Should Christians take medicine ?

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follower of Christ said:
Drew said:
Here's the problem with your position - you simply assume that "healing the sick" is always to be achieved "miraculously".

It works for a lot of Christians :) A friend of mine has not been to a doctor for 35 years now. God has healed him from cancer, glaucoma, diabetes, his eyes were restored (he is 60 and reads without glasses) They delivered all three their children at home. God fixeda broken arm within one day (verified by the doctor at work, which had to x-ray him after the accident......he refused to go to a hospital) God stitched him up after his lip got torn when he fell. God protected him from fire while he was in it. This guy lives and breathes miracles and he is just a simple believer who only says: God says it, so I believe it.

He also gets mocked. People have been mocking him for all his Christian life. Ridiculed him and persecuted him. But him and his family is standing on the Word alone through all of this. He will be found in faith, when the Lord returns. He is walking like Jesus. People get healed all around him, when he prays for them if they have faith in the Word. Jesus also only prayed for those when "He saw their faith" other places, Jesus could not heal many, because they lacked faith.

Since I have repented of my past views, it took a long time for me to start seeing the Word in action. But it came. And today I can tell you that I live this too. Not to the great extent that my friend does,(he has thirty five years headstart on me ) but God is faithful and He is teaching me to stand on His Word no matter what.

So to anybody out there, that wants to see God's power: BELIEVE the Word and do not listen to mockers. We will always have them with us.They are part of your test.

Cornelius said:
Drew said:
T'his is not a valid response to my challenge. The fact that Jesus healed "miraculously" is hardly an argument that we should reject medicine. If God chose to miraculously heal someone from a heart attack, that is hardly an argument that Christians who experience heart attacks should not call 911, and instead stay home and pray. They should, of course, do both.

Of course its valid. We are called to walk as He walked. Just ask yourself what Jesus would have done .

1Jn 2:6 he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as he walked.

I cannot see Jesus dialing 911. Can you?

But then, as I said before, of you are not sure..........then please dial 911, but do not look down on those who do not.
No. This is a gross oversimplification and you are exposing the body to great danger with your highly irresponsible suggestions. If we are to "walk as he walked" then we should be doing these things too:

1. Declaring that the kingdom of God is being initiated by our actions. Remember that Jesus want around saying that in His ministry, God was becoming King. Is that true of us? Of course not.

2. Declaring that we are re-constituting the family of God around ourselves. This is simply not correct theology. Jesus went around symbolically, and literally, saying that the people of God are those who accept Him as Lord. Are we to "walk in like manner", telling people that the true people of God are those accept us as lord? Of course not.

3. Jesus took on Israel’s role as the means by which the covenant is to be brought to its climax. Are we called to bear Israel’s destiny and fulfill the covenant? Of course not.

The miraculously healings that Jesus effected were not simply done to “prove He is Godâ€, but rather to show that the Old Testament promises of rescue from exile and YHWH’s return to Zion were being fulfilled in Jesus’ own ministry. We are not called to that role – Jesus has already fulfilled it.

Yes, we are called to “walk as Jesus walkedâ€, but this is not to be taken as an instruction to do everything that Jesus did. Yes, Jesus instructs us to heal, but the miraculous nature of His healings served a very specific theological purpose – to demonstrate that in His own ministry, the promises of God were coming true. That purpose has already been achieved. Let’s be careful here – the miraculous nature of Jesus’ healings served a very specific role in the unfolding plan of redemption – to show that God was becoming King and rescuing Israel from exile in the ministry of Jesus. To generalize that beyond its specific purpose in the unfolding story is to dishonour the story.
Drew said:
No. This is a gross oversimplification and you are exposing the body to great danger with your highly irresponsible suggestions.

READERS, for the record here (yet again) I honestly had NO clue that this was going to go in the direction it has.
I started this thread as a response, of sorts, to a particular member who I felt was spamming the forums with these one liner questions, then rarely sticking around to participate in them.
I simply was not showing much foresight on this one and I apologize for that narrow-mindedness.



Pauls thorn wasnt removed even tho he asked the Lord to do so.
Paul told Timothy to drink wine for his stomach ailment...he didnt tell Timothy to have faith and God would heal it.

IF C's doctrine were actually true then Paul WOULD have had his thorn removed (supposedly by faith, and regardless of GODS will in the matter) and there would have been NO need for Timothy to use wine for his stomach.


Cornelius said:
It works for a lot of Christians :) A friend of mine has not been to a doctor for 35 years now. God has healed him from cancer, glaucoma, diabetes, his eyes were restored (he is 60 and reads without glasses)
Oh if your one friend gets a new Lamborghini then can the rest of us expect ours too ?
Dont be absurd, C. Just because your buddy, whose story is yet UNconfirmed here, got something from God it has NO BEARING on the rest of the membership here.

And friends with regrown arms and legs ?
Im disappointed...
They delivered all three their children at home. God fixeda broken arm within one day (verified by the doctor at work, which had to x-ray him after the accident......he refused to go to a hospital) God stitched him up after his lip got torn when he fell. God protected him from fire while he was in it. This guy lives and breathes miracles and he is just a simple believer who only says: God says it, so I believe it.
the key point being GOD did it GOD decides if and when...not you, not me...GOD does.
And if GOD decides to NOT heal me of my disease, I accept that. Id almost prefer that He doesnt seeing what has come thru it....a faith so absolute and unyielding that I would not trade it for anything.
Its sad that some settle for faith proven by works and sign gifts.

Are you so narrow minded, friend, that you cannot see the GOOD and POSITIVE that our afflictions may bring ?

Since I have repented of my past views, it took a long time for me to start seeing the Word in action.
The word in action saves doesnt need to amaze with parlor tricks...

So to anybody out there, that wants to see God's power: BELIEVE the Word and do not listen to mockers. We will always have them with us.They are part of your test.

And to those who dont want to test God by jumping off the cliff, keep taking your meds.

Let me ask you C..since you push all this stuff....have you drank any poisons lately ?
I mean, Mark SAYS you can do how come you dont test your own faith there friend ?

Mar 16:18 they shall pick up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it shall by no means hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall be well."
Or is this test of faith simply for the REST of us to endure ?
you talk the you walk the walk ?

Cornelius said:
Believe the Word and you too will see the power of God
Thats right...believe the WORD.
Not some folks distortions of it...

I got too much time on my hands this afternoon. LOL I just read through all 19 pages. :crazy

follower of Christ said:
I want no further part of this thread or this topic.
Its simply too dangerous for some here to be making people thing of they 'trust God' then they'll lay their prescriptions down and 'have faith' instead.

I apologize entirely for even making this thread and bringing this topic up. It was just something I did in response to so many other spam type threads that were going on at the time.
I really wish Id thought about the possible responses before I posted it.
No, don't feel bad. It brought to light all sorts of things, really. Some strange ans some not so strange. :yes
Drew said:
Cornelius said:
But if God shows you that you have indeed been healed at the cross. Why then, if you are healed, do you take medicine ?
While on the one hand, I am a big fan of freedom of speech, this statement is of a kind that borders on something that, perhaps, just perhaps, should be banned by the Terms of this board.

You have generally been polite, Cornelius, and I thank you for that. But you are encouraging reckless behaviour that literally might cost someone his or her life. And I would appeal to you to re-examine your scriptural positions here.

I see not a shred of Biblical evidence for this position that you promote. Thankfully, it is only a very tiny minority of Christians who would eschew medecine.
Drew, it's an opinion, that's all. I don't agree with it and I think it makes a mockery of many a person's faith, but I can't censor it solely on that.

I am disappointed though. Lovely and FOC repeatedly asked why Paul, a man chosen by God Himself and a man of great faith, wasn't healed and it got overlooked. It was never answered but it was sidestepped very cleverly. Properly answering that would result in one of two things; either Paul didn't have enough faith or Name it, claim it, prosperity gospel isn't what it claims to be.

Anyone know about Mary Eddy Baker? You should get to know of her if you are engaged in this discussion or even if you are not. Despite what she taught, she was a extermely sickly woman most her life.

I made a vow to myself that I would keep the verse in my signature for as long as I am an active part of this site. Now, some meds may be needed but I myself shy away from prescription meds, flu shots and the like. It's a "personal thing". I see some ailments as beings with me, serving a purpose, humbling me and glorifying God in the process. That, people takes FAITH!

This is not about medicine, but I like John Piper's message. It sends chills up and down my being.


I'd like to end this post with some scripture:

Mat 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

2 Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
2 Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
Vic C. said:
Well worth repeating.

These false gospels always do far more damage than any good.
They destroy the faith of the brethren...because they are not based on TRUE faith in God at all.

Thread is locked by request. But i would like to post the history of my favorite hymn, It Is Well With My Soul. Let us all be reminded it has everything to do with the health and welfare of our heart... and soul.


This hymn was written by a Chicago lawyer, Horatio G. Spafford. You might think to write a worship song titled, 'It is well with my soul', you would indeed have to be a rich, successful Chicago lawyer. But the words, "When sorrows like sea billows roll ... It is well with my soulâ€, were not written during the happiest period of Spafford's life. On the contrary, they came from a man who had suffered almost unimaginable personal tragedy.

Horatio G. Spafford and his wife, Anna, were pretty well-known in 1860’s Chicago. And this was not just because of Horatio's legal career and business endeavors. The Spaffords were also prominent supporters and close friends of D.L. Moody, the famous preacher. In 1870, however, things started to go wrong. The Spaffords' only son was killed by scarlet fever at the age of four. A year later, it was fire rather than fever that struck. Horatio had invested heavily in real estate on the shores of Lake Michigan. In 1871, every one of these holdings was wiped out by the great Chicago Fire.

Aware of the toll that these disasters had taken on the family, Horatio decided to take his wife and four daughters on a holiday to England. And, not only did they need the rest -- DL Moody needed the help. He was traveling around Britain on one of his great evangelistic campaigns. Horatio and Anna planned to join Moody in late 1873. And so, the Spaffords traveled to New York in November, from where they were to catch the French steamer 'Ville de Havre' across the Atlantic. Yet just before they set sail, a last-minute business development forced Horatio to delay. Not wanting to ruin the family holiday, Spafford persuaded his family to go as planned.

He would follow on later. With this decided, Anna and her four daughters sailed East to Europe while Spafford returned West to Chicago. Just nine days later, Spafford received a telegram from his wife in Wales. It read:

"Saved alone."

On November 2nd 1873, the 'Ville de Havre' had collided with 'The Lochearn', an English vessel. It sank in only 12 minutes, claiming the lives of 226 people. Anna Spafford had stood bravely on the deck, with her daughters Annie, Maggie, Bessie and Tanetta clinging desperately to her. Her last memory had been of her baby being torn violently from her arms by the force of the waters. Anna was only saved from the fate of her daughters by a plank which floated beneath her unconscious body and propped her up. When the survivors of the wreck had been rescued, Mrs. Spafford's first reaction was one of complete despair. Then she heard a voice speak to her, "You were spared for a purpose." And she immediately recalled the words of a friend, "It's easy to be grateful and good when you have so much, but take care that you are not a fair-weather friend to God."

Upon hearing the terrible news, Horatio Spafford boarded the next ship out of New York to join his bereaved wife. Bertha Spafford (the fifth daughter of Horatio and Anna born later) explained that during her father's voyage, the captain of the ship had called him to the bridge. "A careful reckoning has been made", he said, "and I believe we are now passing the place where the de Havre was wrecked. The water is three miles deep." Horatio then returned to his cabin and penned the lyrics of his great hymn.

The words which Spafford wrote that day come from 2 Kings 4:26. They echo the response of the Shunammite woman to the sudden death of her only child. Though we are told "her soul is vexed within her", she still maintains that 'It is well." And Spafford's song reveals a man whose trust in the Lord is as unwavering as hers was.

It would be very difficult for any of us to predict how we would react under circumstances similar to those experienced by the Spaffords. But we do know that the God who sustained them would also be with us.

No matter what circumstances overtake us may we be able to say with Horatio Spafford...

When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul!

It is well ... with my soul!
It is well, it is well, with my soul.