Good afternoon,
Having the day off of work today, I have time to post/cook some spiritual vegetables. We all must eat our brussel sprouts.
""A man may obey the commands of God, yea, many of the commands of God, and yet be but almost a Christian." ... The young man went far in obedience, :all these have I observed from my youth up," (Mark x. 20.) And yet he was but an hypocrite, for he forsook Christ after all.
Objection. But is it not said, "he that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father; and I will love him, and manifest myself unto him?"-(John xiv. 12.) And doth not our Lord tell us expressly, "ye are my friends if ye do whatever I command you?" And can a man be a friend of Christ, and be but almost a Christian?
1. There is a partial obedience, a piecemeal religion; when a man obeys God in one command, and not in another; owns him in one duty, and not in another; when a man seems to make conscience of the duties of one table, and not of the duties of another. This is the religion of most.
This obedience is not obedience;... It is said of those in Samaria, that they "feared the Lord, and served their own gods after their own manner," 2. Kings xvii. 23.) And yet in the very next verse it is said, "They feared not the Lord;" so that their fear of the Lord was no fear; in like manner, that obedience to God is no obedience, which is but a partial and piece-meal obedience.
2. A man may obey much; and yet be in his old nature, and if so, then all his obedience in that estate is but a painted sin;... The nature must be renewed, before the command can be rightly obeyed, for "a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." ...
3. A man may obey the law, and yet have no love to the lawgiver; a carnal heart may do the command of God, but he cannot love God, and therefore cannot do it aright; for love to God is the foundation and spring of all true obedience; every command of God is to be done in love: this the "fulfilling of the law." The apostle saith," Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, (these seem to be acts of the highest obedience,) yet if I have not love, it profits me nothing." - Matthew Mead, The Almost Christian...
Who picks and chooses what he eats at the dinner table? Didn't your parents have to tell you to eat your vegetables? If you didn't have to be told, then there was something wrong with you.

How many 'Christians' do you know who like to cherry pick the Scriptures? 'Let's do the things God tells us that we like to do, and the other stuff, well, since I'm no longer under the law anymore, I'm free to disregard it.' Even though the Christian is not under the law, he is not free to violate it.
Are we motivated out of love for God to be obedient to Him? Painted sin, white washed tombs, sin with a mask of righteousness are all products of a good deeds done without love for God. Try to stand on this righteousness before God, and you'll hear, "I never knew you..." It's best to wholly depend on the righteousness of Jesus when standing before God.
After reading Mr. Mead, you may feel like you can't do anything right, then seek the face of Jesus in the Bible. The more you look at His face, the more sanctified you will become, the more you will find yourself obeying God, in spirit and truth.
2 Corinthians 4:6
New King James Version (NKJV)
6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to
give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
- Davies