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- #61
Klee shay said:rezenwerks said:We are part of the ape family.
So mankind says...
Given that the whole taxonomical system is purely a man-made organizational system, then this has to be true by definition. Saying "we're part of the ape family" in this sense only means that the system of classifying animals that we have constructed for ease of discussion happens to place humans and other primates into a family called "Ape". Even if evolution was completely wrong, we'd still be in the ape family, because that is how the family is defined. Similarly, dogs and coyotes are in the same family, even though dogs and coyotes are very different. House cats and tigers are in the same family, even though they're vary different. We could, in theory, have defined "family" in such a way that dogs in cats were in the same family, but we chose not to. Instead, they're in the same "order", carnivora.
We also could've defined "family" in such a way that humans were in their own category, but this way makes more sense. Evolution or no, humans share many characteristics with other primates, included basis structure, diet, and so on. Because of this, it's often convenient to talk about all primates (another arbitrarily defined term) together, humans included.
Make sense?
edit: Upon re-reading, there's some sloppiness of terminology in there. Hopefully the main point is clear, though.