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The Christian Woman & Her Wardrobe


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Honestly guys, is it really your Christian sisters dressing like this?
Yes Jason I have had women in bars say to me...

Well, there's your problem! ;)[/quote]
Mike, I have a teenage daughter also, so I know what you are talking about. One year she needed a semi-formal dress for a school dance and EVERYTHING in the stores was so sleazy that it looked like hooker apparel. I ended up sewing her a dress.

And I will tell you another thing that bothers me about clothes is not just how little there is of it, but also what is on it. Namely the Victoria Secret "Pink" line. I am shocked at what mother allows her young, young girl to wear clothing advertising what underwear is on underneath. Sure, it may be a modest jacket, but it has the victoria secret "Pink" written all over it. The girl may as well show her panties, since we already know what they are and where she shops.
Hi all. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned women looking at men. That does happen, right?

I realise that in most societies women are judged by their appearance more than men are and yes, female desire is probably far more subtle than the male version and much less based on ogling. But still, will none of the ladies admit to having a quick glance at a guy on the beach?

What does it say about this discussion that nobody's asking if men should choose modest swimwear?
logical bob said:
Hi all. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned women looking at men. That does happen, right?

I realise that in most societies women are judged by their appearance more than men are and yes, female desire is probably far more subtle than the male version and much less based on ogling. But still, will none of the ladies admit to having a quick glance at a guy on the beach?

What does it say about this discussion that nobody's asking if men should choose modest swimwear?
oh they do it, all the time. but most american men dont wear speedos(yuck) in my hometown.
logical bob said:
Hi all. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned women looking at men. That does happen, right?

I realise that in most societies women are judged by their appearance more than men are and yes, female desire is probably far more subtle than the male version and much less based on ogling. But still, will none of the ladies admit to having a quick glance at a guy on the beach?

What does it say about this discussion that nobody's asking if men should choose modest swimwear?

I see the point you are making, but you must admit that it is different for men than it is for women. The degree of attraction that comes from what men see is much greater than what comes from what women see... it has a stronger effect on the mind for men than for women.

However, I have said it before in a topic similar to this here, that men ought also to be aware of how they wear their clothes. I know that it is common for guys (if they're fit and confident with their physique) to wear their swimming trunks quite low on their hips, so as to reveal hints of shadows of things. If you ever see an ad with a guy with his shirt off, you may notice this also with his jeans. That is obviously a man trying to get a girl to look at him. But in general, guys clothing is not "risque" at all. You have the standard cut of jeans, t-shirts or sweatshirts, dress shirts, etc. Believe me, the whole "sagging" thing where some guys wear their pants so low around their thighs that you see their boxers or whatever is NOT attractive. I think they like how it looks better than women do...which is kinda wierd :screwloose

No matter how you feel about it, our society puts so much more emphasis on women's appearance (sexual) than men's that it has become an issue that concerns Christian women. We are the one's who need to watch what we wear, and it's not restrictive to say that, nor is it an insult to men to say that we should be careful not to make things difficult for them not to look.
To be perfectly honest, I find male nudity........... ewwwwww. It turns me off. Hahaha. I find it sexy if a man is well dressed in a tux, or even a nice suit. I guess we should outlaw tuxedo's and suits if you want me to stop ogling men. :eyebrow Luckily, men in tuxedos is rare and men no longer wear suits to church anymore. Phew! I am safe! :biggrin
PouringRain said:
To be perfectly honest, I find male nudity........... ewwwwww. It turns me off. Hahaha. I find it sexy if a man is well dressed in a tux, or even a nice suit. I guess we should outlaw tuxedo's and suits if you want me to stop ogling men. :eyebrow Luckily, men in tuxedos is rare and men no longer wear suits to church anymore. Phew! I am safe! :biggrin
you must be one of those that likes men in uniform. my wife loves it when i wear the army dress uniform or the duty uniform.(acu's and the earlier bdu's).
Lewis W said:
[quote="Caroline H":1tg0slb1]Absolutely, like lacy g-strings for 6 year old's and such!
G Strings, for 6 year olds ? :mouthdrop :mouthdrop Now I have heard it all. [/quote:1tg0slb1]

Yeah Lewis! They've been selling them for a few years now at places like JC Penney, Sears, Belks, etc... I couldn't believe it either, but one day I was in JC Penney where I used to work, and as I was heading to the restrooms going through the little girls section, there was a table full of little miniature versions of very grown up style lingerie bottoms. Little G-strings, little thongs, little lacy and mesh ones with bows and glitter and all. I was disgusted! No wonder we have a problem with paedophelia when we sexualize our little girls like that :grumpy
jasoncran said:
you must be one of those that likes men in uniform. my wife loves it when i wear the army dress uniform or the duty uniform.(acu's and the earlier bdu's).

Nope. Not one of those women. LOL

I think I have probably known way too many military men in my lifetime to not have some romanticized visual association of the alpha male that the uniform projects.
PouringRain said:
jasoncran said:
you must be one of those that likes men in uniform. my wife loves it when i wear the army dress uniform or the duty uniform.(acu's and the earlier bdu's).

Nope. Not one of those women. LOL

I think I have probably known way too many military men in my lifetime to not have some romanticized visual association of the alpha male that the uniform projects.
i can see why, trust me. i am not like those.
logical bob said:
Hi all. I'm surprised nobody's mentioned women looking at men. That does happen, right?

I realise that in most societies women are judged by their appearance more than men are and yes, female desire is probably far more subtle than the male version and much less based on ogling. But still, will none of the ladies admit to having a quick glance at a guy on the beach?

What does it say about this discussion that nobody's asking if men should choose modest swimwear?
Well Bob you are right, some women can be just as bad as the men, some keep it on the down low, and some don't, I have had my share of both in my past wild life. I have even been around women who talked freely in front of me about their sexual escapades, in my old drug days. And I use to say to myself, these chicks are just as bad as us, you should have heard the stuff that I use to hear. I have had women tell me, yeah we think about sex and doing it with guy's we see on the street too. But for the man that type of behavior can be displayed, where as the woman will be labeled a hoar. And in Biblical days, stoned to death. But here in America, England, and Sweden, this is normal behavior. But this is not new, there is nothing new under the sun, says the Bible.
I have another question, for some of you. Now what about Christian women wearing skirts or dresses that are not down to the ankles in church, or wearing pants that show their curves. And also Christian women wearing bathing suits on a beach. Or Christian women wearing blouses with the back out.
This is something that I know, when men can see much female skin or a womens curves even hi heels on a women in church, it can put sexual thoughts in their heads. One thing I can say about the Muslims, that I like, and this is the only thing. Keeping the woman covered takes a lot of attention off of the females. Now in Biblical times, Hebrew & Christian women, kept themselves covered. So you have the women in church, that cover their heads and then Monday morning go to work wearing tight jeans, that make men imagine lying down with you in bed, not hard to imagine. I am not getting on anybodies case, I just want to hear what some of the answers will be. I live in a big city, Philly so I see this stuff everyday, no matter where I go. So do you think that women should wear clothing down to the ankles in church, or better yet there are still churches, that won't even allow women to wear pants to church, so what do you all think about that. And should Christian women wear tight curve showing jeans, or spandex, clothing ?

I think it is very sad how the Muslims "keep" there women covered. I spent a year in the middle east. Past all common sense some of these ladies are treated like chattel and worse can even develop a lack of vitamin D. My sister still has to take vitamin D tablets.

And why decide past the ankle? Past the knee? That is rather legalistic and particulars are not specified in the bible. It boils down to opinion. I think pants (not tight) are far more modest; the wind can't blow them up and they are practical.
I have another question, for some of you. Now what about Christian women wearing skirts or dresses that are not down to the ankles in church, or wearing pants that show their curves. And also Christian women wearing bathing suits on a beach. Or Christian women wearing blouses with the back out.

This is something that I know, when men can see much female skin or a womens curves even hi heels on a women in church, it can put sexual thoughts in their heads.

One thing I can say about the Muslims, that I like, and this is the only thing. Keeping the woman covered takes a lot of attention off of the females. Now in Biblical times, Hebrew & Christian women, kept themselves covered. So you have the women in church, that cover their heads and then Monday morning go to work wearing tight jeans, that make men imagine lying down with you in bed, not hard to imagine. I am not getting on anybodies case, I just want to hear what some of the answers will be. I live in a big city, Philly so I see this stuff everyday, no matter where I go. So do you think that women should wear clothing down to the ankles in church, or better yet there are still churches, that won't even allow women to wear pants to church, so what do you all think about that. And should Christian women wear tight curve showing jeans, or spandex, clothing ?

1) First, let me get this out of the way - there is nothing about Islam or Muslims that I find I can respect. To keep a woman covered like that is disrespectful to women; it reduces them to a sex object. It discounts their own feelings, wishes and freedom in the name of "preventing the lust of men". (Or so we are told. It's odd how we are told that Islam promises numerous virgins to martyrs in heaven. Sounds to me like Islam is a sex-obsessed religion – a pagan belief system like we see in “Roman†history.) And, what is this sex in heaven stupid stuff all about? What would the need of sex in heaven be? Forget for a moment that the Bible says that we will not be “male or female†in heaven – since Islam doesn’t follow the Bible – instead, just TRY to make sense of it. Something smells VERY fishy about the “peaceful and moral religion†that Islam is SUPPOSED to be.

2) If you want to stop the lust of men - then the only thing we can do is to go back to is a totally nude humanity. We must go back to the Garden of Eden. It is CLOTHING that causes lust.

So, now that I have everyone on the board disagreeing with me...

Yes. Clothing causes lust. Nudity does not. Think about it, God started us off in nudity. There was no problem until SIN entered the picture. Nudity was not sinful. Disobedience was sinful.

Look at what we do in this society. Reuters reported on a study of the American economy. The study was released in 2008 and reflected 2007 numbers. We spent over 7 billion dollars that year on "women's intimate apparel".

Did you read that? We spent 7 BILLION dollars putting clothes on women in order to make them alluring, sexy, etc. If being nude is so "lust-inspiring", then why not save the money and just disrobe?

Skimpy clothing does get your attention, but it’s not what you can SEE that gets you going – it’s what is hidden. Look at a bathing suit - what it covers is what your eyes gravitate towards. It's the hidden, the unseen, the "taboo" that stimulates our minds.

Of course, I know what all of this means – we are without hope of being able to live right this side of heaven. Once we were thrown out of the Garden – it was all over – life on this globe would never be the same, and it would never be what God intended.

Go looking for answers in how we dress, you won’t find them. The problem is not what adorns our bodies – but what adorns our minds.
Godspromise has stated things very well...

Let me tell ya guys somthing women lust also. Some guy spliten' wood shirt off levis.... We have our problems too.

Bathing suits? what ya' al want wet T shirts?

Proper bathing suits are needed.

I guess I know what you mean. Although the fact is that some bikinis actually show less than some stringy one piece suits.

(Two cents'.)
Modest attire -

While it's true that churches that MAJOR on "clothesline holiness" actually believe that forcing their women to look like anachronistic freaks is the way to go, there's any number of stylish alternatives which are modest also, and DOESN'T call attention to the woman either positively or negatively.
Way back in the 50s a Penticostal woman would be could pick them out of a crowd...i swear it was a uniform....

underwear with no support, a dark ill fitting dress, off color dark stockings, black shoes, she had a bun at the back of her neck, a brooch, stinky perfume. Make up not on your life.

The younger penticostal women of the day wore pretty colours in their dresses but they HAD to be 10 years or more out of style some eye make-up but NEVER, heaven help me, lipstick.
Some even dared to wear earrings but ONLY tiny clipons

The unforgivable sin of looking good.


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