Ed the Ned said:
jesus said he was the only way to God and eternal life. If we start looking at a persons actions as his entrance into heaven we will be teaching a message that is not the true Gospel.
Ah, very good points Ed. In John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.â€Â
But how exactly is Jesus the way? He obviously is talking figuratively for certainly we do not pass through His physical body. So how should we understand this figuratively? One teaching would be that we must be His obedient followers, professing His name as our savior, and that if we were to know Jesus and His teachings and yet shun Him and profess another as our savior, certainly we would not be following Jesus as the way, truth, and life. By knowing Jesus and substituting someone else as savior we err, grievously.
But what if we do not know Jesus? What about people who are born in remote jungles, who live and die never knowing a Christian or even hearing Jesus’ name? What about babies who are born and die before they can even ever comprehend human speech? Do those infants and those aborigines spend eternity in Hell for not professing with their lips, Jesus as their savior? Is it Jesus’ name and His personal identity as God incarnate that we must know that saves us? Or is it Jesus’ teachings and way of life that we must obey to be saved?
This dilemma forces us to go back to the original question above, how exactly is Jesus the way? If we search deeper into Jesus’ teachings, we know that before Jesus came the Jews believed that the way to Heaven was through the law. And since they had the law and the Gentiles did not, obviously they were going to Heaven and the Gentiles were excluded. Jesus came to dispel those errors. He showed His disciples that the way to the Father was through faith, not works (the law.) And we showed this faith through obedience to His commands. Consider these quotes of Jesus in John chapter 14:
Verse 12 “’I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing…’â€Â
Verse 15 “’If you love me, you will do what I command.’â€Â
Verse 21 “’Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by the Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.’â€Â
Verse 23 “Jesus replied ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching…’â€Â
These verses do not explicitly say that we have to call on Jesus’ name, nor do they say that His name is irrelevant, but what they do point out so clearly is that the Lord Himself stressed over and over again the necessity for our obedience to His commands. So did Ghandi obey His commands? None of us truly knew Ghandi, personally, and the accounts we have of him seem to suggest that much of what he did was in accordance with what Jesus taught while He was with us. Did Ghandi pray to multiple Gods? I don’t know. And if he did, did he know fully about Christ, and shun him in preference for those pagan Gods? I don’t know that either. But, given what Jesus himself said, if we assume that Ghandi’s life shows proof of his obedience to the saviors commands, and given what Paul says in Rom 2:12-16, if we cannot conclusively know that Ghandi knew full well about God and Jesus, then I for one am very lithe to judge Ghandi of going to Hell.
Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.†I believe strongly that He meant that, humbly recognizing God as holy and ourselves as fallen, repentance from our sins, and loving one another were His way, and truth that lead to life everlasting. Anyone who has His teachings, whether they know His name or not, have Him.