Ahhhh, the beautiful science of the quran, where Adam was a 90 foot giant, the sun sets into the ocean, and drinking camel urine is better medicine than 2 advils.
theLord you forgot to put the verses where these ideas are taking place.
you know that what distinguishes the human being from all other creatures, is the mind that does not take anything for granted but uses the arguments and evidences to convince and wait for proof to be convinced and persuaded .
And the most important thing is to deal objectively with thoughts and beliefs of that who differs from you and search for the truth wherever it is . And not to forget that there is only one divine truth to be discovered and gained.
This is another scientific proof that the quran is absolutely the final revelation of God to his prophet and messenger mohammed (PBUH) 14 CENTURIES AGO.
The science of oceanography is a recent development. In the middle of 1980's the United States Navy began the extensive study of ocean currents, the mineral contents of various currents. In 1854, an American naval officer Matthew Fontaine Maury published the first maps of ocean current below the depth of 7,300 meters. In the following year, Maury published the first book on this subject. It was entitled 'Physical Geography of the Sea'.
Below are the excerpts from Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia Deluxe, 1998 edition:
Occasionally, water becomes very heavy due to its high salinity. An example of this is the Mediterranean Sea. The water flowing outward through the Strait of Gibraltar has greater salinity than the adjacent water of the Atlantic Ocean, and because it is heavier, it sinks. This Mediterranean flow can be tracked as a tongue of high-salinity water most of the way across the Atlantic Ocean.
Note: This last sentence tells us that the incoming flow of sea water from the Mediterranean Sea does not admix or combine with the sea water of the Atlantic Ocean. The incoming flow does not loose its identity after traveling a short distance. Surprisingly, the flow from the Mediterranean Sea keeps on traveling "most of the way across the Atlantic Ocean". Since the area of the Atlantic Ocean is about 31,831,000 square miles, it is a very vast distance covered by this flow. The map charted by the oceanographers show that this High Density water is like a protruding "tongue" surrounded by the Low Density water. There is an invisible Barrier that keeps these two waters apart.
Here is the verse of Qur'an that speak of this invisible Barrier:
"He hath let loose the two seas which meet each other:
Yet between them is a bariier which they overpass not "
Translation by Reverend J. M. Rodwell
"He let forth the two seas that meet together, between them a barrier they do not over pass."
Translation by Arthur J. Arberry
"He has let free the two bodies of flowing water meeting together: Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress " Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
waiting for you to deal seriously with the topic and not with disregard and contempt..