Stress is a sin
Yeah! Stress is a sin - greed. Why would someone wish to work himself to death or extreme exhaustion?
God rested on the seventh day. (Not that HE was actually tired - HE's omnipotent). HE wants us to rest. This is the reason HE made night...otherwise HE would have not created night and would have allowed us to work all day.
I read something sometime ago about a man who wished: a week should be = 8 days instead...something like that.
Stress can be more than overwork. It can, for example, be the result of anxiety. Even bad preaching can result in stress where the person feels they need Christ more as fire insurance rather than loving him to do the Father's will. Then there's always that doubt "what if..." your faith is not adequate and the Father becomes more of someone to be feared instead of embraced. The resulting thoughts are unbearable for some people to tolerate which is one reason I suspect many Christians are dealing with emotional issues and even medications in some cases. You get the drift.
As for the 7th day, this is why I stood up to my employer awhile back and demanded the Sabbath off, with the stipulation I also get off God's Holy days. We get enough PTO each year, and the days I want off are not the ones the world takes so it should not be a problem (since we work in a company that's open 24/7). They agreed. That reduces stress considerably. Nothing I love more than sitting alone on a Saturday, reading my bible and having a holy convocation. Not saying I'm perfect, no. And when we sin, we are forgiven 70 times 7. But the issue is to take a stand and not take a special time of God and turn it into a common work day flailing my arms just like the rest of the clueless do in mayhem. I refused to do that any longer and being associated with that.
The calendar is the world's way to control a person, and even in Roman times they wanted to buck God and make the week 8 days. Same with the same 8 solar holidays which occur at the equinox/solstices and the times between (quarter and cross-quarter days). But God has resonant times so-to-speak to have a holy meeting with a person (people). He has the weekly Sabbath, and the feast days, plus special years. Each and every day he has certain times he appears which related to the morning and evening offerings, i.e. the 3rd and 9th hour of the day. A person should strive to pray those hours and about noon.
We pray without ceasing by keeping such a schedule, and also a constant mental attitude about prayer. Devout Catholics make these times 9-12-3, but in fact, the hours change depending on your location and time of year. But an hour is still about an hour. One can look at the hour hand on the clock and graphically tell when this is. I can tell today where I live, it's about 10AM, about 12:45 noon, and between 3 and 4PM. That's close enough to hit the hour if you pray at or before those times, even though I can calculate it exactly.