Repeat... I never said that.
You certainly implied it. I initially said:
"That is
not the argument that was made, was it? The argument was: “their jab is extremely successful in doing what they designed it to do - kill healthy people”.
That is patently false, if only for the reason that if it was designed to kill healthy people, they failed miserably at it. "
You responded:
"I guess that is debatable if you haven't read their plans in documents such as lockstep, agenda 21 and agenda 30. You should read them"
So, if you "never said that," then your response pointing to "lockstep, agenda 21 and agenda 30" and saying that I should read them makes no sense.
So you admit that its murder in the 1st degree... They knew it would kill people and said nothing... Even worse they told us all its safe and effective... A criminal offence
No, not that is not what I said. Initially the vaccines were deemed safe, based on the results of clinical testing on thousands of people. It wasn't until the vaccines were rolled out to the public in huge numbers that some people began to die and some other adverse reactions were discovered. They then informed the public of these things; it was never hidden.
You seem to think its okay to lie about these serious adverse events and ignore the people that are suffering from them...
Then you have misunderstood much of what I have said. Again, they haven't lied; the information has been available as these things have been discovered.
Ive supplied data in the form of countless graphs, news paper articles and such...
You've provided nothing of the sort... Just babble
The data iv presented proves the jabs aren't working
The data you have provided shows no such thing. Data is data; it is your misinterpretation of the data that is the issue. One of the biggest problems I have seen on social media is that the general public does not understand how to read data, even simple graphs can be misinterpreted. Not to mention that there can often be more than one plausible explanation.
I could provide data but I know that it is of no use.
The potential side effects have always been known by them, as you say, yet you somehow think its ok to promote it as safe and effective...
The vaccines are relatively safe and effective. You and others here are falsely believing that this is an all-or-nothing issue; that either the vaccines are 100% safe and 100% effective or they are not all safe and not at all effective. But that is absurd as no other vaccine or medication is likely held to such a standard, yet they are considered relatively safe and effective.
Your normalizing vaccine deaths and injury...
Death from a virus is normal
Death from a syringe is not normal
I am normalizing nothing. Of course death from a syringe is not normal, yet it is always one of the potential side effects from vaccines. It is impossible to be able to account for every single person's possible reaction from a vaccine.
Your justifying vaccine injury...
Not intentionally; it is just a fact that COVID has at least some of those same effects and to a greater degree.
Ok i actually get your point here... Maybe it is the governments who should be held accountable. Problem is that their not so all these people now are sick from these evil needles and have no help at all...
Some are, such as in Canada, although to what extent I do not know, apart from a fund that was put in place.
You provide no evidence or data or even a valid argument...
All your trying to do is justify the sacrifice of people being killed and disabled...
Fact - They knew it was going to kill and injure people
Fact - They promoted it as safe and effective (criminal offence)
Fact -The jab is killing and injuring people
Fact - They continue to claim its safe (1st degree murder)
This is medical science, this is how it works. "Safe" is a relative term.
Fact - They knew, based on past experience with many vaccines, that some people would have adverse reactions and some would die. They also knew, as the data shows, that the vaccines would save lives and prevent hospitalizations.
Fact - They promoted it as safe because it is for the vast majority of people. They promoted it as effective because it has saved lives and prevented hospitalizations by reducing the seriousness of the illness for most people.
Fact - COVID has killed and injured more people than the vaccines, hence the need for the vaccines.
Fact - The claim that it is 1st degree murder is false because it was not premeditated and it is safe for the vast majority of people.
I have two questions for you...
Considering you admit the jabs are killing and disabling some people, why should i be forced into taking such a risk???
No one should be forced into taking it, but if someone doesn't take it, there may be social consequences.
What do you say to a family who is dealing with a death or disability because they were tricked into thinking the jab was safe???
Who has been tricked? Do you know of people that have been tricked?
What do you say to a family who is dealing with a death or disability because they were told the vaccines will kill them but COVID isn't a big deal?