In the NT, you have doctrines that teach the body of Christ everything that God wants them to know.
However, the New Testament is a spiritual word puzzle.....its written in such a way that you cant just read it like its a novel and the Holy Spirit teach you what it teaches, as the word of God is spiritually discerned and not mentally comprehended.
So, to understand the NT, is to first understand that the words of God are words that are spiritually revealed to you, in a process of discovery, over time.
This is how you get "light" from the word of God.........its by the Holy Spirit opening your spiritual eyes, when you study the word.
And how do you know when this is happening ??????.......as that is the whole deal isnt it...........as when this becomes clear to you, then you'll know that God is giving you "light".
So, what happens is......you study, and all of a sudden a verse becomes different, it becomes so clear and seems to "pop".
And then the next thing you know, you start seeing other verses in different places, in different epistles begin to combine and integrate and all make perfect sense TOGETHER in a way that no teacher showed you and no commentary explained, but yet, you are SEEING the Understanding of verses that are all working together perfectly, and yet, you've never SEEN this before, never understood this before.
So, that is how God gives a student of the word who is seriously studying the Bible, = revelation.