Yeah, I always heard that DnD was pure evil and whatnot when I was a child. But this year I started playing Shadowrun with some friends.. it's basically a futuristic (non-fantasy if I choose.. I hate the idea of magic because it's frankly boring.) DnD.
As a potential artist.. I find this game extremely good for creativity. It's basically just an exercise for the imagination.. And you don't even have to follow the stories they have in the books.. There are guidelines you can follow, but even those you can alter to your liking.
A few friends of mine draw the environments and characters as we play and imagine everything..
Anyways, I was linked to a comic..
At first I thought it was a funny joke.. I mean.. girl gets level 8 in a boardgame where a couple people are basically sitting around a table making up a story.. all of a sudden the comic takes a sharp turn and the lady is like "I THINK YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO LEARN REAAAL SPELLS NOW!" and then the next panel is this satanic cult ritual with a pentagram and candles.. the whole shabang.. Hilarious because... really.. who thinks that actually happens when someone is being a nerd in their basement playing a boardgame? lol. All of a sudden you realize this comic is trying to be serious.. because this girl kills herself because her character in the story died.
I just wanted to hear what other people thought of the game.