size=120] Bob said
Why are these simple concepts so difficult for you --
When asked WHY I refer to (the term Atheist Darwinism) I point to the fact that darwinism came out of the closet as "Atheist Darwinism" when it decided to attack any evolutionist that dared to challenge atheism -- they exposed their true distinctively atheist slant on darsinism.
When a group of compromised christians follwed their masters out on that field they unwittingly exposed to the world that they were not only joined to Darwinism they were married to atheist dogma and "proud to oppose" any non-atheist form of [\b]evolutionism that should arise.
In so doing - they all earned the title "devotees of atheist darwinism". (though these Christians would in some other contexts prefer to endorse the God of the Bible - presumably)
Sadly some of them still like to "pretend" no one noticed!
VaultZero4Me said:
You have a hard time grasping what science is. They were not attacked because of being theistic
Again it is YOU that has not followed the point -- and it is eseential to do so in order to frame an argument either for or against. Nevertheless I am willing to help you so you can make your case.
Let's do this one more time. The point is that in attacking the "INTELLEGENT DESIGN" arguments of evolutionists these people have exposed to the world the fact that their interest is LESS about EVOLUTION and MORE about "There IS NO GOD".
The ID supporters (especially those related to the Discovery Institute) endorse evolution but enjoy pointing to the fact that we STILL see DESIGN in nature at very specific points - the data supports DESIGN (like the example of a plane flying over an island and seeing a message for help written in the sand).
But REGARDLESS of the host of specific examples -- the "instructive" part is that for Darwinists THAT ARE ATHEISTS -- NO evolutionist SOLUTION can be tolerated that ALLOWS for a Designer SEEN IN the data - SEEN IN nature.
Some other Darwinists MIGHT in fact be comfortable with intelligent Design SEEN IN nature since presumably "some" Darwinist evoutionists are also Christian. (a point that has yet to be proven here -- but still you have to admit that it is possible).
But when BOTH groups of Darwinists come out OPPOSED to INTELLIGENCE seen IN nature - EVEN in opposition to evolutionists that ADMIT to that data showing intelligent design, they expose themselves as devotees of the ONE principle in dispute - atheism vs a DESIGNER for "THE THINGS that have been MADE".
The title "devotees of atheist darwinism" sticks.
The term "Science" deals with the material world (universe included). The atheist argues that this by definition excludes God since there is no God and everything in the known world "happened by itself".
The objective OBSERVER on the other hand says "I don't know where it all came from or if it was designed -- I WILL FOLLOW THE DATA WHERE IT LEADS".
When you find sticks in the shape of an arrow on the beach -- it could just be the random process of the ocean washing up debris or it COULD be that someone has placed that there.
The atheist starts with his statement of blind faith "there is NO SOMEONE to place it so no matter how complex the data and design there can be no SOMEONE".
The objective scientist looks at the sticks and says "I don't know the origin for this - I will study the related facts to see where the data leads me". It is only the Christian that can accept the data either way. For example the Christian has no problem looking at a chemical reaction with precipitant and saying - that is an interesting fact of nature, science, chemistry. At the same time he has the academic freedom to say "yes but look at the placement of our planet and the kinds of chemical reactions that just so happen to take place here in favor of life. The number of variables for this biosphere to work are very large -- too large for chance".
Devotees to atheist darwinism are "stuck" with "no matter how complex the design -- no DESIGNER".
That is not even in debate. The question being debated is whether that form of junk science will completely infect our public teaching institutions or whether private science foundations and teaching institutions will be the last defense for actual objective data-driven science.
For the atheist darwinist ANY appeal to a designer -- exludes their faith based approach to science and MIGHT AS WELL be called "Creationism".
For the Bible believing Christians the I.D evolutionist arguments are not an acceptable approximation to what the Bible says happened in "SIX evenings and mornings" regarding all life on this earth.
But the atheists should find in the I.D argument aspects of evolutionism so necessary to atheism and the Bible believing Christian Creationists should be objective enough to see in the I.D Arguments enough of a basic acknowledgement of design so necessary for Bible Creationism.
As it turns out - only the Christians have the academic freedom to admit to the strength of the I.D argument while still complaining about it's evolutionist context.
Atheist darwinists simply have nowhere to go on this one -- and sad to say their followers seem to tag along behind them like sheep.
in Christ,