Hope you do not think I am saying that people outside of Christ is not under the curse. I am talking about when we are preaching the gospel, we should include telling people the whole gospel, not just our watered down version. we must tell them all that the gospel offers.Elf said:I wont split hairs either. So far none split, I have no problem keeping it that way. Though I am sure we would disagree in (perhaps) many ways. That's ok, its good to agree to disagree.Cornelius said:LOL I am not going to start splitting hairs with you. Its simple. We have to preach to whole gospel to people, which includes : Jesus died for them, He died for the forgiveness of sin, He took the curse upon Himself, He took the sin of the world away so that we do not have to live under sin anymore, through His stripes we were healed and are healed, He supplies all our need according to His riches and glory, He has placed Satan under our feet. Basically dealt with all the things which would bring the wrath of God . His salvation includes more than just "fire insurance". And yes, all of this only happens in Christ.
Ill leave it with this:
Everyone is and remains under the curse until they are redeemed in Christ, Not before. To preach something different is a false gospel.
God Bless.