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The Christian Woman & Her Wardrobe


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There is another one, that Job said, ok here it is.

# Job 31:1
I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?
Job 31:1

So it is apparent that Job could go lusty also, so he had to look the other way, when he saw a fine woman.
Almost every man I know, ranging from teenagers to old men, have lust problems. So what difference does a woman's attires make ? ... Even if she's fully clothed, there will still be roving eyes .... :poke

:biglol :shades :rollingpin ...... :couch
But in a place like the nudist beach in Sweden, probably even a gorgeous, hot, sexy babe like me will not attract much of a attention from the men there even if I appear totally nude !

:mouthdrop ............. :bump
Tina said:
But in a place like the nudist beach in Sweden, probably even a gorgeous, hot, sexy babe like me will not attract much of a attention from the men there even if I appear totally nude !

:mouthdrop ............. :bump


:biggrin Just kidding.
Tina said:
Almost every man I know, ranging from teenagers to old men, have lust problems. So what difference does a woman's attires make ? ... Even if she's fully clothed, there will still be roving eyes .... :poke

:biglol :shades :rollingpin ...... :couch
Tina, I think you are right, but the Muslim woman who cover themselves have less sexual attacks, than other woman.
Lewis W said:
Tina, I think you are right, but the Muslim woman who cover themselves have less sexual attacks, than other woman.

That will be so true in a Muslim majority country. But I guess it also depends on where you live. Where I live, many Muslim women wear shorts or short skirts outside, many even show cleavage, and I'm not aware of higher sexual attacks against them. I brought a Muslim friend to church once and she had a shorts on that exposed most of her legs. As a matter of fact, she was the only one dressed that way in church, but even then, we did not make a big deal of it ...
GodspromisesRyes said:
I dont think women ask themselves enough ( christian women i mean) " would i wear this if i was in the house all day alone and was going nowhere and no one was coming over"

That may seem a strange question but if we wouldnt walk around in 6 inch heels all day alone then we can see the reason we go out that way is TO BE SEEN. That should tell us there is something wrong with our motives.

Big "ah-hah!" moment with this one! I had never thought of it like that and you're so right. I wonder if makeup, jewelry, etc are included? I don't wear any of that at home.. :gah
Tina said:
Lewis W said:
Tina, I think you are right, but the Muslim woman who cover themselves have less sexual attacks, than other woman.

That will be so true in a Muslim majority country. But I guess it also depends on where you live. Where I live, many Muslim women wear shorts or short skirts outside, many even show cleavage, and I'm not aware of higher sexual attacks against them. I brought a Muslim friend to church once and she had a shorts on that exposed most of her legs. As a matter of fact, she was the only one dressed that way in church, but even then, we did not make a big deal of it ...
I was only talking about the Muslim woman, who cover themselves head to toe. The other one who don't I see everyday, I a few in my family. I live in the historic part of Germantown Philadelphia, and it seems like it is being run over by Muslims, and many of us don't like it. But anyway I see both types of Muslim woman dress, strict and loose. There is a Mosque up the street on Germantown avenue, and we hate it, and all the women that go into their side or should I say the women's entrance is covered except for sometimes the little female Muslims.
PouringRain said:
I agree that women should dress modestly and not cause men to stumble. :thumb

GodspromisesRyes said:
I dont think women ask themselves enough ( christian women i mean) " would i wear this if i was in the house all day alone and was going nowhere and no one was coming over"

That may seem a strange question but if we wouldnt walk around in 6 inch heels all day alone then we can see the reason we go out that way is TO BE SEEN. That should tell us there is something wrong with our motives.

What's wrong with six inch heels? :lol I think underneath ankle length skirts most people don't even notice them. :confused
:lol :lol :lol :biglol
I think when a woman is full of the Holy Spirit instead of herself it will show in the way she dresses and speaks. It's easy to spot the women who are influenced by the world, and they are a lot more numerous than the ones who aren't, even in the church. I guess that can be true of both women or men, except the women are commanded to dress modestly.
destiny said:
I think when a woman is full of the Holy Spirit instead of herself it will show in the way she dresses and speaks. It's easy to spot the women who are influenced by the world, and they are a lot more numerous than the ones who aren't, even in the church. I guess that can be true of both women or men, except the women are commanded to dress modestly.

Yep :thumb Something I find very discouraging is the worldliness that permeates so many congregations. I think that how a woman dresses can be very telling of her spiritual maturity, and I find it shameful that most Christian women just don't seem to get it :shame
Tina said:
But in a place like the nudist beach in Sweden, probably even a gorgeous, hot, sexy babe like me will not attract much of a attention from the men there even if I appear totally nude !

:mouthdrop ............. :bump
I know there is a hint of humor here, but Tina does bring to light an interesting point... the glaring differences in cultures. Here in the US, so much is taken to it's (illogical) extreme. Therefore, we struggle with issues that many cultures just do not. This is both good and bad for us in the US. If we get too progressive, the underlying moral compass begins to sway. We see it happening right in front of our eyes.

No moderation or modesty at all. :shame

Destiny is correct. What's best for us, all of us, is to be Christ-centered. We will do what is morally correct out of love, not law. Islam takes it so far to the right, every must be legislated, strictly enforced. Again it comes down to culture; a culture is which men need to keep their primitive emotions under control through either force, or at another's expense or civil rights or both.

I will also add that indeed women are responsible to a certain degree too. It's a two way street ladies. Women should not be the cause of another believer to stumble. That in itself, in sinful in nature. I dislike it when women wear shirts well above the knee or wear form-fitting jeans, etc. to a church! (include revealing cleavage in that statement also)
I agree as well that it is a two-way street. I try to dress modestly, no cleavage, no short shorts, a one piece skirted bathing suit when I go swimming. If a brother has such a lust issue that seeing my legs, or my arms or my neck is too much for him, then I lovingingly suggest that being at a pool or a beach on a hot summer's day is not the place for him until he can get himself under control. I tend to "hang" with Christians. I know my husband doesn't have issues with seeing other women who are dressed modestly according to modren American standards of what is modest. I don't think that any of the other men in our circle do either. Believe me, we women know when a man is struggling with lust, it's kind of obvious in the way he acts.

We women do indeed have a responsibility to be modest. You men also have some responsibilities as well.
Handy Wrote
Believe me, we women know when a man is struggling with lust, it's kind of obvious in the way he acts.
And some women, love to be lusted on, that is why they wear cloths like that. And then you have the women who wear hardly any cloths, and then when a man comes on to them, they act offended. And I have heard men ask them, well why did you come out here dressed like that, if you did not want a man to say something to you ?
Lewis W said:
Handy Wrote
Believe me, we women know when a man is struggling with lust, it's kind of obvious in the way he acts.
And some women, love to be lusted on, that is why they wear cloths like that. And then you have the women who wear hardly any cloths, and then when a man comes on to them, they act offended. And I have heard men ask them, well why did you come out here dressed like that, if you did not want a man to say something to you ?
that is my wifes pet peave, she hates that when a woman wears almost nothing and expects a man not to look at her, duh.
Yes Jason I have had women in bars say to me, when I was hanging in bars, (well he should not have touched me)and I say well you have your butt cheeks almost showing with your low cut tight pants and your G string pulled up in the back and most of your chest showing. And I would say, I'm ready to touch you. :shrug
Part of the problem is what they're selling out there. Well, I guess (in the U.S.) demand drives supply, but still...

I know I'm talking younger ages here, but if anyone has ever gone shopping for pre-teen and teenage girls clothing, it is very upsetting. It's hard to find something that my wife and I feel is appropriate for our 12 year old to wear! The belt line on the pants rides low, and the clothing up top is very racy. Our selection is down to about 15% of what they sell.

Here's another issue I have. Girls who wear, and parents who let them wear, pants with writing on the back-side. I can be minding my own business and get drawn into reading something (if even for a second) before I realize I'm looking at a young lady where I shouldn't be looking. I get the kids' poor judgment in wearing this, but the parents who allow it... :shrug

Clothing is being sold that is inappropriate, and it starts with young ladies.
jasoncran said:
Lewis W said:
Handy Wrote
Believe me, we women know when a man is struggling with lust, it's kind of obvious in the way he acts.
And some women, love to be lusted on, that is why they wear cloths like that. And then you have the women who wear hardly any cloths, and then when a man comes on to them, they act offended. And I have heard men ask them, well why did you come out here dressed like that, if you did not want a man to say something to you ?
that is my wifes pet peave, she hates that when a woman wears almost nothing and expects a man not to look at her, duh.

Honestly guys, is it really your Christian sisters dressing like this?

Yes Jason I have had women in bars say to me...

Well, there's your problem! ;)
Mike said:
Part of the problem is what they're selling out there. Well, I guess (in the U.S.) demand drives supply, but still...

I know I'm talking younger ages here, but if anyone has ever gone shopping for pre-teen and teenage girls clothing, it is very upsetting. It's hard to find something that my wife and I feel is appropriate for our 12 year old to wear! The belt line on the pants rides low, and the clothing up top is very racy. Our selection is down to about 15% of what they sell.

Here's another issue I have. Girls who wear, and parents who let them wear, pants with writing on the back-side. I can be minding my own business and get drawn into reading something (if even for a second) before I realize I'm looking at a young lady where I shouldn't be looking. I get the kids' poor judgment in wearing this, but the parents who allow it... :shrug

Clothing is being sold that is inappropriate, and it starts with young ladies.

Yes, yes, yes, this is a HUGE problem. Some of the worst fights I've had with my daughter is over the clothes they sell. She wants to dress fashionably, but "fashion" nowdays means that the bum is hanging out and the bra is showing. And I agree totally about clothing with writing on it. I will not buy my daughter any clothing that has any kind of writing on it. Period. Just by sticking to that hard and fast rule, we simply avoid problems.

I find the best place to buy jeans for my daughter is in the thrift shops, where they sell older fashions. I've tried to buy new, fashionable clothes, the kind my daughter wants to wear and we try it on and I have her do some gymnastics in the dressing room and sometimes I really think that they'll be OK, and then the next thing I know, they are riding too low. :mad


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