Brother, if the Blood of Christ does not keep you sinless, then hell is the end result of your journey and every believer's.
See, confession does not save you or get you into heaven,, as that is a work, (effort) and its not by our works we do but by Jesus's BLOOD according to God's GRACE that we are MADE RIGHTEOUS-Sinless......and this is a never ending Sinlessness that was purchased for you by the Blood of Jesus.
Chopper, i know your theology....Ok?.....I know what you believe, and i know you were taught to believe it by those who taught you.
Listen, everyone who is a Christian, when they get offtrack, theologically, its because they were led there by someone who led them off the track.
See, we dont know anything as a baby Christian, ....we are an empty page waiting for someone to write theology-doctrine into us, regarding what we will believe.
These are teachers that we find and follow, and if they are WRONG, then we are led astray.
So, here is your theology, and its the same for many here.
"""""" Jesus saved me, and then i messed up and sinned after HE SAVED ME,.... then i run to John 1:9 and "if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and as long as i keep confessing I get to stay saved".
= NOPE. !!
So that is what you believe, and the problem with this is, ... that is isn't the truth.....that is not how Salvation, a GIFT, works.
What it is, is a legalist theology , a "keep myself saved by confession"....that does not understand 2 things about the Blood Atonement.
First, is that the blood of Jesus not only pays for all the sins we committed till we are saved, but it pays for all the sins you commit after you are saved.
Listen, if as you believe,, Salvation stops once you sin the day after you are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, then this means that you are unsaved again, you are lost again, and then Jesus would have to DIE AGAIN, to save you all over again.
Do you see it?
2nd, Read and Believe this verse........... Romans 4:8.
Chopper, when your New Testament (Paul) tells you that YOU are the blessed that God will never again charge you, or hold you accountable for your sins, any of them, once you are saved, then BELIEVE IT.
Paul is talking TO YOU and all BELIEVERS.
Realize that the reason God does not hold your sins against you anymore is because CHRIST HAS ALREADY BEEN KILLED FOR THEM ALL.
Its like this......
You sin.....Christ already died for that.
You sin.....Christ already died for that.
You sin 3456, 7890 times, and Christ has ALREADY PAID FOR THEM ALL ON THE CROSS.
Every sin, you sin, before or after you saved, ...Christ ALREADY DIED for them, before you were born.
You have this idea that salvation stops when you sin, but that is not true....the Truth is.... Salvation is created to pay for every sin, so that you dont have to after you die........and that is what Jesus is doing on that CROSS.
Salvation is created to establish you as a Sinless Son of God, so that you are then made worthy by the Blood Of Christ to live in a Sinless Heaven, with a Sinless God.
This is what Salvation, the Blood of Christ, The Death of Christ on a Cross, does for you.