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Should a democrat marry a republican?


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i would rather die then watch the view.

Well, Danus really didn't do anything to warrant a death penalty. Perhaps he should just pop some popcorn and watch some old Burns and Allen reruns!

:popcorn:pepsi (gotta have some Pepsi with the popcorn!)
Well, Danus really didn't do anything to warrant a death penalty. Perhaps he should just pop some popcorn and watch some old Burns and Allen reruns!

:popcorn:pepsi (gotta have some Pepsi with the popcorn!)
try having socialist jewish family. my dad and his and all the cranmans save me and my bro and mom(sisters dont vote) are all democrats.

my uncle steve was a democrat and held office.
Well, Danus really didn't do anything to warrant a death penalty. Perhaps he should just pop some popcorn and watch some old Burns and Allen reruns!

:popcorn:pepsi (gotta have some Pepsi with the popcorn!)

Thanks handy, for sparing my life. :)

When we married my husband was a card holding union member Democrat and I was a ultra Conservative Republican.

The way my hubby and I worked this out was that we respected each other's views. We talked about them of course, we got married during the Clinton years at the height of the sex scandals so there were some pretty sharp debates. Over the years though we changed. He doesn't really view himself as a Democrat all that much any more, with the exception of the environment and I've long since abandoned the Republican party. We're far closer in ideology than we were before...but...

...and this is really important...

The changes came from God working within each of us, not by the two of us arguing about things.

I'm on love of my life wife number two in my life.

My first was a liberal. We where young and idealistic, but we did not fully know where the other stood. However, I thought it odd when she wanted to keep her maiden name in conjunction to taking my name. You know like (Hillary Rhodum, Clinton).....? That's right.

My first wife was a budding journalist. We where in school together she studied political science with a minor in journalism and I studied business. Ironically I ended up with a liberal arts degree and she a masters marketing degree. :)

However, I dropped out for a time to start a business and when I went back I found it easier to just finish taking "basket weaving" classes to say I have a degree.

IN any case, she did some writing at a local news paper back in the 80's. We had one car so I picked her up from work and often sat near her desk as she warped up.

I would get to know the people in the news room and in so doing it became apparent that they where all liberals. :o

This became so very obvious during Reagan's second term and I walked in to pick up my wife wearing a Reagan campaign button I got from a friend working at the local office. I also got a bunch of stickers and I thought it'd be nice to see if anyone there at the paper might want one. :)....They did not. In fact I barely made it out alive.

As I looked around I saw nothing but Mundell Fearow campaign stuff on peoples desk. After that day I was told by my young wife that I was not to come to any more functions, parties order of Mr Barenger, the editor of the paper....because I upset people. Can you believe that! That I would upset anyone? :grumpy

So I decided to do something nice for all the people at the paper despite their unkind thoughts and expression of me. I gave them a sticker anyway and I even took the time to laboriously place one on each of their cars parked out back. :) These where quality stickers I might add. ....ahh....I love helping people.
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If the democrat adheres to doctrine fine..

Republicans don't always adhere to doctrine either, you know. There's some republican's I know that are far from what I would call a good person i.e, extremely selfish, won't help a less fortunate person for any reason because that would be a "hand out", and willing to let a sick person suffer because they "weren't responsible enough to get insurance". That's not biblical in the slightest. By the way, that's a real life example, I don't mean that all republicans are like that, because I know they're not. I'm just saying that a Republican is just as able to be the non-Christian as the democrat.
I was married 2 times and both wives are Democrats and I have been a Republican since 1982. And I am not budging.
Warning: minor rant

Democrats are not inherently godless. I'm Christian and I'm a registered Democrat. I am concerned for my fellow man, I think the Government has a responsibility to its people, especially those unable (NOT unwilling) to care for themselves.

The Republican party is a shadow of itself, especially with the rise of the Tea Party, which is lead by people bought and paid for by various unscrupulous corporations. Rank and file members may not be, but our leaders sure are.

Democrats aren't perfect either-but every system on Earth is flawed. All of them. I just think the poor suffer less under Democrats. After Eisenhower, every Republican has drained the treasury. Clinton, for all his personal sins, had the lowest percent of people on welfare since its creation and left office with a healthy military and a healthy surplus. Eisenhower, a Republican was an excellent president and a prudent man.

Back to topic: I plan on marrying a Republican/Libertarian, so. Nothing bad in that, no.
Warning: minor rant

Democrats are not inherently godless. I'm Christian and I'm a registered Democrat. I am concerned for my fellow man, I think the Government has a responsibility to its people, especially those unable (NOT unwilling) to care for themselves.

The Republican party is a shadow of itself, especially with the rise of the Tea Party, which is lead by people bought and paid for by various unscrupulous corporations. Rank and file members may not be, but our leaders sure are.

Democrats aren't perfect either-but every system on Earth is flawed. All of them. I just think the poor suffer less under Democrats. After Eisenhower, every Republican has drained the treasury. Clinton, for all his personal sins, had the lowest percent of people on welfare since its creation and left office with a healthy military and a healthy surplus. Eisenhower, a Republican was an excellent president and a prudent man.

Back to topic: I plan on marrying a Republican/Libertarian, so. Nothing bad in that, no.

healthy military oh the one two small to deal with iraq and afganistan where the army has units within three years deploying thrice and no clinton do that one welfare, the republican congress made him do that or they wouldnt be his programs.

he didnt want to reform welfare the republican controlled congress did and the democrats spend , spend too.bush jr was spender but obama? far worse. i was in during the clinton days. if the army was the size it was then and called up, we wouldnt have 6 yr vets with three one year tours!
While it's true one's political party does not determine whether one is a serious Christian or not, the worldview differences between liberals and conservatives today is so great as to make it difficult to see eye-to-eye on many subjects; even ones not explicitely political.

I am a pragmatic conservative Repulican, and while I realize that liberal/leftwing Democrats are generally trying to do what they believe to be best for this country and the world, I see their actions and philosophy as extremely deleterious to prosperity, freedom, moral values, etc. It would be difficult to live with someone who supported policies that you believe are seriously damaging people, businesses, and this country.
It does not matter if they can respect each other and submit to each other as God's new creations, different points of view are sometimes much better than two carbon copies right?

The current crop of politicians are to me very self-centered and not focused on service to others. Too many people talk the talk but never walk the walk. Our country falls while our leaders fight each other.

Wouldn't it be nice to see our leaders be true, even to their own personal values (I know a politician with values, what is that?)? My hope is for more Christian's to lead us in a prayerful way.

I remain an independent and loyal to no particular party.

I vote for the lesser of two evils usually.

I will continue to pray that our nation gets back to Christ as its foundation.

My wife is very apolitical and I feel I must become more political while remaining what I call a Christian independent.
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[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Tahoma, Arial]Excerpt from the 2008 Democratic National Committee platform:
The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to affordable family planning services and comprehensive age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions. The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman's decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.
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[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Tahoma, Arial]Excerpt from the 2008 Democratic National Committee platform:[/FONT]
[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica] The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to affordable family planning services and comprehensive age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions. The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman's decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.[/FONT]

cornfused arent they.
If the democrat adheres to doctrine fine.

Most democrats are not Biblical believers these days. There are some Democrats who believe abortion and homosexuality are immoral and evil, but by and large they are nonbelievers or people with extremely sick theology. That is not to say republicans are any better. Theyre just the lesser of two evils more times than not. --That isnt saying a whole lot.

Short answer, no it doesnt matter. Long answer yes. If their politics are unbiblical.
. AMEN! :yes
spay and neuter your liberals

That's a really cruel thing to say. In any case, being that liberals are more opened minded, they're more likely to let their children make their own decisions about politics and have a decent chance of spawning yet another closed-minded, hypochristian conservative.

Yes, I'm a liberal and I am a Christian. I'm so tired of people assuming that liberals can't be true Christians. Isn't it just possible that a person can be a Christian and not feel the need to force their Christian values on people that may not share them? Most Christians may believe that abortion and gay marriage are ungodly, but when a woman feels trapped and makes the very difficult decision to have an abortion, it doesn't affect you or anyone but that woman and her partner. Two consenting gay adults getting married doesn't affect anyone but the two of them. They may not share the same lifestyle as us, but they have the right to have that lifestyle. Homosexuals have the right to the pursuit of happiness just like the rest of us.

Another area where coservatives and liberals tend to disagree. IN GENERAL, and in my experience, most conservatives just LOVE capital punsishment, whereas liberals tend to not believe in it. If Christian conservatives like to make their political decisions based on the Bible, (like abortion and gay marriage) then they really should be against the death penalty shouldn't they? In Genesis, when Cain killed Abel, Cain was afraid that the people he would come across would know his sin and would kill him in return. What was God's responce? He said that He would put a mark on Cain, and anyone that killed him because he killed Abel, would be punished seven times more than Cain was being punished.

Ok, I know this was a long responce to your one sentence. I'm not trying to start a debate about the things I just said, but your remark really make me angry and I felt I had to make a few points. I know my first paragraph about hypochristian conservatives was extreme, but your comment was cruel, and I think it was called for. It's just that, I'm a liberal, and yet I truely love Jesus and I don't think I should be spaid.


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