I don't need to ask any pot users, I used to be a heavy smoker and abused pot until I turned psychotic from it and had to go rehab, i smoked heavy every day for years, i have even been thrown on the ground and had a knee in the back from the cops who arrested me having a mellow puff watching the beautiful sunrise on a lovely Christmas morning. Luckily the judge let me off and I got no conviction. But hey, that's there job and they were just doing there job so I respect the cops and never hold a grudge against law enforcement, what the law is that's what they do.
Just like I abused every other thing under the sun.
Anything abused causes health problem, but I still believe, even I'm a non pot user now, its one of the best natural remedies.
I mean, a woman's child was suffering 500 seizures a day, no meds no doctors no nothing could help, so she went off shore where medicinal pot is legal and from the first dose it went from 500 seizures a day to 0. A big fat 0. Also people who suffer aches and pains, 100% pain gone from natural herb straight away.
God says be of sober mind but your telling me natural herb is bad for pain relief and illeness yet anything the doctors prescribe or hospital is good.
I don't think smoking its good, but medicinal use like a few herb oil drops in a green tea type thing. Just like there is many natural herb oils used.
Its not even about getting high, they can take the THC out of it if its so evil, its just natural herbal remedy.
Jesus made fermented wine, take the alcohol out if its so evil.
Its all about being responsible and moderation. Not because someone abuses something its suddenly so bad and evil it must be illegal.
Only the individual is to blame.