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[ Testimony ] Testimony


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2024 Supporter
In 1993 we started a ministry in Maloya village - We had to walk 18Km every day to get there from our home. One Sunday we walked along as we always did with my older son Sam (6 months). We had to leave our house at 7am to reach Maloya by about 10 am since we had no transportation of our own.
When we arrived at Maloya we discovered that the house we had hired was empty- not a single person was there! We spread out a carpet and on our
knees we prayed, worshiped and sang to the Lord. I began to share from the Word as if there were more people there than just my wife and six month old son, Sam.. We put our offering into the offering box. After the service we went to leave.
We hadn't eaten or drank all day so we decided to head home to prepare some rice and grains. The weather was so hot though and my son was getting restless so we decided to take a rickshaw. Normally the Rickshaw puller would ask 20 Rupees for this journey but by faith we asked one rickshaw puller how much it would cost to bring us to home Sector 44 C from Maloya village and he asked for only 8 Rupees(Rupees)! This was exactly what we had in our hands! We were so surprised we asked the Rickshaw puller three times but He said, Yes sir every time. Again, it was shocking and surprising to us and we praised God when he brought us to home for Rs.8 instead of Rs.20. Praise
the Lord!!!! It was first miracle that he did in our ministry.
thanks a lot for your great encoruagement nd welcome in this forum Please do continue to pray for our ministries
your brother
Always Praying and in all ways prayng for you and your family and ministry. Those who are faithful in the little will reep from a harvest of much. You simply keep doing what you know to do and trust the rest to God for HE will not let you down. Thank You Lord God for taking such wonderful care of this family and ministry.
Blessings and Love in Christ


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