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The Christian Woman & Her Wardrobe


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Part of the problem is what they're selling out there. Well, I guess (in the U.S.) demand drives supply, but still...

I know I'm talking younger ages here, but if anyone has ever gone shopping for pre-teen and teenage girls clothing, it is very upsetting. It's hard to find something that my wife and I feel is appropriate for our 12 year old to wear! The belt line on the pants rides low, and the clothing up top is very racy. Our selection is down to about 15% of what they sell.

My thoughts exactly!! It makes me sick how we dress girls so young...the parents who buy the clothes, the company who makes the clothes, the girls who ask for the clothes. I have actually known some women who have bought these clothes for the daughter without her asking for them...because that's how she wanted her daughter to dress, act, and present herself...then wondered why, at 10 years old, she was alone, in her bedroom, on the bed, making out with a boy...:nono2
Re: Modest attire -

While it's true that churches that MAJOR on "clothesline holiness" actually believe that forcing their women to look like anachronistic freaks is the way to go, there's any number of stylish alternatives which are modest also, and DOESN'T call attention to the woman either positively or negatively.


I hear you....
In my opinion, a woman should consider what she's wearing...aka, low cut shirts, short shorts/skirts, etc, obviously have no place in the church. However, some women are...well, we'll say well-endowed up top. No matter how she covers them, short of wearing a garbage bag, those puppies aren't hidden. There are some curves that just can't be hidden by clothing.
In my opinion, a woman should consider what she's wearing...aka, low cut shirts, short shorts/skirts, etc, obviously have no place in the church. However, some women are...well, we'll say well-endowed up top. No matter how she covers them, short of wearing a garbage bag, those puppies aren't hidden. There are some curves that just can't be hidden by clothing.


This is true.

So what we are really also talking about is the design and support of bras, a subject this guy is not qualified to pronounce upon.

So it's hardly a question of, blame the lady.
This is just my opinion but I think part of the problem with girls dressing inappropriately at church especially but also in daily life is a reflection of the failure of the church. The church should be a community of Believers caring for and looking after one another so if a young girl in the family of God dresses inappropriately and the parents don`t say anything, then someone in the church should lovingly and kindly either speak with the mother or the girl. If it is a young child, maybe speaking with the mother is best. If it is a teen or young adult, then speaking with the girl is best. Sometimes these girls sincerely have not been properly advised and don`t realize the harm of their clothes. They just think they are being fashionable. But someone needs to point out scripture to them. Many probably don`t even know the Bible says anything about it. And then someone needs to lovingly explain to the girl how these clothes tempt their Christian brothers and as a family we need to avoid doing anything to cause another to stumble. Then it needs to be pointed out this is the House of God so we need to show respect. Our purpose in coming is for worship and prayer. Finally it needs to be pointed out when she goes into the world boys may interpret her way of dressing as an invitation. The more she shows, the more he thinks she is willing to give of herself. That is a very gentle approach for a generation that is confused about dress, but when I was young there was no confusion. There was an unspoken understanding of how to dress to go to church. So I remember one Sunday a teen was not dressed bad by today`s standards but at that time it was a little inappropriate and the pastor just told her flat out she needs to dress better. But it was in a community where we all knew each other and grew up together so such frankness was appropriate and she listened. But today probably a more private and gentle approach would be needed.
But what precisely is "inappropriate"?

Of course we shouldn't be sexuallizing the sexually immature that's just asking for trouble. I agree with you there.
I ask because is it inappropriate if you wear a shortish skirt but also wear leggings underneath? thus show no skin.
Or a semi see through shirt if you then have a normal long sleeve shirt underneath that aswell.

Sure wearing those things on there own might would be extremely Trampy/Trashy but combining them with other clothes lowers there effect. When dose it cross a line from wanting to look nice to it begin your fault for "invoking lust" What a guy finds attractive varies from person to person even if you dress in a binbag someone in there mind I'm sure will think it's close enough to black leather.

Arn't they really just shifting the blame. Equal too Ooh they shouldn't make cakes look so nice because I wouldn't be so fat. :|

But beyond that males have higher sex drives than females I know this because... it's a nearly universially reported change. Transmen taking T having problems with hypersexuallity and the opposite problem for transwomen.

Men having much higher sex drives than those it's just part of their physical condition. Of course some males are a rare exception, and there is a difference from having those urges and acting on them obviously in alot of situations it's gonna be inappropriate.
But I have to question if your logic of guilting yourself all the time for even THINKING about sex, is a healthy passtime it sounds like an obsessive self-destructive behaviour.

Some of you will disagree with me I'm sure "Oh it's impossible that god designed men with more feelings that make him sin he isn't cruel like that."
But what precisely is "inappropriate"?

Of course we shouldn't be sexuallizing the sexually immature that's just asking for trouble. I agree with you there.
I ask because is it inappropriate if you wear a shortish skirt but also wear leggings underneath? thus show no skin.
Or a semi see through shirt if you then have a normal long sleeve shirt underneath that aswell.

Sure wearing those things on there own might would be extremely Trampy/Trashy but combining them with other clothes lowers there effect. When dose it cross a line from wanting to look nice to it begin your fault for "invoking lust" What a guy finds attractive varies from person to person even if you dress in a binbag someone in there mind I'm sure will think it's close enough to black leather.

Arn't they really just shifting the blame. Equal too Ooh they shouldn't make cakes look so nice because I wouldn't be so fat. :|

But beyond that males have higher sex drives than females I know this because... it's a nearly universially reported change. Transmen taking T having problems with hypersexuallity and the opposite problem for transwomen.

Men having much higher sex drives than those it's just part of their physical condition. Of course some males are a rare exception, and there is a difference from having those urges and acting on them obviously in alot of situations it's gonna be inappropriate.
But I have to question if your logic of guilting yourself all the time for even THINKING about sex, is a healthy passtime it sounds like an obsessive self-destructive behaviour.

Some of you will disagree with me I'm sure "Oh it's impossible that god designed men with more feelings that make him sin he isn't cruel like that."

I don`t think people will disagree with you that men tend to be more sexual than women at least in the physical sense of the word. This IS the way God perfectly designed man to be, and the design is good.
As for inappropriate, the Bible says women should dress like women and to do it modestly. So common sense would say we should not toe any lines. If we are having to question if something would pass the test, then it is probably best to put it back in the closet because we don`t want to just "pass the test" when we go in the House of Prayer and come before God. We want to come confidently, passing with flying colors.

This is such a sexist thread :sad

Doubt anyone would care if women dressed 'provocatively' if they were fat, ugly, old or all three.

I disagree. To say the thread is sexist is to say God is sexist because He is the one that set a dress code. This is not a matter of man made tradition being imposed on the church. This comes straight from the Bible. Therefore, yes it is a concern for all woman regardless of size, age, or looks, but the focus is on younger girls because the older generation tends not to cross these lines as much. But part of that problem is the church itself. The church has become so worldly looking there no longer is a look of holiness when one walks in many churches so young people tend to feel it is okay to dress any way in my opinion.
I disagree. To say the thread is sexist is to say God is sexist because He is the one that set a dress code. This is not a matter of man made tradition being imposed on the church. This comes straight from the Bible. Therefore, yes it is a concern for all woman regardless of size, age, or looks, but the focus is on younger girls because the older generation tends not to cross these lines as much. But part of that problem is the church itself. The church has become so worldly looking there no longer is a look of holiness when one walks in many churches so young people tend to feel it is okay to dress any way in my opinion.

Sorry to say but, whenever I read the bible regarding women, it usually strikes me as heavily sexist.

But I'm not really overly concerned about that, I'm mostly perturbed over if this so called, 'ungodly dress' was about fat, ugly old women no-one would bat an eyelid.

So it seems to me to be strictly about people's thoughts rather then how one is dressed.
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The Bible is sexist God created 2 sexes. Each sex has its place. God's way and man's way clash often with the media pounding stuff into our heads we forget. God is correct, God is right We are His creation.

Some place there is a balance. Some of the scriptures just gotta' be following customs... And our customs of today have place... NT women were told not to dress like a harlet.. the harlets colthing of the day was different then today but the whole idea is still there....

School uniforms would be a help to the whole of the USA.
Sorry to say but, whenever I read the bible regarding women, it usually strikes me as heavily sexist.

But I'm not really overly concerned about that, I'm mostly perturbed over if this so called, 'ungodly dress' was about fat, ugly old women no-one would bat an eyelid.

So it seems to me to be strictly about people's thoughts rather then how one is dressed.

I think it is about how one dresses and that is how the Bible addresses it. The Bible addresses lust as its own individual problem. Each is a separate issue but if one area is ignored it tends to spread to other areas. It is like lying and stealing tend to go hand and hand. Likewise provocative dressing and lust tend to go hand in hand.
I can see how you would see the Bible as sexist, but I think the more we put our trust in God, the more we see the wisdom, protection and love in God`s Word.
I think it is about how one dresses and that is how the Bible addresses it. The Bible addresses lust as its own individual problem. Each is a separate issue but if one area is ignored it tends to spread to other areas. It is like lying and stealing tend to go hand and hand. Likewise provocative dressing and lust tend to go hand in hand.
I can see how you would see the Bible as sexist, but I think the more we put our trust in God, the more we see the wisdom, protection and love in God`s Word.

Yes I agree with your last part. And if more Christians concentrated on that, then perhaps 'dress' would cease to be priority.
I think it is about how one dresses and that is how the Bible addresses it. The Bible addresses lust as its own individual problem. Each is a separate issue but if one area is ignored it tends to spread to other areas. It is like lying and stealing tend to go hand and hand. Likewise provocative dressing and lust tend to go hand in hand.
I can see how you would see the Bible as sexist, but I think the more we put our trust in God, the more we see the wisdom, protection and love in God`s Word.

The thing is lust occur regardless of how one is dressed.

People imagine all sorts about people they've never met like over the internet!

That's why I said it's more about people's thoughts then people's dress.
My daughter has now become a teenager in every sense of the word which means that I spend a lot my time like this :wall

The thing is, she used to want to dress very, she wants to be fashionable, and I can't say that I blame her, I wanted to be (and was) fashionable at her age as well. The thing is, it is HARD, so very very hard to find fashionable clothing that is also modest.

Thank goodness some changes are happening in the fashion industry...waistlines are going up on pants and hemlines are coming down on shirts. So, when I take her shopping, she immediately goes for the (what I call slutty) fashionable look and I'm dragging out the grandma clothes but we can usually find some nice outfits that fit her definition of fashion and my standards of modesty. I guess we had some success as the girls at her school are asking her where she buys her clothes.

;) I think we can thank the fact that we have a President with young girls in the White House. The Obama girls certainly opened up a wider range of modest yet fashionable clothing. There for a while, it was hard to find anything but the "Prostitot" type clothes for my daughter. :nono2

As for this thread being sexist...yes, I agree it is...but, the fact that it is sexist doesn't mitigate the fact that we also have a problem with lust, inappropriate fashions and immodesty in our land.

Frankly, I think Pizzaguy hit the nail on the soon as Adam and Eve were covered up, that's when the problem began. So, while it IS still needs to be dealt with.

I think we sisters need to do our part by dressing modestly and teaching our young girls and sisters in the Lord to do so.

And, you guys need to do your part by adorning your mind (borrowing from PG here) with that which is holy so that we Christian women aren't forced to feel like we have to dress in a burka so as not to "cause lust".


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