This may be a rather unusual question, but anyway...
"Be fruitful and multiply" God says to Adam and Eve (Genesis 9:7) so one of our inherent goals in this world is to procreate.
However, it is clear for those with eyes open to see that we are living in the beginning of the end times according to Revelation. Euphrates has dried up and we are very fastly approaching a one world government (the "beast system" from Revelation), as well as many other biblical end-time prophecies being fulfilled, so the future is absolutely not going to be bright for the following years ahead until Christ returns and all the demonic influence of this world is over. We're probably even approaching the rapture in a few years. So where should our goals be while we spend our life in the end times? Should we procreate and start new families or should we just spend our final days striving for eternity with Christ and nothing else? I ask this because I and many other people would love to start a family however the future is not going to be bright and I truly believe that absolute world tyranny is coming for everyone until Christ returns and defeats the evil. So should we start families and begin the next generations even in the times that we are living?
"Be fruitful and multiply" God says to Adam and Eve (Genesis 9:7) so one of our inherent goals in this world is to procreate.
However, it is clear for those with eyes open to see that we are living in the beginning of the end times according to Revelation. Euphrates has dried up and we are very fastly approaching a one world government (the "beast system" from Revelation), as well as many other biblical end-time prophecies being fulfilled, so the future is absolutely not going to be bright for the following years ahead until Christ returns and all the demonic influence of this world is over. We're probably even approaching the rapture in a few years. So where should our goals be while we spend our life in the end times? Should we procreate and start new families or should we just spend our final days striving for eternity with Christ and nothing else? I ask this because I and many other people would love to start a family however the future is not going to be bright and I truly believe that absolute world tyranny is coming for everyone until Christ returns and defeats the evil. So should we start families and begin the next generations even in the times that we are living?