Good evening,
If the work of the Christian is to believe in Jesus, then how does one go about believing. I think Christians would agree that faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God, and faith comes by the Spirit of God. Faith is not a light switch that can be turned on at a moment's decision. I believe that faith is granted by the sole discretion of God which serves His purposes. I think what Matthew Mead says is good for us to consider.
"Direction 1. First, "Break off all false peace of conscience;" this is the devil's bond, to hold the soul from seeking after Christ. As there is the peace of God, so there is the peace of Satan; but they are easily known, for they are as contrary as Heaven and Hell, as light and darkness.
The peace of God flows from a work of grace in the soul, and is the peace of a regenerate state; but the peace of Satan is the peace of an unregenerate state, it is the peace of death;...
The peace of God in the soul is a peace flowing from removal of guilt, by justifying grace; "Being justified by faith in his blood, we have peace with God;" but the peace of Satan in the soul arises and is maintained by a stupidity of spirit, and insensibility of guilt upon the conscience.
The peace of God is a peace from sin, that fortifies the heart against it: "The peace of God that passeth all men's understanding, shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus." The more of this peace there is in the soul, the more is the soul fortified against sin; but the peace of Satan is peace in sin: "The strong man armed keeps the house, and there is all at peace." The saint's peace is a peace with God, but not with sin; the sinner's peace is a peace with sin; but not with God: and this is a peace better broken than kept: it is a false, a dangerous, and undoing peace; my brethren, "death and judgment will break all peace of conscience," but only that which is wrought by Christ in the soul, and is the fruit of the "blood of sprinkling: when he gives quietness, who can make trouble?" Now that peace that death will break, why should you keep? Who would be fond of that quietness which the flames of Hell will burn in sunder: and yet how many travel to hell through the fool's paradise of a false peace!
O break off this peace! for we can have no peace with God in Christ, whilst this peace remains in our hearts; the Lord gives no peace to them that will not seek it; and that man will never seek it, that does not see his need of it: and he that is at peace in his lusts, sees no need of the peace of Christ. The sinner must be wounded for sin, and troubled under it, before Christ will heal his wounds, and give him peace form it." Matthew Mead, The Almost Christian...
Whatever you do, say, or think, is it sin or does it break the peace you have with Jesus? If the answer is yes, then go to the cross and know that Jesus death paid for your sin. If you can't go to the cross of Christ, then you should not have any peace. You should not allow yourself peace until you are trusting in Jesus and what He has done for you. There is no short cut here. This is the work that you have to do to believe in Jesus. If you have peace with God by what you do, say, and think (in other words, it's not against the Law), or it doesn't discourage your belief in Jesus but encourages you in your belief in Jesus, then you can rest in this peace because faith in the finished work of Jesus will agree with it. I think another way of saying it is, I obey God because I love Him. Is what I do, say, or think an expression of love to God? If it is, then this is called walking in the Spirit, abiding in the love of God.
The challenge here is not allowing ourselves peace when we know we aren't right or trying to bribe the conscience so we will feel better without going to the cross. No, we are not justified by what we do, but we are justified by believing in Jesus and what He has done.
- Davies