginning has always had a community centred guidance system for his people, whether it's Samuel in the Old testament to John in the new. What you neglect is the fact that all members of the body don't have the same function, some are Apostles, some prophets some teacher, Ephesians 4:11.
If you are a teacher for example you rely on the prophet and Apostle to tell you what's up ahead, it's not that these gifted people are any more valuable than the teacher but rather just a function of the body of Christ.
Are you a prophet?
We should look to Eph. 2:20 to properly understand 4:11:

20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
It tells us that apostles and prophets were a part of the foundation. Is Christ still building the foundation of His ekklesia, or is He building up the Body?

Logically, it can't be both. Spiritually, is can't be both either. So, it's got to be one of them and I would have to choose the latter.

Are you Born again, do you speak in tongues as the spirit gives utterance.
I truly pray you are not here to tell us that the latter is evidence of the former. That contradicts Romans 10:9 and numerous other passages. I will denounce anyone who tells us that speaking in utterances is evidence of salvation.
In answer to your question Stormcrow, salvation is based of the saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ. Tongues are a sign of the in filling of the holy spirit, salvation however is base on what I have stated.
My motive for asking is, if we are all in touch with the same spirit of holiness then he's saying simular thing to the whole body.
@ vic the function of the prophet for example in the new testament, is the prophetic warning in acts such as the coming famine to Jerusalem Acts11:27.
Vic it wasn't a teachers gift giving the warning, as they didn't see it.
What I am trying to really address here is a exclusive singular guidance system in individuals who rely completely on there own interpretation. Who though having a teachers gift, are mainly dismissive of the role of the prophet in the church today. What I hear from the prophets today, even those mentioned, is to be sober, prayerful, spend more time in his word, for great darkness is coming, it's coming quickly, and as a christian you need to prepare your heart for that which is ahead, less through bitterness of spirit when you see these events you fall away. This preparation is better explained on
In answer to your question Stormcrow, salvation is based of the saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ. Tongues are a sign of the in filling of the holy spirit, salvation however is base on what I have stated.
My motive for asking is, if we are all in touch with the same spirit of holiness then he's saying simular thing to the whole body.
@ vic the function of the prophet for example in the new testament, is the prophetic warning in acts such as the coming famine to Jerusalem Acts11:27.
Vic it wasn't a teachers gift giving the warning, as they didn't see it.
What I am trying to really address here is a exclusive singular guidance system in individuals who rely completely on there own interpretation. Who though having a teachers gift, are mainly dismissive of the role of the prophet in the church today. What I hear from the prophets today, even those mentioned, is to be sober, prayerful, spend more time in his word, for great darkness is coming, it's coming quickly, and as a christian you need to prepare your heart for that which is ahead, less through bitterness of spirit when you see these events you fall away. This preparation is better explained on
What I hear from the prophets today, even those mentioned, is to be sober, prayerful, spend more time in his word,

Ya know it really doesnt take a 'prophet' to say that or understand its always a good idea.

for great darkness is coming, it's coming quickly, and as a christian you need to prepare your heart for that which is

Define 'quickly' please.

And why should your warning be taken any more seriously than this one?

Yet we have the blessed assurance that every passing day brings our salvation nearer then when we believed. And while it is true that the church, during all her history, has had repeated evidence that the day was approaching, we ask, what are these evidences in our time? Surely they are of especial significance.

Shortly previous to the first coming of Christ the Holy Ghost, although He had given through Daniel a special revelation unto the devout Simeon-who was 'waiting for the consolation of Israel', to-wit:' that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Luke 2;26. And this leads us to ask: May not the same blessed Spirit who thus revealed this mighty event to Simeon of old (and probably the aged Anna also) likewise give unto a favored one, or chosen few of the faithful watching ones, to know that their glad eyes shall see His appearing, and that they shall never taste of death. Even so now, many of the most devout and faithful of God's people, in all denominations, both in this and foreign lands, are seriously impressed with the conviction, that the coming of the Lord is near.

W.E. Blackstone, Jesus Is Coming ,pgs 210,212,213. Emphasis added

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1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it by His angel to His bond-servant John, 2 who testified to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Revelation 1:1-2 (NASB)

Revelation 1:1-3 establishes several key things about everything that follows in the rest of the book.

First, this is a vision of Christ revealed in heaven. Up to this point, the only testimony we have of the risen, ascended, glorified Christ in heaven comes from Stephen as he is about to be stoned to death (Acts 7:55-56), and Paul's Damascus road conversion (Acts 9:3-7). The book of Revelation was written to a wider audience so that they could know Christ was in heaven and God was in utter and complete control of things. It begins as a message of hope for the church undergoing intense persecution of which John is a "fellow partaker."

Second, it establishes that the contents of the book come from no less than God Himself, communicated to John through an angel.

Third, it establishes that the events of the book are soon to occur as they relate to John and his audience, the seven churches in Asia. This is such an important point that it is repeated throughout the book. These prophesied events were not meant for us living 2,000 years later! This is further born out by this verse:

3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3 (NASB)

If the book of Revelation is all about us, living in 21st century America, why would God Himself tell John to write something to people whom He knew would not live long enough to be blessed by reading and heeding the things written in it?

Put another way, it would be like God "blessing" someone in the 1st century with a treasure map for buried treasure on the moon and telling them they would have the treasure "soon"; God Himself knowing that the treasure could not be recovered for almost another 2,000 years!

Thus, the "futurist view" - in essence - makes God out either to be a cruel prankster or an insidious liar.

I will continue this in the next post...

So where are we in this? Are we now in the millenial kingdom, the new heavens and new earth..where are we? I mean Revelation 21 is pretty final...yet here we are, still the same corrupt sinful world that still worships the same gods they did then, even the greek and roman pantheons have made a comeback.

So where are we?
So where are we in this? Are we now in the millenial kingdom, the new heavens and new earth..where are we? I mean Revelation 21 is pretty final...yet here we are, still the same corrupt sinful world that still worships the same gods they did then, even the greek and roman pantheons have made a comeback.

So where are we?
Last I recall the church was given the task of preaching the Gospel to the world and discipling the nations. Its evident you dont like the way its going so is it safe to assume you have a better plan?
Last I recall the church was given the task of preaching the Gospel to the world and discipling the nations. Its evident you dont like the way its going so is it safe to assume you have a better plan?

so you are saying we are heading close to Rev 6/7? when all the christians get martyred?


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