so if we just vote red no,matter who,abd they do nothing ,on,thinhs thst God cares about ,which would be ,the gospel. or law and order .
where is it lawful in Gods book to murder ?
where is it lawful to use usury like I,mentioned with banks
if trump wins you words ,statically you are likely to make more.
I don't ask trump for a job ,I pray to God to have one job where by i can finacilalky be able to provide and be the husband .
god blessed his prophets during horrible kings ,this God of yours can't do that .
I don't trust China but yeah before covid we were hailong trump for his deals with China while I did say to those who asked I prefer we end deals with China ,do you really,think trump in 5 years can all off a sudden end thar and have production I ,the u.s. fully .
I thought I made it clear ,I said I piyt my trust in God not the office of the potus .I'm,were I put myself to a degree and God put me and allowed .
you say vote red?
under the red ticket ,I saw war?no,20 years later I,must file a claim .I,don't cry or ask for pity but just saying some I knew took their lives,is that a blessing ,I know as we speak men and women still are over there and troops move in and out of Syria and other places,their deaths and mental health issue is a blessing ?
next under the red,I took a pay cut ,I took a job switch or be jobless. God provided ,during furlough I somehow made even ,during the job switch I,made more but none of these were thibgs I asked for nor wanted .I felt God call me into the city fleet ,not meter reading .I enjoy fixing things ,I made myself accept meter reading and used it to learn of local history .
this isn't so black and clear and white ,we are not statistics.your taxes may be reduced but in order to do that another night face joblessness and or bankruptcy .or if they the right wins .they love to build the military and well spend on,it .somehow ,we love wars,so there's that too.
sorry .I may stay home ,I may not ,but don't imply I'm,not aware of the state .my pastor a libertarian is preaching on the entire book of Jeremiah and used that because he saw what i saw in our nation .