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Sabbath Day or Sunday


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Do you think it is fair for a Sabbath Keeper to enjoy the luxury of using the internet that would require people to work on Saturday for their enjoyment?

Do they watch television and the news on Saturday?

Do they buy gas on Saturday?

Eat out on Saturday?

Buy groceries or something they had ran out of on Saturday?

If their heart's desire is for people to not work on Saturday to keep the sabbath day holy, then they cannot benefit off of those that work on Saturday.

It has been said that if people did not shop on Sunday, they would have closed the business. Seems to me that those that protest working even on a Sunday and yet they shop elsewhere on Sunday are just part of the problem. The same goes for Saturday.

I would believe that if God really wanted Sabbath Day Keepers to not work on Saturday, then He would have convicted them for enjoying the benefits of people working on Saturday but He did not.

Kind of like a believer telling other believers not to commit the act of fornication, but the believer is selling condoms to single believers anyway, and benefitting off of it.

Jesus said to judge not les ye be judge: by the measure that you judge ye shall be judged. Granted they are not exactly doing the same thing: but people would have a hard time being convicted by what they say when sabbath day keepers are the reason why they are working on Saturday.
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Evidently not in your mind.. I work on Saturday.

Hi, your 'post' has missed the point perhaps? We are accountable for the knowledge that we have or are can have. And you as an individual?? To be honest with you for what you think;).. that, that I have said, is not accurate! I do not know what God has given you?? And I do not know what is in your heart??

There is a verse of 1 Cor. 12:10 '... to another discerning spirits..' (posting MATERIAL.. not ones growth + heart or mind reading! Got that?)

But I will say this... 'you do come to me so far as being very sincere about our Master'!:thumbsup

You say, 'Evidently not in your mind.. I work on Saturday.' Let me say it this way?? If I were you, and had the 'conviction' (Rom. 8:14) that I DO HAVE, then how would you define your remark??

OK: Enow brought up a good question?? Asking about 7th Day Sabbath 'duty' requirements??

Regardless, if one will read Isa. 58:11-14 they can see exactly what are Sabbath duties & what are not. It might take some 'spiritual' sight to understand, but not much!? Stuff such as T.V. & ones own pleasure?

Surely God gave this INCREASED knowledge for a purpose! (Dan. 12:4 + Hosea 4:6) NOT FOR FOOTBALL GAMES AND THE LIKE ON HIS SABBATH! (ones own pleasure) And it was Christ that taught that it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath. (Ox in the ditch & the like!)

And computors?? If you think that 'i' get on here VAINLY to have fun, rather than to do the Lord's 'REQUIRED' Work that is also a loving privalige, on His Sabbath day as well as any day, then you surely should know that you too are not a mind reader!;):thumbsup

Some of these postors are real pests [at present!] (+ filling up my in/box) Again Titus 3:9-11. They never reply to God's Words, but just attack the person of the posting.:screwloose
Yet, then there are others who are sincere [at present] who are searching for more of Matt. 4:4's spiritual diet!

Hi, your 'post' has missed the point perhaps?

That's always a possibility..

I've been convicted of many things in my life, although not once have I felt conviction for working on Saturday to support my family.

NOW if we look at the PENALTY for an Israelite who did break the Sabbath law.. it WAS DEATH.. and I actually believe that there's a connection with this to the Christian life.. and it would be consistently trying to save myself based upon my own works rather than accepting the free gift of salvation by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ... this would grieve the Spirit of God and it would eventually quench the Spirit of God within a person..

John tells us that there is a sin unto death.. and I think that if a born again Christian continues in sin, like adultery let's say.. then that will lead to spiritual death in that believer.. the Spirit of God would be grieved and ultimately quenched if this were the case.. many may argue this point although I think that it's valid and scriptural.. I don't believe that they would lose their salvation although the Spirit of God would be quenched in them and they would be carnal.

As far as the Sabbath goes.. I think that it's way too shallow to see this as simply working on Saturday.. again, I think it's more along the lines of trying to work for the free gift of salvation which we have in Christ Jesus. If the former were true, then anyone who worked on Saturday would die spiritually.. and imo that's nonsense.
Hi Elijah, its me again, Webb. Your most recent post, #103, has you saying: "They never reply to God's words, but just attack the person of the posting."

When will you reply to God's words of II Cor.3:1-12??? Or, again, you insinuate that God intended the sabbath to be kept before Moses. I ask again, where is that in the Bible??

This is not attacking you personally, but rather holding your doctrine to the fire of test. Seems like bro. John said something about trying the spirits to see if they are of God, I Jn.4:1. Again, when you can meet the above, I'm happy to follow any verse you choose.
I guess I was in the wrong forum... I know you suppose to worship GOD everyday but what day is mandatory that we worship. I know about the 7 different sabbath day and the sabbath year in Leviticus 23. And I believe that the law of Mose which he wrote with his hand wasn't nail to the cross not the 10 commandments. And the 4 commandment is Remember the sabbath day..So basically I wanna know why we go to church on Sunday. When we walking in the footstep of Jesus and he keep the sabbath day.

The purpose of the Sabbath is to give us a day of rest, I believe. We all need a day of rest each week.

Most Christian denominations have worship services on Sunday mornings, though some have services at other times, as well.

I think it is a waste of time worrying about WHICH day we take off and WHICH day we worship. Take a day off each week and worship the Lord at least once a week, when possible.
The purpose of the Sabbath is to give us a day of rest, I believe. We all need a day of rest each week.

Most Christian denominations have worship services on Sunday mornings, though some have services at other times, as well.

I think it is a waste of time worrying about WHICH day we take off and WHICH day we worship. Take a day off each week and worship the Lord at least once a week, when possible.

Where you been??

Any how forum, 'i' and this Elijah are not the same posting ones!;)



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