- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,319
- 10,803
so, I get taunted. comes with the territory. maybe...1-2 weeks age, I'm relaxing in my room, shades drawn (always...I open the blinds in the other rooms, my room stays dark...), and I hear some lady yell out "that's it, you're going to Prison!"
jail, prison. now and then, there's talk of putting me in the state hospital. and...and...and...
ugh. I can't claim to be sinless or blameless or that my life before Jesus saved (is saving, will save) me was shall I put this? crime-free?...but I have a clean background check, and...this just in: brain damage is not -actually- helpful to most people. true story. long story, too.
I ask about 'spiritual warfare,' because, honestly, it seems that as I get closer to my (loving, long suffering, liberal and moral parents), the more...pushback I get. True story. Its...the south, cluster of small towns, I live in a small city. its not as if jetting over to their place is a great escape or anything, lol. but...but...
ok, here's the thing...a lot of the horrible sins (and yes, I'll be the 1st to admit: crimes! criminal behavior!) from yesteryear were largely from....brain damage, much of it deliberately inflicted by psychiatrists ("just doing our jobs," apparently) and also I may have had AIDS? I say may have because I've never actually been given a.single.dose of medication for the dreaded HIV+, but I"m healthy, now, by His grace, and...and...
ugh. you know what's strange? I could have been committed, based on criminal acts, which likely would have meant a -long- stint in the state hospital, probably lifelong 'treatment' after release...but the shrinks said I was not mentally ill, and that I was 'malingering' to 'avoid taking responsibility.' truth? i'd had way too much (involuntary) electroshock, a mystery brain operation (no, really...also not voluntary...stay out of psych hospitals! LOL), and the HIV+ and...and...
rambling. no arrest record, now. I thank God (1), my parents (not at all distant 2nd) and I"m suspecting some 1%-er relatives who....doesn't matter, I suppose. long short is...
I am -hated- and there is no real escape. Thing absolute last run in with the legal system (eek!) happened (as in, my behavior made it happen, obviously) about 8 years ago...
and, by the grace of God, I got saved on bond. strange, intense situation...plea bargain, sealed, etc. not exactly the poster child for megachurch conservativism's "take personal responsibility!, etc., but...I don't care for megachurches, anyway. Not conservative, either, but...I do respect conservative Christians, even when I (almost always) disagree. moving on...
this is just...ridiculous, I guess. with the taunts and such (no, really...for all this talk of "Schizophrenia" and such, I don't hear stuff from my mind now, but I do hear what people say loudly enough for me to overhear...funny how that works...) intensifying (happy holidays!), I don't...get it.
from a spiritual angle, I think attempt at -oppression- , like my Pentecostal friend will tell me "that's not -depression- that's oppression, and its from satan," so...yeah. Concur, basically.
oh, and...please don't be freaked out by the talk of psych junk. my IQ estimate is now up there, like 145-150, now. I started with a 120 estimate, age 17-18. brain damage is pretty much what psychiatry is about -especially- in hospitals, and not just state hospitals. outpatient...well, fyi: long term, most psych drugs cause brain damage that does show up brain scans. its worse with the antipsychotics, but...actually, long term, they're all pretty rough. true story.
point Christ, I'm healthy and smart and surprisingly...normal...and close to my loving, wonderful, good parents. hooray, peace love and reconciliation! and the reaction I'm getting is...
anything but fun. :-( this is rough, sometimes worse than others. right now, I think its bad because...ok, I don't know why, honestly. lol. The shrinks seems to regard me as a 'trouble maker,' I'm forever being taunted because i was hooked on pills by prescription way back when, and...and...
ugh. ugh. ugh. -frustrating- truth? on a day to day basis, my new life, in peaceful. I'm a peaceful person, too. it helps to not have obvious brain damage and to be healthy, of course. and I don't even get really angry about this stuff, its more like...well, what is it people -want- , anyway? I pray for my enemies, per Scripture, and...well, now in Christ...I -do- pray and hope that The Lord blesses them, I do. I also -do- pray for that -hedge of protection- , because...whoa. I kinda suspect people have been in my place (really an apartment, but they're called condos, officially), and...that's creepy and unnerving and...
ramble, ramble. Parents and me...pray for us, please? as always: thank you!
jail, prison. now and then, there's talk of putting me in the state hospital. and...and...and...
ugh. I can't claim to be sinless or blameless or that my life before Jesus saved (is saving, will save) me was shall I put this? crime-free?...but I have a clean background check, and...this just in: brain damage is not -actually- helpful to most people. true story. long story, too.
I ask about 'spiritual warfare,' because, honestly, it seems that as I get closer to my (loving, long suffering, liberal and moral parents), the more...pushback I get. True story. Its...the south, cluster of small towns, I live in a small city. its not as if jetting over to their place is a great escape or anything, lol. but...but...
ok, here's the thing...a lot of the horrible sins (and yes, I'll be the 1st to admit: crimes! criminal behavior!) from yesteryear were largely from....brain damage, much of it deliberately inflicted by psychiatrists ("just doing our jobs," apparently) and also I may have had AIDS? I say may have because I've never actually been given a.single.dose of medication for the dreaded HIV+, but I"m healthy, now, by His grace, and...and...
ugh. you know what's strange? I could have been committed, based on criminal acts, which likely would have meant a -long- stint in the state hospital, probably lifelong 'treatment' after release...but the shrinks said I was not mentally ill, and that I was 'malingering' to 'avoid taking responsibility.' truth? i'd had way too much (involuntary) electroshock, a mystery brain operation (no, really...also not voluntary...stay out of psych hospitals! LOL), and the HIV+ and...and...
rambling. no arrest record, now. I thank God (1), my parents (not at all distant 2nd) and I"m suspecting some 1%-er relatives who....doesn't matter, I suppose. long short is...
I am -hated- and there is no real escape. Thing absolute last run in with the legal system (eek!) happened (as in, my behavior made it happen, obviously) about 8 years ago...
and, by the grace of God, I got saved on bond. strange, intense situation...plea bargain, sealed, etc. not exactly the poster child for megachurch conservativism's "take personal responsibility!, etc., but...I don't care for megachurches, anyway. Not conservative, either, but...I do respect conservative Christians, even when I (almost always) disagree. moving on...
this is just...ridiculous, I guess. with the taunts and such (no, really...for all this talk of "Schizophrenia" and such, I don't hear stuff from my mind now, but I do hear what people say loudly enough for me to overhear...funny how that works...) intensifying (happy holidays!), I don't...get it.
from a spiritual angle, I think attempt at -oppression- , like my Pentecostal friend will tell me "that's not -depression- that's oppression, and its from satan," so...yeah. Concur, basically.
oh, and...please don't be freaked out by the talk of psych junk. my IQ estimate is now up there, like 145-150, now. I started with a 120 estimate, age 17-18. brain damage is pretty much what psychiatry is about -especially- in hospitals, and not just state hospitals. outpatient...well, fyi: long term, most psych drugs cause brain damage that does show up brain scans. its worse with the antipsychotics, but...actually, long term, they're all pretty rough. true story.
point Christ, I'm healthy and smart and surprisingly...normal...and close to my loving, wonderful, good parents. hooray, peace love and reconciliation! and the reaction I'm getting is...
anything but fun. :-( this is rough, sometimes worse than others. right now, I think its bad because...ok, I don't know why, honestly. lol. The shrinks seems to regard me as a 'trouble maker,' I'm forever being taunted because i was hooked on pills by prescription way back when, and...and...
ugh. ugh. ugh. -frustrating- truth? on a day to day basis, my new life, in peaceful. I'm a peaceful person, too. it helps to not have obvious brain damage and to be healthy, of course. and I don't even get really angry about this stuff, its more like...well, what is it people -want- , anyway? I pray for my enemies, per Scripture, and...well, now in Christ...I -do- pray and hope that The Lord blesses them, I do. I also -do- pray for that -hedge of protection- , because...whoa. I kinda suspect people have been in my place (really an apartment, but they're called condos, officially), and...that's creepy and unnerving and...
ramble, ramble. Parents and me...pray for us, please? as always: thank you!