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Romans 1 And America


The following passages are from Romans 1:20-32 I'm going to break it down by step

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

America was founded on Christian values. In 1776 everyone knew who God was. He is an important character in our Declaration and His Word was used extensively to create our Constitution. The evidence for an open acknowledgment of God at the beginning of this country is obvious.

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Today we cannot really acknowledge God in public and when we do we are scolded by the "intellectuals". Society wants to deny God. This is obvious.

Professing to be wise, they became fools,
and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Today idolatry is EVERYWHERE in this country. We worship the "perfect" body that all men and woman are trained to want. Women spend billions of dollars every year to look like the girls in the magazines. In this country today animal worship is EVERYWHERE. What is this green-movement, if not nature-worship? PETA? They are animal worshipers. The government puts the lives of animals before man. DDT was banned because it killed birds, because it was banned millions of people have died.

Look at the way people view Obama. He is seen as a god to so many people. They think he can do anything, they think he makes money appear from nowhere. If you don't believe me, listen to that radio sound-bite Glenn Beck likes the play every other five minutes...

For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,

Prostitution. Sodomy. Self-gratification. Lesbians.

and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

Homosexuality is everywhere today. You flip on the TV... oh there is gay guy. You read a newspaper, oh gay guy. Flip on the News... oh look a gay rights march. Gay marriage. It is now considered "evil", "mean", and "hateful" to even utter a whisper against homosexuality. They even have coined a new word, "homophobic".

And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
being filled with all unrighteousness,

New religions pop up every day, each one demands only to feed on the carnal experiences of the flesh.


It is now common place for people to beat one another. Bill O'Rielly is always posting some video of kids beating up one another to the point of near-death.

The government is a perfect example of this. They are addicted to the money of other people. They will do anything to get their grimy little hands on that money.

evil; full of envy,

Last year a woman was killed because a man wanted the PS3 she had bought for her son...

Abortions. Babies are murdered EVERY DAY. The woman who get the abortions are the victims, the doctors who give the abortions are the victims, and the babies... well they were just a "mistake"...

War. Terrorism. In Canada a few months ago a mob went crazy... over a fake science made-up by a guy who couldn't cut it in the world of politics...

People lie. It is everywhere. You cannot trust the word of anyone these days. It's all over the TV shows.

malice; they are gossips,

Tabloids. Who is cheating on who. Who is having a baby. Who is getting a divorce. Who is going into rehab. Who is going into the psych ward. Blah... blah... blah...


What more is politics but professional slandering?

haters of God,

Atheists. "New-Age". Environmentalists. Communists. Socialists.

insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;

Sorry, I get tired of thinking of just how doomed we are...

and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

Every single thing I have mentioned above is condoned by the secular society that has come to dominate this country. Anyone who stands against these things is branded by the secular society.

You hate abortion clinics? You are a radical Christian terrorist who likes to shoot doctors.

You say homosexuality is a sin? What are, you some homophobe? Maybe you are just insecure about your own sexuality...

You don't mind killing animals? They were here first, you know... You must be some redneck Christian putz with no education...

Just today I was looking at some reviews of a internet content blocker. Someone gave the program a bad review because it "blocked the rights of the children to view porn and videos and games." Is that what we have come to? Children have a RIGHT to view porn? I will take it up with the Big Man... but uh, I doubt He will grant anyone the right to view pornography.

There is another thing that Romans 1 talks about. Porn. It is EVERYWHERE. If you turn the TV on at 4 in the morning and flip on one of your normal cable channels... porn. You are watching a movie that seems decent enough... sex scene. The state of our sexual morality is closely tied to the fate of our society.

The Romans were some of the most perverted people. They had holidays that consisted of week long orgies and binges on alcohol and food. In Pompeii they have discovered that there was a house of prostitution every three blocks. They found a house of prostitution in Israel that was Roman. In the gutter outside the building they found the skeletons of more than 300 dead newborns, they were killed so that the prostitutes could continue their job. Roman did not last much longer.

The Israelite army crushed a few civilizations. We now know that each one had an extremely perverse nature to it.

I could go on, but I feel that the rest of my stories maybe a bit sensitive for some people.

So... America... ya, I think we are doomed.
I'm not sure why you singled out America...maybe it's all you know? I could say this for many other countries, including Australia. Probably especially Australia.

It reminds me of the book of Micah actually. And that reminds me of today's society. It just keeps getting further away from God, it's scary.
Nick said:
I'm not sure why you singled out America...maybe it's all you know? I could say this for many other countries, including Australia. Probably especially Australia.

It reminds me of the book of Micah actually. And that reminds me of today's society. It just keeps getting further away from God, it's scary.
its because he's american its easy to look at the home you live in and find these things.

trust me being older then him. america has really hit the gutter. porn was never this easy to find,let alone shown in primetime.
jasoncran said:
Nick said:
I'm not sure why you singled out America...maybe it's all you know? I could say this for many other countries, including Australia. Probably especially Australia.

It reminds me of the book of Micah actually. And that reminds me of today's society. It just keeps getting further away from God, it's scary.
its because he's american its easy to look at the home you live in and find these things.

trust me being older then him. america has really hit the gutter. porn was never this easy to find,let alone shown in primetime.
I'm not saying it's wrong to refer to the country you're most familiar in. I"m just concious of many [Americans] going on about how America is somehow special in regards to the Gospel or end times. I just wanted to see where Pard lies in relation to that.

What is really scary, is that I am about half your age Jason and even I can see that this world is going rapidly downhill, from my experience. It's terrible.
Nick said:
I'm not sure why you singled out America...maybe it's all you know? I could say this for many other countries, including Australia. Probably especially Australia.

It reminds me of the book of Micah actually. And that reminds me of today's society. It just keeps getting further away from God, it's scary.

Well... I've been to Tijuana, and in the three hours that I was there I saw enough to do this on Mexico... But I don't know any other countries enough to make these assertions. Besides, with my luck, if I did this about another country someone would start yelling at me because I should only mind my own business and be concerned about America... America is no more special in this regard, doomed is doomed. I'd be more than happy for you to apply this to your country and lemme know :thumb

Jason, you are right. Even in my limited time I have seen the HUGE increase in everything... I could literally get you any kind of drug you want. There is a store in town that carries anything you can think of. The cops know all about it, they just don't care. I know a guy who I went to school with... He owned a big SUV and had everything he wanted... he sold drugs to people for a living. If you were to observe my school you would conclude that everyone in it besides maybe a handful here and there were high.
Pard said:
Well... I've been to Tijuana, and in the three hours that I was there I saw enough to do this on Mexico... But I don't know any other countries enough to make these assertions. Besides, with my luck, if I did this about another country someone would start yelling at me because I should only mind my own business and be concerned about America... America is no more special in this regard, doomed is doomed. I'd be more than happy for you to apply this to your country and lemme know :thumb
Don't worry, I already have applied this to Australia. As far as I'm concerned the entire world is as doomed as each other. Thanks for clarifying. :)
I agree as it relates to America, but I also agree with Nick about this being more of the global decay of society. Communist countries criminalize theism. On the other side of the spectrum, countries like Sweden socially AND legally allow for all of the above taboos. (euthanasia, homosexuality, abortion, etc.)

America is on steady decline over the long run, but we do have periods where the pendulum swings to a certain degree. Look at America in the 1960's with all the Woodstock and "free love" running ramped throughout our society. Open drug use was painted across the country with no shame. Communities of drug use and orgies spotted the land with tent villages of crazy moral disconnect.

Ronald Reagan came along and ushered in a new era in which there seemed to be a step back to traditional values and American pride. This wasn't sustained, but it did serve to get the drug/sex element of society back behind closed doors.

While some (such as France) consider the U.S. sexually repressive because we aren't out in the open with it, a more threatening foundation of general acceptance of it is taking hold of our country without many people even seeing it happening.
Ya we keep having this "great Awakenings" every now and then... if they were so darn great, they would not need more than one!

That video in the News section about Great Britain is also very telling of these things in Romans 1. Japan is completely overrun by perversion. You can by used panties in vending machines on the streets of Tokyo.... :shame