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Is weed bad?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Personal Choice

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


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Have you heard of salvia?

it is a legal herb that gives hallucinations...

you can smoke it like pot


i'm not supporting it but asking should i smoke it....

i try weed here and there...

is it bad?
Weed is an hallucinogen among other things. The Bible warns us not to have anything to do with sorceries which the New Testament uses the Greek word pharmakia to translation. The same word we get pharmacy from. Do not abuse drugs.
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Weed is an hallucinogen among other things. The Bible warns us not to have anything to do with sorceries which the New Testament uses the Greek word pharemakia to translation. The same word we get pharmacy from. Do not abuse drugs.

what about for medicinal?

is alcohol bad?

weed is less dangerous, i've never hallucinated...
Weed is an hallucinogen among other things. The Bible warns us not to have anything to do with sorceries which the New Testament uses the Greek word pharemakia to translation. The same word we get pharmacy from. Do not abuse drugs.

what about for medicinal?

is alcohol bad?

weed is less dangerous, i've never hallucinated...

medicinal use is not abuse. Use discretion. Alcohol is also bad when it becomes dubauchery.

And there is yet one more thing which supersedes any attempt rationalizing it away as "okay."

It is against the Law of man. Inasmuch as they do not contradict the Law of God, we are to obey man's law which authority is established by God himself.
Have you heard of salvia?

it is a legal herb that gives hallucinations...

you can smoke it like pot


i'm not supporting it but asking should i smoke it....

i try weed here and there...

is it bad?

You should not smoke it. First, smoking anything is bad and deadly for your lungs, and second, why would a hallucinogenic substance be any good for anyone, most of all a Christian? Third, the bible speaks against drugs, as Ashua has explained in all references to sorcery.

As far as for anything medicinal, I don't believe it is, and when we as believers have healing promised, why would anyone need it?
You should not smoke it. First, smoking anything is bad and deadly for your lungs, and second, why would a hallucinogenic substance be any good for anyone, most of all a Christian? Third, the bible speaks against drugs, as Ashua has explained in all references to sorcery.

As far as for anything medicinal, I don't believe it is, and when we as believers have healing promised, why would anyone need it?

And taking it one step further, why would you want to vandalize the temple of the Holy Spirit?
And taking it one step further, why would you want to vandalize the temple of the Holy Spirit?

Amen and also....! We need to remember that people are watching us, and we are admonished in scripture to avoid every appearance of evil.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV
Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Looks evil to me.
Old l’Chante cliché; Would you offer Jesus some if He stood next to you? Or do you want to be on a high when He returns?
salvia is illegal in some states , and i think its illegal in Florida.

oats buying it(weed that is) illegally also supports crime rings and gangs.
Ironically those are the only two I've tried they are nothing alike. I didn't enjoy either of them. :/ Saliva It was really boring I was told I'd have a dream like state.

I suffered a strange kind of blindness (My eyes worked fine but my mind couldn't attribute designations to the shapes and colors.
And apart from that I forgot who I was. and my world was an incomprehensible blur.

I wasn't a threat to anyone else the idea that I could have hurt others or myself is laughable I was completely incapacitated I wasn't even aware I had arms and legs and was catatonic for 10 minutes at which point I came to feeling abit fuzzy and weak kneed Woundering how long I'd been out for as during that state time seemed to have no concept.

It's not sorcery it just interferes with certain regions of your brain associated with attributing what an object is to what your seeing and sedates your Limbic system related to your sense of self and conciousness.
This is where I give my usual two cents that there is a difference between alcohol and "weed". This is the motivation that the person can have in drinking alcohol. A person can have a drink or two without the purpose of altering his/her mind. If the motivation or the end result is that they get drunk, that's a problem. I defy anyone to tell me that anyone smokes weed for any other reason than to get high (except for true medicinal purposes). This is always the only reason to smoke it.
It's not sorcery it just interferes with certain regions of your brain associated with attributing what an object is to what your seeing and sedates your Limbic system related to your sense of self and conciousness.

I guess I just don't keep up with what's going on in the drug world. I'd never heard of salvia being used as a hallucinagen until now. The only thing I knew of salvia was that it's the Latin name of the spice sage (Salvia officinalis). I googled it to find out more, and here's what I found on Wikipedia (emphasis mine).

Wikipedia said:
Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner's Sage, Ska María Pastora, Seer's Sage, and by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects and is a potent producer of "visions" and other hallucinatory experiences. Its native habitat is within cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, growing in shady and moist locations. The plant grows to over a meter high, has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyx. Botanists have not determined whether Salvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed.

Salvia divinorum has a long and continuous tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions. Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship.

Sounds like sorcery to me.

Oats said:
Have you heard of salvia?

it is a legal herb that gives hallucinations...

Again, from Wikipedia (emphasis mine)

Wikipedia said:
Although salvia is not regulated under the Controlled Substances Act, some American states, including Delaware, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio and others, have passed their own laws. Several other states have proposed legislation against salvia, including Alabama, Alaska, California, Florida, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Many of these proposals have not made it into law, with motions having failed, stalled or otherwise died, for example at committee review stages.

You can see a full list of the legal status in all states in the Wikipedia article on the legal status of salvia. (If the link doesn't work, just copy and paste the following into your browser's location bar:

I would recommend avoiding it because of it's connection with sorcery and also because we don't know the long term effects. In addition to that, the Wikipedia article on the plant said that it seemed to work as a depressant. Now, I don't know a lot about your condition, but it would seem to me like that's probably not what you want to be taking.

If you do decide to use it (which, again, I strongly advise against), then make sure you do two things.

First, go to the article above and check the legality of it in your area.
Secondly, never do it alone.
Salvia divinorum is the type people smoke, I have tried it, its legal in New Zealand and I think it is also in Australia (where I'm living now) it didn't do much for me.

As for cannabis I used to be a pot head, I was one of those hippie types I actually believed it was good for me. I look back and cant believe I was so foolish. Thank you God for helping me over come my drug problem. I believe pot dose lots of damage psychologically especially to people that already have psychological disorders (Thank god I didn't) There is evidence to suggest that even smoking it once can do permanent mental damage to some people.

If you do use it for medical reasons I would only use in its natural state. Smoking is not natural its converted to all sorts of toxic chemicals. I used to make the best cookies ever and they didn't give me the bad side effects like smoking did. The only side effect was my eyes flicked.
It is funny that we make a moral judgment on a plant which can not be bad or good.
If we think pot is wrong then we judge it bad.
If we think Nut meg is good, we put it on our egg nog and do not die so Nutmeg is good, yet if you ate one whole ounce of Nutmeg it will kill you.
Where would we be without aspirin, yet aspirin burnt holes in my stomach and is bad for me.
Should everyone stop taking pills because some abuses them.
Put the kids in jail and give them a criminal record, introducing them to real criminals, who pervert them,
that is the logic of modern government.,

Rev 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations.

In the kingdom to come we will be healed by the leaves we eat!
Do you smoke weed Elvis? Did you know that weed causes depression? since when is depression a "moral good"?

Marijuana also causes paranoia.

Look at what the Bible says:

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Do you smoke weed Elvis? Did you know that weed causes depression? since when is depression a "moral good"?

Marijuana also causes paranoia.

Look at what the Bible says:

2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

i do smoke, not often

as i said here or there

i suffer depression and it brings me out of my dumps

i rather smoke weed which has never caused a death than to take anti depressant which slowly kill your liver


Tobacco is far worst than Marijuana and this is a fact.

You can ingest it orally and get the same relaxing effects...

I'm playing District Attorney here but I feel it can hurt people as I have done bad things in the past to obtain it

please forgive me

pray :pray

I know the Bible is against it

but the Bible is also against irreverence and pride

It is an evil Idol of mine which I need to drop


My argument is that alcohol is much more caustic


also the good strains have been known to treat pain and glaucoma better than synthetic medicines...



this is why you shouldn't smoke salvia
i change my stance

Weed doesn't do this
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It's not sorcery it just interferes with certain regions of your brain associated with attributing what an object is to what your seeing and sedates your Limbic system related to your sense of self and conciousness.

According to scripture, taking drugs apart from strictly medicinal use is sorcery. That includes marijuana. All we need is Jesus.
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i do smoke, not often

as i said here or there

i suffer depression and it brings me out of my dumps

i rather smoke weed which has never caused a death than to take anti depressant which slowly kill your liver


Tobacco is far worst than Marijuana and this is a fact.

You can ingest it orally and get the same relaxing effects...

I'm playing District Attorney here but I feel it can hurt people as I have done bad things in the past to obtain it

please forgive me

pray :pray

I know the Bible is against it

but the Bible is also against irreverence and pride

It is an evil Idol of mine which I need to drop


My argument is that alcohol is much more caustic


also the good strains have been known to treat pain and glaucoma better than synthetic medicines...

this is why you shouldn't smoke salvia
i change my stance

Weed doesn't do this

Oats, does your doctor know you are smoking weed and also taking your prescribed medication?

You recognize that weed is evil and an idol and that you need to drop it. The Lord will help you from there, Oats. In His perfect timing He will deliver you.

God bless you, Oats.


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