- Jan 17, 2010
- 3,674
- 142
Vince said:Folks, I've enjoyed researching this subject on three threads, but I'm ready to close the books.
Hebrews 10:14 tells us: "For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified." It is Christ's sacrificial Death that both saves us AND keeps us. The next two verses tell us that the new birth is also the result of Christ's Death: "But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, 'This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,'"
And the next verse describes imputed righteousness, which is also given to us as a result of Christ's Sacrifice: "then He adds, "'Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.'"
I am unable to find any Scripture that says that by His obedience to the Law, Jesus earned a righteousness that He did not need, and He gives it to us. Jesus does indeed give us His righteousness, but it is His Sacrifice on the Cross that He uses to do it.
Dang it's just been us two??? what gives? Anyway, I wanted to say one last thing on this. I think the idea that Jesus earned a righteousness that He did not need might be a theistic deduction or conclusion. On the one hand I have read some good stuff from well respected scholars who use the term earned when speaking of the righteousness of Christ; that he earned it through he obedience to God, which I can accept. However, I think the idea that he did not need it so it was imputed to us might be a weak deduction of NT scripture as a whole. In other words, I'm not convinced that idea of "did not need it" is very well rooted in reformist doctrine.
However, I am still reading up on this stuff myself. If I find anything to support I'll post. I'm surprised not to see any arguments on Infused righteousness. I thought for sure this would have lit a fire in here, but nothing.... Maybe I'll start a new thread off this topic.