Capt. Kirk
Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can think. Hope everyone enjoyed theirs. It's interesting how the majority of my atheist friends don't share the joy of just giving "Thanks." I do.
This is a wonderful subject being discussed. Without becoming prolix, I'd like to inject my ten
cents worth.
Information Theory is a new field of science that has many Creationist adherents. Dr. Gerhard
Witt has an excellent book offered by Answers in Genesis..."In the Beginning was Information."
Since I'm presenting brief concepts, I'll not cite it. I'll just recommend it.
Cosmologists are trying to redefine the first few seconds of our "Existence." The Big Bang has
way too many holes in its logic, and even with Inflation Theory, it's still shaky. But, it's all the other side has to offer.
Thus, cosmologists are re-examining their definition of time. The newest idea is that Time is the
engine that drives Entropy which in turn reads the Information defining the universe. Biblically, this works.
Strong defines the Genesis "Day"/yom as heat. That means physics.
If Creation was an uninterrupted process, phase to phase, it could happen in an "instant."
Reference: 1 Co 15:52 & 2 Pet 3:13...Assuming the Second Coming is tied in with the new
heaven/earth, then the new heaven/earth would appear in an instant.
Also, if all the information defining our present universe is read, and there is no more info,
then our universe would out of necessity have to disappear. Hence, the new heaven/earth.
Secondly, there would be no entropy. And no time.
Which brings us back to Creation. Until sin in the Garden, time could not have existed since
there was no sin and sin caused the entropic conditions that results in man's fall and death, etc.
Creation would be instantaneous phase to phase (I like the idea of structural parallelism) and
"day" would retain the definition of heat, which I feel is more proper.
The light of day one would be a function of Newtonian Physics. If a static body reduces its
intrinsic potential by moving to a lower energy level, energy is emitted. Visible light, invisible
light, radiation, etc., are some of the resultants.
If the structural matter of our universe came from God, it would be devolved from a higher
energy (God = infinite = infinite mass = infinite energy.) Positing a Fundamental Particle (my
term - a bit of God's essence) into a vacuum (space), the result would be a release of energy and formation of matter.
Thus, emitted light would first appear, then light from suns would follow.
Isn't the Bible an exciting book!
This is a wonderful subject being discussed. Without becoming prolix, I'd like to inject my ten
cents worth.
Information Theory is a new field of science that has many Creationist adherents. Dr. Gerhard
Witt has an excellent book offered by Answers in Genesis..."In the Beginning was Information."
Since I'm presenting brief concepts, I'll not cite it. I'll just recommend it.
Cosmologists are trying to redefine the first few seconds of our "Existence." The Big Bang has
way too many holes in its logic, and even with Inflation Theory, it's still shaky. But, it's all the other side has to offer.
Thus, cosmologists are re-examining their definition of time. The newest idea is that Time is the
engine that drives Entropy which in turn reads the Information defining the universe. Biblically, this works.
Strong defines the Genesis "Day"/yom as heat. That means physics.
If Creation was an uninterrupted process, phase to phase, it could happen in an "instant."
Reference: 1 Co 15:52 & 2 Pet 3:13...Assuming the Second Coming is tied in with the new
heaven/earth, then the new heaven/earth would appear in an instant.
Also, if all the information defining our present universe is read, and there is no more info,
then our universe would out of necessity have to disappear. Hence, the new heaven/earth.
Secondly, there would be no entropy. And no time.
Which brings us back to Creation. Until sin in the Garden, time could not have existed since
there was no sin and sin caused the entropic conditions that results in man's fall and death, etc.
Creation would be instantaneous phase to phase (I like the idea of structural parallelism) and
"day" would retain the definition of heat, which I feel is more proper.
The light of day one would be a function of Newtonian Physics. If a static body reduces its
intrinsic potential by moving to a lower energy level, energy is emitted. Visible light, invisible
light, radiation, etc., are some of the resultants.
If the structural matter of our universe came from God, it would be devolved from a higher
energy (God = infinite = infinite mass = infinite energy.) Positing a Fundamental Particle (my
term - a bit of God's essence) into a vacuum (space), the result would be a release of energy and formation of matter.
Thus, emitted light would first appear, then light from suns would follow.
Isn't the Bible an exciting book!