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Speaking in Tongues Today


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Why do Pentecostals still believe in speaking in Tongues today?
Because this is the truth.

Seriously though, hardly a fair question, there are all of three pentecostal on this entire forum and I think one is AWOL. Just pointing out that the opposing view point vastly outnumbers the view for it, on this forum :shrug
gilliger said:
Why do Pentecostals still believe in speaking in Tongues today?

Because they do not believe that the gifts of the spirit have ceased to be in operation.

I would guess that is probably the simplest, easiest way to sum it all up.
OK, looked a second time... Not everyone has the gift of tongues, but I assume you knew that, since you asked about speaking in tongues. This is one piece of evidence that can often times show the presence of the Holy Spirit in a new believer. Speaking in tongues means speaking in a different language upon receiving the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4).
the gift of toungues is seperate from the baptism of the holy spirit.

the former requires an interpreter the later is between the speaker and God only.
Not all Pentecostals believe the same things regarding tongues. Since giliger asked a very vague/ generic/ general question on tongues, that is why I provided a simple/ general answer.

(Not all Pentecostals believe that the gift of tongues and tongues at baptism are separate things.)
PouringRain said:
Not all Pentecostals believe the same things regarding tongues. Since giliger asked a very vague/ generic/ general question on tongues, that is why I provided a simple/ general answer.

(Not all Pentecostals believe that the gift of tongues and tongues at baptism are separate things.)
odd, i have been to three diferrent pentacostal groups, two large denomations and one church
all agree on the version i state.

now if we talk about the baptism of the h.s. being necessary for salvation then theres quite some views on that.
jasoncran said:
odd, i have been to three diferrent pentacostal groups, two large denomations and one church
all agree on the version i state.

Your experiences are clearly not representative of the entire Pentecostal spectrum if they all believed the same on that aspect. :)

This thread is not about any of that, though.
well if one wants to be picky then, i have been to 10 pentacostal churches in all

the main denonmations are these that i was talking about
united pentacostal church(add this)
the assemblies of god
the chruch of god cleveland tennesee

the later i attend currently

only one has salvation requirements for the gift of holy spirit(one must be baptised in the holy spirit to get it) and they also dont believe in the trinity

btw there are also gay pentacostals

thats if you wanted to go there
jasoncran said:
well if one wants to be picky then, i have been to 10 pentacostal churches in all

the main denonmations are these that i was talking about
united pentacostal church(add this)
the assemblies of god
the chruch of god cleveland tennesee

the later i attend currently

only one has salvation requirements for the gift of holy spirit(one must be baptised in the holy spirit to get it) and they also dont believe in the trinity

btw there are also gay pentacostals

thats if you wanted to go there

Do you have a problem with me, Jason? This is not the first time that your posts have seemed rather hostile towards me. I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you. None of your posts in this thread have answered the initial question. Instead they have all been aimed at being dismissive towards my posts. I honestly have no clue what "gay Pentecostals" have to do with this thread, or with anything I have ever written on this forum, so I am not sure why you feel the need to bring that up at all. :confused
first off sorry, since i am pentacostal, i tend to observe what we say, and gay group is new to me as they accept the the idea of the holy ghost and toungues, yet are practicing homosexuals.

but the idea of disunity amongst the evidence of baptism of the holy spirit is never heard of.

i have visited pentacostal chruches in several states , never have i heard off what you have said. its possible as not all pentacostal believe in osas either or support women in pastoral roles.
jasoncran said:
first off sorry, since i am pentacostal, i tend to observe what we say, and gay group is new to me as they accept the the idea of the holy ghost and toungues, yet are practicing homosexuals.

but the idea of disunity amongst the evidence of baptism of the holy spirit is never heard of.

i have visited pentacostal chruches in several states , never have i heard off what you have said. its possible as not all pentacostal believe in osas either or support women in pastoral roles.

Have the pentecostal churches you attended all believed in OSAS?
all but two, to the best of my recollection.

the one i attend does but they also preach holiness, and stress that. one cant be saved with out holiness is the way they come across.

of course the way to get holy is to have a relationship with christ then the holiness will follow.
jasoncran said:
all but two, to the best of my recollection.

the one i attend does but they also preach holiness, and stress that. one cant be saved with out holiness is the way they come across.

of course the way to get holy is to have a relationship with christ then the holiness will follow.

Okay. I was only curious, because I have never heard of an AG church that believed in OSAS. (Although I am sure there are individual pastors who may deviate form the AG's position.) Their stance is that an individual can backslide/willfully turn away from God and lose salvation.

I do not know what the UPC believe regarding OSAS.
the upc position is that one can lose it i think.yes i recall they do

heres the kicker here pard is ag and my bro and friend are also ag
both my bro and friend attended the same ag and my bro isnt into osas yet my friend acepts it.


the ag church my bro goes to is very quiet for a pentacostal one. no gifts used during service or other pentacostals things common.
I got to a "quiet" pentecostal church as well. AG, as Jason said.

I am not sure about the beliefs of others, including my pastor, but I do believe in OSAS, HOWEVER, it is not the same OSAS as you guys are thinking of.

From my post in the OSAS thread, which is probably where this convo. should continue...

I think the name "Once saved, always saved" is tricky, at best. It is true, don't get me wrong, but it implies something entirely different than it actually means.

A person who is new in Christ or has yet to come to Christ will see this and go "Sweet! I am "saved" I can go back to living my old life full of unending sin and no restraint!" This thought is in error. The key is you have to be SAVED. We all know that when someone is really saved they receive the Holy Spirit and that they are born-again. They will have little desire for their old life. They will be content because they have a new life in Christ.

Those who really are saved will always be saved, but this is because they will never stray from Christ once they are saved.

Mystery seems to have the right idea, if you take the "once" out of OSAS it does make more sense.

Romans 8:30 "And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified."

Its pretty explanatory. Once a person is saved there is nothing that will keep him from heaven one day. God knows who will make it to heaven and He grants those people with salvation and His most Holy Spirit, no one but those who will see beyond the pearly gates will ever receive either of this gifts.

A believer is born-again. They are new creatures. To become "unsaved" they would have to be "unborn" or become old creatures again. You don't go back to being a normal human once God has changed your very body!
gilliger said:
Why do Pentecostals still believe in speaking in Tongues today?

It is not just Pentecostals that still find in almost every denomination now... some that believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and speaking in Tongues...
PouringRain said:
jasoncran said:
first off sorry, since i am pentacostal, i tend to observe what we say, and gay group is new to me as they accept the the idea of the holy ghost and toungues, yet are practicing homosexuals.

but the idea of disunity amongst the evidence of baptism of the holy spirit is never heard of.

i have visited pentacostal chruches in several states , never have i heard off what you have said. its possible as not all pentacostal believe in osas either or support women in pastoral roles.

Have the pentecostal churches you attended all believed in OSAS?
jasoncran said:
all but two, to the best of my recollection.
That is odd because I was brought up pentecostal and have been to many in my life, and i have never heard of any that DID believe in OSAS.

However in reference to the baptism of the Holy spirit and the gift of tongues being the same. I do not think PouringRain understands what you are saying. The prayer language of tongues that one receives as the evidence of the baptism of the Holy spirit is not the same as the gift of tongues which is spoken out loud in a church with an interpretation as a prophetical message for the body.
watchman F said:
That is odd because I was brought up pentecostal and have been to many in my life, and i have never heard of any that DID believe in OSAS.

However in reference to the baptism of the Holy spirit and the gift of tongues being the same. I do not think PouringRain understands what you are saying. The prayer language of tongues that one receives as the evidence of the baptism of the Holy spirit is not the same as the gift of tongues which is spoken out loud in a church with an interpretation as a prophetical message for the body.

I have not personally known of any pentecostal churches that teach OSAS either, and that was why I was surprised by Jason's statement which alluded to them believing in that. I know that the AG does not believe in OSAS.

Regarding tongues... Some churches believe the evidence of tongues and the gift used in churches are different, but some churches believe they are the same (one tongue) but used in different ways (different purposes). There is a difference in the belief of two distinct "tongues" (or more), and in one tongue with different purposes. There are pentecostals who would disagree with you about the prayer language being the same as the initial evidence also. LOL Some believe that tongues as the initial evidence is possible to only occur once as evidence, and never again. Not all pentecostals believe in tongues as the initial evidence either. The AG teaches tongues as the initial evidence, but they are not representative of all pentecotals. There is such a wide array of beliefs regarding tongues and not all pentecostals believe the same.

It is not that I do not understand what you all are saying, it is that I disagree in making a specific blanket statement about what pentecostals believe about tongues, when not all of them believe that. It would be different if someone wants to say that "according to ___ denomination, this is the belief...." or "My own personal belief is that ____" Or "Pastor so&so writes that _____" etc. I have absolutely no argument against that. Or if a statement is so general that it could very well apply to all pentecostals, then I have no argument against that either. My only concern is with apply specific statements to the whole array of pentecostals.


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