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Revelation 1: an alternate study.


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wait that will ruin that pre tribber thinking. im not going to be persecuted or suffer for the lord. he promised me that i wouldnt be here when all hell breaks loose.

That's really the point of the "two trib" view: the tribulation of believers, which began with the stoning of Stephen, has been going on for @2,000 years. No 7-year trib there.

The "great tribulation" of Jerusalem lasted 3.5 years. Not only is there no support in the Bible for a "rapture" of any kind, there's not even support for a 7-year tribulation!

A really bad interpretation of Daniel 9:27 is all the support pre-tribbers can muster and, when that verse is understood from the literal Hebrew, it doesn't mean what they think or say it does.
That's really the point of the "two trib" view: the tribulation of believers, which began with the stoning of Stephen, has been going on for @2,000 years. No 7-year trib there.

The "great tribulation" of Jerusalem lasted 3.5 years. Not only is there no support in the Bible for a "rapture" of any kind, there's not even support for a 7-year tribulation!

A really bad interpretation of Daniel 9:27 is all the support pre-tribbers can muster and, when that verse is understood from the literal Hebrew, it doesn't mean what they think or say it does.
Since I also believe we have been in a state of tribulation since Stephen, and since I also believe in a future gathering of the dead and living saints (the resurrection/transformation) and a final wrath, does that make me a "post tribber"? :biggrin
vic the tribbers seem to really mass the literal statement of jesus when he said this!
acts 1
6When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
7And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

yet somehow they say that is what paul and john were talking about in revalation and paul with his references to isreal. jesus didnt say no its not going happen just that its not to be known by men!


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