- Jan 23, 2011
- 5,042
- 535
"When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. Then the LORD said, "My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown." Genesis 6:1-4.
After 1,600 years of paradise like conditions and long life spans with high fertility rates the earth population numbered in the billions. Science and technology was far more advanced than today. Evidence of their advanced society is manifest in many antediluvian megalithic sites seen in high elevations and buried beneath the oceans.
After Adam fell Satan warred against the woman's seed (Genesis 3:15) by sending the third of heaven's angels the fallen Nephilim to corrupt the human genome defiling the image of God in man with that of angels, thus devouring the woman's child at birth (Revelation 12:4).
As these unions didn't produce the result in immortality to bypass God's denying them access to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24), earth's scientists modified the genes of the herbivores God created (Genesis 1:29-30), in the process creating the carnivorous monsters found today buried by the flood waters of Noah's Day.
Ancient mythohistory of half human half animal beings implies human experimentation was quite common, and from their evil we can infer much of it against the will of their test subjects.
The failure of the Nephilim Fallen Ones to have the knowledge of immortality or sire immortal children no doubt fueled their experimentation. In their desperation the deception of the Serpent seemed plausible. If fallen Elohim could not sire immortal children, perhaps unfallen Elohim could.
To counter the evil ministry of Satan's Nephilim God sent the Elohim Watchers, the "sons of God" to assist mankind. Evil scientists conspired with Satan against these "sons of God" by having their beautiful daughters do immoral sexual acts before the eyes of the Watchers 24/7. The constant pornography seduced some of them to leave their proper habitation lusting after the strange flesh of humans. They took as many wives as they chose (Genesis 6:2; Jude 1:6-7). God blamed mankind for his grievous loss, he was deeply hurt (Genesis 6:3, 5-6).
God testifies all life on earth was corrupted by their evil, and the global flood would be the most efficient way to cleanse the earth of it. Noah was among the few whose genome was still perfectly human, and he hated the evil men were doing.
Noah tried to save the "men of renown" preaching salvation to them but they couldn't believe God would overlook their angel-human nature, so they died in the flood as did all life on dry earth (Genesis 7: 19-23). Those among the "men of renown" who were otherwise righteous were segregated from the other dead. Christ made a special trip to these "spirits in prison" during the time Him human soul was in Hades. In response to Christ's preaching they gave the answer of a good conscience towards God just as the Church did, and this reminded Peter of the symbolism of Baptism, being buried with Christ and rising with Him as a new creature (1 Peter 3:18-22).
For more, watch the video:
After 1,600 years of paradise like conditions and long life spans with high fertility rates the earth population numbered in the billions. Science and technology was far more advanced than today. Evidence of their advanced society is manifest in many antediluvian megalithic sites seen in high elevations and buried beneath the oceans.
After Adam fell Satan warred against the woman's seed (Genesis 3:15) by sending the third of heaven's angels the fallen Nephilim to corrupt the human genome defiling the image of God in man with that of angels, thus devouring the woman's child at birth (Revelation 12:4).
As these unions didn't produce the result in immortality to bypass God's denying them access to the tree of life (Genesis 3:24), earth's scientists modified the genes of the herbivores God created (Genesis 1:29-30), in the process creating the carnivorous monsters found today buried by the flood waters of Noah's Day.
Ancient mythohistory of half human half animal beings implies human experimentation was quite common, and from their evil we can infer much of it against the will of their test subjects.
The failure of the Nephilim Fallen Ones to have the knowledge of immortality or sire immortal children no doubt fueled their experimentation. In their desperation the deception of the Serpent seemed plausible. If fallen Elohim could not sire immortal children, perhaps unfallen Elohim could.
To counter the evil ministry of Satan's Nephilim God sent the Elohim Watchers, the "sons of God" to assist mankind. Evil scientists conspired with Satan against these "sons of God" by having their beautiful daughters do immoral sexual acts before the eyes of the Watchers 24/7. The constant pornography seduced some of them to leave their proper habitation lusting after the strange flesh of humans. They took as many wives as they chose (Genesis 6:2; Jude 1:6-7). God blamed mankind for his grievous loss, he was deeply hurt (Genesis 6:3, 5-6).
God testifies all life on earth was corrupted by their evil, and the global flood would be the most efficient way to cleanse the earth of it. Noah was among the few whose genome was still perfectly human, and he hated the evil men were doing.
Noah tried to save the "men of renown" preaching salvation to them but they couldn't believe God would overlook their angel-human nature, so they died in the flood as did all life on dry earth (Genesis 7: 19-23). Those among the "men of renown" who were otherwise righteous were segregated from the other dead. Christ made a special trip to these "spirits in prison" during the time Him human soul was in Hades. In response to Christ's preaching they gave the answer of a good conscience towards God just as the Church did, and this reminded Peter of the symbolism of Baptism, being buried with Christ and rising with Him as a new creature (1 Peter 3:18-22).
For more, watch the video: