CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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Hi Chopper
Good thread. As always.
Re the commandments. Jesus said He didn't come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
Mathew 5:17
The Law is not abolished. We say it's nailed to the cross, or maybe sin was nailed to the cross, or maybe our sin debt was nailed - it could be argued. Law died with Jesus and with us when we became born again because we are not longer under the DOMINION of the Law. We need not fear it because the Holy Spirit will guide us in understanding it and help us to keep it, without fear but because we WANT to. We want to because we are a friend to God. We're no longer under Law but under Grace. O.C. vs N.C. Pretty much what Reba said very nicely in post no. 7
Doing the Will of the Father. What is the will of the Father? Mathew 7:21
The will of the Father is to BELIEVE in His Son.
Ah. But what does "believe" mean? Does it mean to just know with the mind that Jesus existed and He said a few things we should do? No. It means much more than that. Believe in the Greeks language used to write the N.T. meant to believe with the mind but also to believe with the heart and the will. To agree to, to understand, to follow, to adhere to. It means to believe with your mind, your heart and your soul.
Remind you of something?
Mathew 22:37
Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.
So to believe in the Son is to do the will of the Father
To do the will of the Father is to BELIEVE in the Son
Just before Mathew 7:21 Jesus was explaining about knowing a tree by its fruit, good fruit and bad fruit.
Sounds like we're asked to bear good fruit and that's doing the will of the Father.
You bring up divorce. I'm hating divorce these days. A friend with two divorced daughers with kids.
Another one with a divorced daughter with an 11 yr old. How do you think kids like extended families?
So, yeah. Howard and Denise. Easy to talk the talk - more difficult to walk the walk.
But WHO walks the walk? We all fall, we all sin, we all fall short of the mark.
But some effort must be made.
How much effort our we willing to make?
Is there a limit?
Good thread. As always.
Re the commandments. Jesus said He didn't come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
Mathew 5:17
The Law is not abolished. We say it's nailed to the cross, or maybe sin was nailed to the cross, or maybe our sin debt was nailed - it could be argued. Law died with Jesus and with us when we became born again because we are not longer under the DOMINION of the Law. We need not fear it because the Holy Spirit will guide us in understanding it and help us to keep it, without fear but because we WANT to. We want to because we are a friend to God. We're no longer under Law but under Grace. O.C. vs N.C. Pretty much what Reba said very nicely in post no. 7
Doing the Will of the Father. What is the will of the Father? Mathew 7:21
The will of the Father is to BELIEVE in His Son.
Ah. But what does "believe" mean? Does it mean to just know with the mind that Jesus existed and He said a few things we should do? No. It means much more than that. Believe in the Greeks language used to write the N.T. meant to believe with the mind but also to believe with the heart and the will. To agree to, to understand, to follow, to adhere to. It means to believe with your mind, your heart and your soul.
Remind you of something?
Mathew 22:37
Love God with all your heart, soul and mind.
So to believe in the Son is to do the will of the Father
To do the will of the Father is to BELIEVE in the Son
Just before Mathew 7:21 Jesus was explaining about knowing a tree by its fruit, good fruit and bad fruit.
Sounds like we're asked to bear good fruit and that's doing the will of the Father.
You bring up divorce. I'm hating divorce these days. A friend with two divorced daughers with kids.
Another one with a divorced daughter with an 11 yr old. How do you think kids like extended families?
So, yeah. Howard and Denise. Easy to talk the talk - more difficult to walk the walk.
But WHO walks the walk? We all fall, we all sin, we all fall short of the mark.
But some effort must be made.
How much effort our we willing to make?
Is there a limit?