Kiwidan stop for a second. Look over the conversation from beginning to end. From the start, the conversation on your part was that churches are like money making machines. And moved on that they aren't bibical, are not nessassery, even hinted that they are against the laws or teaching in the bible. You also said about all that was needed was to meet in eachother's homes.Around the same time Obadiah, responded with a sentiment that churches are not just for giving to the needy, they serve many purposes and give good functions for Christians. He also said that those who strengthen their faith with church, or without it are great for both types of people, and he challenged and disagreed with the idea that there was anything wrong, unlawful, or unbiblical to have a church.
From there the conversation escalated. The need for meeting at eachother's homes, or the condemning of meeting in churches from your perspective is met with the zoning laws and the population per meeting place issues brought up by Obadiah. That portion of the conversation escalated a few times before moving on.
And now at this point, after all the escalating of your views and counterpoints against Obadiah's views and counterpoints. We've moved past (way past) the original tangent of this conversation from small group gatherings at homes verses wasting money at churches, to church services and functions not fitting in the setting of a person's home and small gatherings that mimic church services are actually against the law.
If my observations are correct, your anger or disgust at churches, along with defensive stances to counter points has escalated the conversation to a point where it is now.
Looking back Rollo Tamasi, made a very good point.
Regardless of what people think about church organizations, they do provide things that Christians need.
Bible Study
Ministries to serve God
Opportunities to share the gifts God has given to you with others
We can't just dwell on the negative and then throw the whole system away.
The best thing to do is get involved and quietly try to serve God without causing trouble.
Stop looking at others
Look at what you are doing to please God.
Someone out there needs a word from each one of us.
Will they ever hear it?
4 things that are provided by church orginizations that are much harder to orginize at a single person's home. Even if a person finds ways to do some of those on their own, it is much harder to plan and orginize it expecially for larger groups of Christians.
Sorry for being harsh at this point, but stop trying to defend your points to take a second to acknowledge the other points within the conversation. They aren't bad points made and have merit to them. And they don't say you can't meet in a small group setting, but at least with the laws known you can't meet in a privite residence and also do all the other functions that happen in a church, such as house a high number of people in the home, give church services, or collect money for the needy. (The last point about collecting money for the needy was one of your main points against churches earlier on because they didn't give all the money they received to charities. If that's out of the loop to do at home gathering, then church charities are as well.)
Again, sorry for siding on the other side of your views on this one. Please don't delete them because of it. But please also take the points and counter points given to you into consideration.