BobRyan said:
If Christians of any denomination said that "no data can be published that casts doubt on the Genesis account" I would be against it.
Okay, how about this. Check out AIG's statement of faith:
You need to believe in all of that to work for AIG. Can you name and show any scientific establishment that requires you to be an atheist to work with them?
You need to get out more I think.
In the Dover Pensylvania trial the whole REASON that the school board was put on trial is that they had a ONE PARAGRAPH statement in an otherwise PURELY ATHEIST DARWINIAN science class.[/quote:0c720]
Germ theory, cell theory, atomic theory, quantum physics, relativity. All of these do not mention God or religion. Are they atheistic theories? Is a science class that includes all of these an atheistic science class? Does that give an excuse to include Hindu theories about the creation of the earth and universe?
And the ONE paragraph statement said that although the students would be brainwashed with pure atheist darwinism dogma non-stop
Atomic theory and chemistry are pure atheist darwinism dogma non-stop? I'm sorry, but a scientific theory does not have to make a reference to christianity every other sentence. There is no religious requirement.
and no matter what the science data -- during that semester "There EXISTS other theories to answer the same questions" and in fact "There EXISTS IN THE LIBRARY" a book that students are free to check out on their own initiative "OF Pandas and People".
Okay, the problem is this:
In science class, you teach the scientific consensus. Why? Because this is what all the scientists of the relative field, who have done tests, gathered and interpreted evidence such so that the most accurate and predictive theory is brought forth, have concluded is the most accurate theory.
In the science of biology, the scientific consensus is that the theory of evolution is correct. The scientific consensus is also that intelligent design is not science, has no theory and has no predictive power ergo no ability to explain phenomenon nor be used to design or apply..
So, just like a science classroom doesn't reach hindu creation stories, geocentricism, flat earthism or intelligent falling as plausible alternatives to the scientific consensus, so too should it not teach intelligent design.
If proponents of intelligent design wish for their theory to be treated as science and furthermore as more accurate, reliable and with more predictable power with evolution they should not try to confuse school students into accepting a theory scientifically when it does not yet have scientific merit; they should go out and do the research, write the scientific papers, formulate the hypotheses of intelligent design and present the evidence that support these hypotheses BETTER than evolution and whatever other theories ID tries to supercede.
Yet they do not. They even have their own journal to publish in, ISCID, if mainstream journals actually are being censored, but they don't even publish there; it has been lifeless for years.
If ID is science where are the publications? Where are the applications? Would you teach an idea as a plausible scientific theory in high school science class if it has shown no plausibility, no applications, no merit and no worth?
By the way, books are no substitute for scientific papers.
The RANK censorship is of the form " you can't let them know the book EXISTS or that there are competing solutions"!!!
It would be perfectly okay to have the books available in the library but not to go further and say that it is equally as valid as the theory of evolution when they clearly are not.
I think it is truly sad that followers of atheist darwinism do not even BLINK at such horrible tactics.
NOTHING of that sort can be found by Christian groups -- filing suit in public court and attacking school boards for ADMITTING THE EXISTENCE of competing ideas or the EXISTENCE of a book in the library.
BUT IMAGINE for a moment if Christiand today DID SUCH A THING??!!!
Now - your post also gets to another interesting level - you presume in the statement above that all Christian institutions are evil.
Don't you "at least" have to be Christian to engage in this?
in Christ,
If, say, a christian school did not teach evolution in science class, would you say this constitutes as censorship? Just as an example.