Adullam said:
dadof10 said:
You agree with the THEOLOGY of the creeds but not the purpose? Is this correct?
Correct! Man cannot choose certain parts of the Word and then apply it in his own understanding. Well, actually, that's exactly what happens...unless we have a spiritual revival. That is what got Jesus crucified...religious men interpreting Scriptures in their own understanding. A "good" verse recited does not make up for a harder verse we ignore.
The Pharisees followed Moses whom they knew had known God personally. They, however, did not. Their zeal did not make up for their own lack of spiritual connection with God. They followed the creeds instead of the Lord. See the folly???How can this not be understood?
Bible interpretation and "following creeds" did not get Jesus crucified. The ambition and pride of the Jewish leaders of the time, along with the Roman authorities fear of insurrection (their misunderstanding of Jesus' message), is what got Him crucified.
Adullum, you seem to toss out many straw-man arguments along with a lot of preaching, which is expected with "home church" people. Much of the rest of your post is irrelevant to the subject of "Creeds". I'll list the straw men and the preaching, then respond to the relevant parts. It will be much more orderly.
Reciting a creed has no bearing on whether one has faith or not.
Agreed, but I never claimed it did.
No creed taken out of the word is authoritave. This is where the system breaks down. Authority rests with the living God.
Agreed, but I never said otherwise.
It is foolish to look down at a book instead of up to God. You will call this a strawman no I don't expect very many to discern a living faith from a dead one.
Yes. Because I NEVER MADE THIS CLAIM. That's the definition of "straw-man arguments".
We are called to NOT be a stumbling block to others. It is natural for men to ask...what must I believe to be saved? To respond with a formula is not the intent of God...we are not saved through formulations....
I never said we were "saved" by creeds. All I've EVER said is that they are statements of faith.
A man of God could not condone the use of a creed to replace the Holy Spirit.
I never said he would, nor that creeds "replace" the Holy Spirit.
We should not short-circuit God's revelation to an individual. We cannot say...look...we already know the truth so you don't need to go to God ...just listen to us and say yes to whatever we say!
This statement is more of a caricature of creeds instead of a straw man.
We are all (disciples that is) to be led by the Spirit. Creeds are irrelevent to being right with God. God looks on the heart. Man picks brains.
I never said creeds make us "right with God".
Neither can one serve God AND Mammon. Neither can one be both friends of the world AND of God.
People have a tendency to go the easiest way. One needs perhaps observe humanity awhile to pick this up.
Never made the claim that anyone has to choose between creeds and the Holy Spirit. This is your contention, and has not been proved. Merely claiming "history" and "the Inquisition" doesn't prove that creeds invalidate the Holy Spirit.
Now, the preaching:
Of course 2,000 years of church history has strained to prove God wrong on every count!
A house of straw may be sufficient to keep out the rain. But it will not survive the storm. Neither a house built on a shaky foundation. We need to build with LIVING materials. Are we alive to a different kingdom, or are we creating a religion?
The mafia attend church. How is this possible unless they are coached into giving a dead testimony and fitting in with the rest. In our quest for orthodoxy (of OUR church) we have blurred the distinction of the living and the dead.
The Scriptures are useful...but only God is authorative. Otherwise we are plagued by men who wield that "authority in diabolical ways. Have you heard of the Inquisition? Was that authorative?
Disciples are few. Men seek their own way. That is why we struggle with the carnal ones who would control what the Lord has purchased in His own blood.
The Holy Spirit does what men rely on the oral tradition to do...that is, interpret the meaning and the application of the word. The Holy Spirit is not available to be put into a bookcase to be used at the convenience of men...therefore men look elsewhere!
Every way of man is right in his own eyes. If a man doesn't understand the he still immune from the consequences??? What does history have to say about that?
He will only recite the creed when prompted by the puppet master at the front to do so. that is the end result of indoctrination.
OK, I think we're ready to move on.
Creeds are statements of belief. Again, the road is widened to include men of every stripe. It is meant for the masses not the brethren.
I thought your argument was that creeds were too constricting? Which is it?
Secondly, if the "revelation" goes directly against revealed Truth, it should be short-circuited, don't you think?
Yes! This is why we are left with the bible...a record of what has gone before....propheciy, testimony etc...
Aren't the creeds Biblical? You must think they are if you AGREE WITH THEIR CONTENT. So would it be proper to use the BIBLICAL CREEDS as a touchstone for orthodoxy, if there is a "revelation" to discern? Wouldn't it be proper to put the Bible and BIBLICAL CREEDS above private "revelation".
How does reciting and holding to a creed, in any way keep God out of the process and keep us from seeking communion with Him? IT'S ONLY A CREED.
Are we to satisfy a carnal way out of a carnal question? One must take someone deeper not just "give the people what they want".
What does this mean?
"Replaced the living testimonies"???? You must be kidding. Are you actually saying that a person will recite the Creed INSTEAD OF giving his testimony??? Have you ever actually seen this happen?
Whole generations have done this. My own parents, aunts, uncles etc......They thought that satisfying church requirement meant satifying God's.
I may have misunderstood what meant when you said "creeds have replaced living testimonies". Did you mean that instead of giving a personal testimony when asked about our faith, we recite the Apostles Creed? Did you mean that instead of telling people what Jesus has done for us and how much we love Him, we regurgitate a creed? If this is what you think, you are sadly mistaken.
Adullum, whether you want to admit it or not, you have a creed. Creeds are simply statements of belief. That's it. Holding a creed didn't lead to the crucifixion or any of the abuses of the past because the groups who were abusing each other, for the most part, held the CREED IN COMMON. It was other doctrines not mentioned in the Apostles or Nicene Creeds that led to these persecutions. History bears this out.
The simple fact remains, when you say "Jesus rose from the dead", or "the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Blessed Trinity" you are reciting a CREED.