Most in that video ,I know,col young I know,the schacht groves isn't in vero city limits .Louis schacht older brother henry and uncle I know.AirDancer ,schacht groves is local and unlike hale and grace wood are still local.though the other two are local producers but not a family owned business.I have mentioned Marjorie jackson.her family was on that ship wreck.I mentioned. Mcansch park.all of these three live in thar area.louis,I'm not sure .
I posted that to give you the sense of vero as best as I can.col young mentions a synopsis of the very nature of vero,the vero man,the spanish,the beaches and river and citrus.all of which I post often here.
BTW I'm in this video.I wasn't told I would be but I know the image of when as I was there fir a memorial day ceremony.funny one other in thar video I was talking to about doing that next time. He loved it.